I am using nmap to discover devices on my network. I ran nmap -sn and it printed out multiple hosts, one of which is my iPhone. However, the MAC address returned from nmap is different from the one on my iPhone (from going to Settings -> About -> Wifi address).
Which one is the real one and how can I discover it?
Also I would like to compare the IP address. I was able to find the IP address for my iPhone using nmap but not able to find it anywhere in the settings next to Wifi address despite websites which shows them next to each other. Where can I find out my phones IP address?
Actually your Iphone has hidden the real MAC address.
You should check Setting -> WiFi -> Info icon next to WiFi icon.
You will see the Private address is turning on.
WiFi-Address field is your result of nmap command.
I'm trying to host a wifi from either a lan connection (if available) or either sharing a network.
I did use the tutorial : https://kaiuwe.hüber.de/raspberry-pi-wifi-repeater-ohne-adapter/
But this just acts as a repeater ...
My expectation is a possibility to share wifi over wlan or when a lan connection is active share the wifi from lan.
I'm not sure you know enough about WiFi or TCP/IP networking to ask your question sensibly. What do you mean by "share WiFi?" There are two common scenarios:
Your Pi works as a WiFi bridge to an Ethernet LAN. In this case, the WiFi and the LAN are the "same" network, just different media. For instance, if your LAN uses the IPv4 address, your WiFi users will also share this network.
Your Pi works as a WiFi router, with an Ethernet LAN as the "uplink." In this case, your WiFi network has its own range of addresses, probably managed by your Pi, and the Pi works as a router between the WLAN and the LAN. This is like what most home WiFi access points do. (You will probably need to have the Pi do Network Address Translation as well. For some reason, Linux people insist on calling this 'masquerading.')
If you can clarify which of those you want to do, I could provide some pointers going forward. You many want to do some reading on the basics of TCP/IP networking first. If you don't know how a bridge and a router differ, you won't be able to ask useful questions.
I am trying to know if a specific address and port are enable and reachability before to start to get data. Unfortunately I found a lot of examples but only verify if Wifi is enable. I need an answer in Swift 3 with port and address, not only and address. Any idea ? Thanks in advance.
I am looking for a way to get both the MAC Adress and the SSID of the currently connected WiFi Network in my project. I have used Tony Million's Reachability to decide when the user is on a WiFi network or not and was testing Kenial's NICInfo only to find out that it only provides the iPhone's WiFi MAC Address. Although both projects helped greatly in there own way, they do not get the job done.
I am wondering if there is a public API (for certain Apple App Approval) or some back door to achieve this.
This involves a few different things:
Getting SSID - This is independent of the MAC address issue. For this, check this SO answer: iPhone get SSID without private library. I don't know what the etiquette is regarding re-posting code from other answers so I'll just link.
Getting MAC address - since the majority of networking operates at Layer 3 (which is called, who would have guessed, the Network Layer - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model) and the MAC address is at Layer 2 (the Data Link layer) you'll first need to get the IP address of the gateway of the WiFi interface. Just a side note - the question should be phrased as 'How do I get the SSID of the currently connected WiFi network and the MAC address of the WiFi router/gateway'. Anywho, to get the gateway address, see this SO answer: How to get the WIFI gateway address on the iPhone?
Once you have that, you need to convert it to a MAC address using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, which is the protocol that all networks use to convert IP addresses to MAC addresses). Network interfaces don't communicate via IP, they communicate via MAC, so this actually happens everywhere, all the time. It's actually pretty easy to access the ARP table on a PC/Mac. For iOS, I found this SO answer to convert an IP address to a MAC address: Getting ARP table on iPhone/iPad
I am working on IPhone. I want to know how to find a ip address of a iphone through USB/3G not on wifi.
I am aware of seeing IP if it is connected through WiFI.(Going through settings and looking under Wifi)
But i need IP through USB / 3G. what i did means i used personal hotspot and i connected my iphone to PC through usb. I got an IP.
But when i added one more Iphone with same hot spot enabled and connected through USB i am getting like unidentified network.
By using whatismyip.com site i am getting an ip . but i cant do anything with it. I am unable to reach my iphone with the provided ip of that site.
So can anyone kindly provide information on how to look for IP of multiple Iphones connected to same PC.
The purpose is to communicate to muliple iphones with their IP's.
Thanks a million in advance.
Unfortunately the responses are not completely correct. In a 3G/4G network every device gets an IP address, but THAT's NOT the IP address that you see when going to sites like www.whatismyip.com. That's the address that the Telco presents to the external world, not the device IP address.
