CodeIgniter MySQL select sum query - codeigniter-3

I am using model below in CodeIgniter to get the sum of a column:
public function b2c_totalsales()
return $result;
and in the controller:
and I am getting:
Severity: 4096
Message: Object of class CI_DB_mysqli_driver could not be converted to string
Filename: views/reports_b2c.php
where is the error?

You need to execute the query with get:
$result = $this->db->get('orders_b2c')->row();
return $result;


Symfony createView causes error

I am using Symfony 3.3.10
I have the following code
* #Route("/meta/edit/{metaId}", name="edit_price_meta_data")
public function editMetaAction(Request $request,ItemPriceMeta $metaId)
$metaDataForm = $this->createForm("ItemBundle\Form\ItemPriceMetaType");
$data = [
return $this->render("#Item/Prices/Manage/editMetaData.html.twig",$data);
It produces the following error.
Error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded
in vendor\doctrine\orm\lib\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork.php (line 2513)
public function createEntity($className, array $data, &$hints = array()){
$class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className);
//$isReadOnly = isset($hints[Query::HINT_READ_ONLY])
$id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $data);
$idHash = implode(' ', $id);
if (isset($this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash])) {
$entity = $this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash];
$oid = spl_object_hash($entity);
The actual line highlighted as causing the error is $id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $data);
Removing 'metaDataForm'=>$metaDataForm->createView(), from my array, removes the error, so it seems to be the rendering of the form that is causing the error.
Increase PHP memory usage in php.ini

display the table data using pagination in zend

When i am doing pagination using zend:
I am getting this error:
Notice: Undefined variable: db in /var/www/ZendApp/application/controllers/ContsizesController.php on line 17
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object in /var/www/ZendApp/application/controllers/ContsizesController.php on line 17
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM contsize ';
$result = $db->fetchAll($sql);
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($result);
The above mentioned code i am using in controller.
Please help me to correct it.Advance Thanks
I hope this can help you.
class PathToClass_ClassName extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
/*$_name is zend global for selecting db table*/
protected $_name = 'contsize';
public function paginationZend()
/*$this->select() by default selectingall records from database*/
$SELECT = $this->SELECT();
$result = $this->fetchAll($SELECT);
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($result);
Than you can call your function where you want.

ZF2 - Show just one error on forms

I can't seem to get ZF2 to show just one error message for failed form validation messages.
For example, an EmailAddress validator can pass back up to 7 messages and typically shows the following if the user has made a typo:
oli.meffff' is not a valid hostname for the email address
The input appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list
The input appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed
How can I override the error to show something a little more friendly, such as "Please enter a valid email address" instead of specifics like the above?
OK, managed to come up with a solution for this. Instead of using the same string as the error for all validator failures as Sam suggested above, I have overridden the error messages in the InputFilter for the elements and then used a custom form error view helper to show only the first message.
Here is the helper:
namespace Application\Form\View\Helper;
use Traversable;
use \Zend\Form\ElementInterface;
use \Zend\Form\Exception;
class FormElementSingleErrors extends \Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormElementErrors
* Render validation errors for the provided $element
* #param ElementInterface $element
* #param array $attributes
* #throws Exception\DomainException
* #return string
public function render(ElementInterface $element, array $attributes = array())
$messages = $element->getMessages();
if (empty($messages)) {
return '';
if (!is_array($messages) && !$messages instanceof Traversable) {
throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
'%s expects that $element->getMessages() will return an array or Traversable; received "%s"',
(is_object($messages) ? get_class($messages) : gettype($messages))
// We only want a single message
$messages = array(current($messages));
// Prepare attributes for opening tag
$attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $attributes);
$attributes = $this->createAttributesString($attributes);
if (!empty($attributes)) {
$attributes = ' ' . $attributes;
// Flatten message array
$escapeHtml = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper();
$messagesToPrint = array();
array_walk_recursive($messages, function ($item) use (&$messagesToPrint, $escapeHtml) {
$messagesToPrint[] = $escapeHtml($item);
if (empty($messagesToPrint)) {
return '';
// Generate markup
$markup = sprintf($this->getMessageOpenFormat(), $attributes);
$markup .= implode($this->getMessageSeparatorString(), $messagesToPrint);
$markup .= $this->getMessageCloseString();
return $markup;
It's just an extension of FormElementErrors with the render function overridden to include this:
// We only want a single message
$messages = array(current($messages));
I then insert the helper into my application using the solution I posted to my issue here.

$this->fetchRow creates failure in phpunit in Zend framework

I followed Rob Allens ZF 1 Tutorial and wanted to pimp it up with some UnitTesting. But whenever I run the phpunit command, i get the message:
here was 1 failure:
1) IndexControllerTest::testDeleteAction
Failed asserting last controller used <"error"> was "Index"
Tests: 4, Assertions: 9, Failures: 1.
The Action in question is the deleteAction and looks like this:
public function deleteAction() {
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$del = $this->getRequest()->getPost('del');
if ($del == 'Yes') {
$id = $this->getRequest()->getPost('id');
$wishes = new Application_Model_DbTable_Wishes();
else {
$id = $this->_getParam('id', 0);
$wishes = new Application_Model_DbTable_Wishes();
$this->view->wish = $wishes->getWish($id);
I tracked the error down to be $wishes>getWish($id); so if i go to that function, that looks like this:
public function getWish($id) {
$id = (int) $id;
$row = $this->fetchRow('id = ' . $id);
throw new Exception("Could not find row $id");
return $row->toArray();
it appears the line $row = $this->fetchRow('id = ' . $id); causes the problem. And I can't figure out why. All action work just fine, they do as expected.Any idea how to fix this?
Maybe try using the select() object instead if a plain string:
public function getWish($id) {
$id = (int) $id;
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('id = ?', $id);
$row = $this->fetchRow($select);
throw new Exception("Could not find row $id");
return $row->toArray();
This just a wild guess, but who knows. The only thing that looks at all odd is the lack of a placeholder in the query string (?).
FetchRow() does like to work with the select() object, in fact if you pass a string the first thing fetchRow() does is build a select(). So maybe it just doesn't like the string.

zend database error output

I cant see my error of Sql. It cuts my queries, and the error is meaningless except it informs there is an error.
error in statement "select * from o.."
how can I get full query, so i can investigate how the error occured?
I previously wrote a sql function that throws debugging string if sql has error. I though zend'ers have needed and there should exists a code:
if(($error = mysql_error($conn)){
And says
[Caller__Function__] => dbSave
[Caller__Class__] => classBasic
[Arguments] => Array
[0] => function : loadLinks
[1] =>
[1] => sql error: Duplicate entry '' for key 'url'
[2] => query: insert into downloadLinks set `title`= 'Lokma : İstanbul - Avrupa', `url`= '', `site`= 'rssSehirFirsati', `status`= 'new'
So I dont dig 30 query, if there is error,
Error string shows function that composed the query. Etc.
I think Zend have lacks that kind of awareness.
I know zend not prefers hard and log path against smart ways ?!?
I start using that code, if there is error.
function results($q){
$results = Array();
$results = $this->_db->query($q)->fetchAll();
}catch(Exception $e){
return $results;
If you are using Zend_Db_Select you can get the full created query by doing
In reply to your comment, this is how you can get the SQL error message:
try {
$this->db->insert('Users', $array );
} catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();