How can we verify HTML5 validation message text using selenium ide (record and play) - selenium-ide

I am new in selenium and I am trying to verify the validation message for required field in selenium IDE. Can anyone help please?
Screen Shot HTML5 validation message.


Error with Orbeon Forms

We have an older application based on Orbeon forms 4.4. Out of the blue, we started having a problem where various links and buttons on certain forms are not functioning correctly. The forms impacted seem to be Orbeon's built-in Forms Builder and a few of our forms that use the Orbeon "Wizard" view...the initial page displays properly, but navigation from one section to another seems to be broken.
The only unusual thing we see in the log files is this message:
WARN XmlLibraryChecker - Looking for a valid Parser...
Checking for Xerces, found version Xerces-J 2.11.0 needed version Xerces-J 2.9.0
Warning: Failed find a valid Parser!
Please add an appropriate Parser to the class-path, e.g. in the 'endorsed' folder of the servlet container or in the 'endorsed' folder of the JRE.
In the Orbeon webapps/orbeon/WEB-INF/lib directory, we see a xerces-2.11-orbeon.jar all of the JAR files in this directory are dated November 2013 and have not been changed best we can tell. I understand this is a "Warn" message, but there doesn't seem to be any other sign of problem.
In the case of Form Builder, we go to the listing of all the current forms, and are unable to page through the list. When we click on the paging control at the bottom of the page, we see an HTTP request to "xforms-server" from "connection.js:467". The data sent on this request is:
<!DOCTYPE xxf:event-request [<!ENTITY nbsp " ">]>
<xxf:event-request xmlns:xxf="">
<xxf:event name="DOMActivate" source-control-id="xf-432"></xxf:event>
This seems to work (HTTP response code 200) and we seem to get a response that has the next page worth of values in a long XML format. The display at the browser is unchanged however...the list of displayed items in Form Builder doesn't move or change in any way.
The pattern in our "Wizard View" forms is similar...we see the same HTTP transaction sent to the server, get a similar XML response, but no display update occurs.
Clients are Chrome 58 and 60, plus Safari 10.1.2.
Server side is Tomcat 7 with Java 1.7.051 and MySQL as the persistence layer.

Not able to handle special characters for mobile app element locator using robot framework and appium

I am trying to test a mobile app using robot framework, appium and eclipse as IDE. My app login has to be clicked using the elements class and content-desc but when I copy the content-desc I notice a special character (Log In) which doesn't get saved in eclipse.
Please help me to find the x path using login or even without it.
PFA the screenshot of the elements at
In my case, special character was coming due to the icon associated with the text.
For Appium, it's better to use accessibility ids for finding the elements.
Hope this helps :)

Handling pop ups using selenium with perl

I want a solution for the following scenario:
In a page I am uploading an xml and while clicking on the upload button I am going to recieve an pop up for confirmation (I am able to detect this), after this again I am recieving an pop up which I am not able to detect (The page is still getting loaded in the browser ). Kindly help me to sort this out .
I have tried with many solutions for this like: get window ids,titles .
You can you use -
This retrieves the message of a JavaScript confirmation dialog generated duringthe previous action. By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effectas manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of thechooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command. If an confirmation is generatedbut you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript confirmations will NOT pop up a visibledialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript confirmations that aregenerated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visibledialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually clickOK.
Returns the message of the most recent JavaScript confirmation dialog.
You should always refer to WWW::Selenium - Perl Client while working with perl and RC.
I have found what is the problem #amey ...I am tring to upload an file which is not actually not permitted due to some security issues with firefox... There was actually an work around for this
.....Which will not work with latest Selenium RC with Firefox since firefox have removed the support for enablePrivilege
So it is a mandate to shift to WEBDRIVER it seems.............
Thanks for your support....
my solution was using the function:
$driver->execute_script("Events.invokeEvent('UserDetailPage:UserDetailScreen:UserDetailToolbarButtonSet:UserDetailToolbarButtons_DeleteUserButton_act', true);");
analyzing what the javascript code does when the Accept button was pressed. and executing that code in the function.

Run web project on Server Tomcat 7 with Eclipse

I have big web application that uses GWT. When it starts a dialog window is openning on client side for logging. LogDialog consists of two textfields (password and name). Why when I use option Run on Server from Eclipse I can see only loading picture(it appears from beginnig). But then the LogDialog and main menu dont appear. As I know there is one jscript that Browser have to load to show Logdialog. I tried to view web app from GooGle Chrome and I discovered that it doesnt load Cashier.js (jscript file) and shows to me loading picture. What am I doing wrong? How can I catch the error?
As I know GWT compiler generate the client side Javascript code. The web app uses database for storing logname and pass.

Does selenium support IE with google frame add on installed on it?

Selenium is able to load Chrome Frame pages. The problem is that once you load the page in IE with Chrome Frame plugin, the tag appears as empty. Selenium tries to identify elements using the DOM structure, but the way IE and Chrome Frame plugin works, rendering
and DOM tree are taken over by the Chromium code and IE gets an empty DOM.
So i guess, selenium doesn't support IE with google frame add-on installed on it?
Has anyone worked around this problem?
This question has been asked and answered on the Selenium user's mailing list. The IE driver doesn't work with the Google Chrome Frame add-on, and there are no plans to implement support for it to work with the Chrome Frame add-on. Either you want to test the operation of your website under Chrome (in which case you should use the ChromeDriver), or you want to test it under IE (in which case you should use the IE driver). If you can point to a specific case where using the website with the Chrome Frame add-on behaves differently than the way it behaves with the Chrome standalone browser, you might be able to make a case to revisit the issue. Furthermore, remember that Selenium is an Open Source project, and you are welcome to make changes and submit patches to the code at any time.
Watir WebDriver has the same issue.
Selenium core, the part that loads in the target browser and executes tests does work and can be run independently. So, if you have a Selenium test suite in HTML form, it can be run in GCF using the following steps:
Configure a web server to opt all URLs into chrome frame using HTTP header as described here:
Host your test suite under '/tests' folder on this web server. Lets say the suite is my_test_suite.html.
Host the selenium core folder as the '/core' on the server
Now restart the server.
Run the suite with this URL: http:///core/TestRunner.html?test=tests/my_test_suite.html&auto=true