Telcos such AT&t, Verizon, Telefonica and similar assign a "private" IP address that is only valid in their network. This is similar to the internal IP address that you have in your phone when connect to the house wireless, but if you check in www.whatismyip.com you get the external IP address of your wireless router (You can check that those are different addresses). What Telcos do is known as NAT or PAT. The reason is that the current version of IP has a very limited number of available IP addresses, and all those million of devices cannot get public IP addresses (like the one you see in whatismyip.com). Actually several devices share that external IP address.
Unlike Android devices where you can get the IP that the telco assigned to the device, iOS does not present that information to the user (unless you jailbreak the device or have an App).
Although the address that whatismyip presents is not your real IP, it is the one that the external world recognizes so it suffices for most purposes.
What you see on whatismyip.com is the IP address you get from your mobile provider, on which it depends what kind op IP you get. Very often 3G networks are NATted, meaning that you get an IP address from the range which cannot be reached from outside.
Using www.whatismyip.com should definitely give you the correct address?
What address did you get when it came back?
How did you verify if this was your iPhone's address? I assume you don't have a firewall installed on your iPhone? Hmm, other thing is your provider is doing some kind of filtering, NAT-ing, or other tomfoolery. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you trying to achieve here? Are you trying to run some kind of server-style app on your iPhone? Or do you just want to get a connection between the iPhone and a server - might be easier to initiate the connection from the iPhone side.
You should check if it's at your provider's IP block range - an online whois check should tell you that (www.whois.net).
How did you test whether this was your iPhone's address?
Other option is just to have your iPhone hit a server that you control (using 3G), and check the server logs.
Or just make things easier, and use an app to tell you - e.g. iStat:
which will give you your cell (3G) IP address as well.
There are two types of IP addresses:
Private IP address (your device IP that you get it from your home Wi-Fi router or from your Teleco provider router to speak to those two routers).
Public IP address (your home Wi-Fi router and/or from your Teleco provider router which they will use it to allow you to speak to another person on the Internet).
**NOTE: Without Public IP address, you cannot speak to people who are on the Internet.
Now both (your home Wi-Fi router or your Teleco Provider router)they have something called DHCP, or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol is used to allocate private IP address to anyone connected to local network (either home Wi-Fi or Teleco provider).
That means both (home Wi-Fi router and Teleco provider router) have one single IP address called Public IP address to allow you to speak to outside world, but first they need to give private IP address to able you to speak with them (your home Wi-Fi router and your Teleco provider router).
If your iOS connected to your home Wi-Fi, then you will have a Private IP address:
1- Go to settings.
2- Click on Wi-Fi.
3- List of Wi-Fi networks will be appeared.
4- Click on your Wi-Fi network name (known as SSID).
5- Click on the blue circle of the exclamation mark on the right side of your Wi-Fi name.
You will see your Private IP Address there very clearly.
Now if your iOS device is not connected to any Wi-Fi network, but it connected to your Teleco provider, then you cannot see your private IP address.
I am sure there is a way to see your Private IP address that you got it from your Teleco Provider DHCP. You have to search from internet or ruin your device by jailbreak it.
For the Public IP Address (no matter if you are connected to your home Wi-Fi or your Teleco Provider), go to your internet browser (e.x. google chrome) and type: "What is my ip address". The result will be between your hand in fractions of seconds!
Now Back to your question:
If you connected two iPhones to your PC and both have hotspot enabled, that means your PC USB ports will handle two IP Private addresses because your iPhones will act as your home Wi-Fi router.
if you have windows OS in your laptop, then go to windows CMD terminal and type:
the CMD prompt terminal will give you number of IP address, there are your two Private IP addresses from your iPhones.
Now if unidentified network message still there, open RUN in your windows OS and type [ ncpa.cpl ], it will take you to network connection setting section, right click on one of your iPhones networks and disable it, keeping the other enabled.
I hope it is crystal clear now.
When the phone is the hotspot for the Telecom cellular provider it actually being used as a Router therefor if you connect laptop to that hotspot you can open network setting on the laptop to view its tcp/ip settings and see the ip of the laptop and the ip of the Router which is the IP of your Phone.
The Ip is a private one, you can ping to it or do what ever you want.
Example of connecting Iphone to Mac Xcode wirelessly:
share personal hotSpot from your phone.
connect your laptop to your phone private network using wifi, search for the ssid you set in your phone and set a correct password.
in Mac go to System prefences->Network->wifi connected->Advanced->Tcp/Ip
copy Router Ip - this is your Iphone private Ip.
In order to connect Xcode to Iphone wirelessly you first need to connect the phone with usb, open window->device and simulators, select your phone and set checkbox "connect via network"
Now if the phone is disconnected from the Mac and the private network is shared as explained, you know the phone Ip, then you can select the phone in Xcode (it remember phones that were connected), open window->device and simulators, select your phone , click on it to get menu of options, select "connect with ip", provide the ip you saw as "Router" previously.
Thats all, hope it'll help somebody.