Error: Configuration cannot be run until project has been synced - plugins

I am using PyCharm with the Bazel plugin. When trying to set up the command to run my program there is a message saying
Error: Configuration cannot be run until project has been synced.
Ignoring that message and trying to run of course results in a crash. I've tried running file>>synchronize but that seems to have no effect. How do I sync my project?

You have to "File > Import Bazel Project..." to operate in a Bazel environment from inside PyCharm, Goland, etc. You cannot just create a Run/Debug Bazel configuration.


Eclipse Maven Terminal

I have changed my javaproject via Project-> Configure-> Convert to Maven Project.
I've tried several things to include 2 jar files, which are selfprogrammed, but without any success.
Now i want to install them with the terminal in eclipse but I get the error
The command "mvn" is either misspelled or could not be found.
Can someone explain to me how I can setup my terminal for executing mvn commands.

setting user.dir for gradle app running in eclipse

I have a gradle app a former employee developed that runs perfectly from the command line using ./gradlew. But now I'm trying to debug it in eclipse, so I'm starting by just trying to run it in eclipse.
I have the Buildship Gradle plugin installed and have created a run configuration that specified the working directory and passes program arguments. WHenever it tries to access anything in the filesystem, it's using the wrong path when the app uses System.getProperty("user.dir") - which is defaulting to my user's home directory instead of the project folder.
I've tried adding a "GRADLE_USER_HOME" classpath variable, but it doesn't seem to change anything. I've also tried setting Gradle User Home (under Preferences - Gradle) to the project folder, but that too doesn't help. I've also tried changing the Gradle Distribution from "From Import Settings" to "Gradle Wrapper", but that doesn't help.
Any help would be appreciated!
The system property user.dir has nothing to do with Gradle and I bet that it is also not set in the Gradle scripts. The system property user.dir is the current working directory of the user when he starts the program. So if you are in your project directory and call ./gradlew run, the working directory is your project directory. If you go one level up and call <project>/gradlew run you will also see a different behavior like from eclipse.
Set the working directory for the run configuration to your project directory, then you should get the right behavior. And probably you should fix this, so that not user.dir is used, if the project depends on the path being the project directory.

How to run thucydides maven project in debug mode

I created Thucydides project from thucydides-jbehave-plugin archetype.
I found that to run stories it can be used mvn command "verify thucydides:aggregate"
But what if I need to debug some step adding a breakpoint in appropriate line.
I tried to run "thucydides:aggregate -Dmaven.failsafe.debug verify" in eclipse maven configuration but got error "unable to install breakpoint in ..." and so failed to debug because class source code is not readable;
What is the correct command or other way to debug story with breakpoints?
add parametes in
Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=5005,suspend=y
and in you eclipse use remote debug.
You need start you application and when you see message that it wait connection, start remote debug.

Eclipse on Ubuntu gives "Update LCD" error when setting up a run configuration with a File System working directory

When configuring a new run on Eclipse, and selecting a working directory from "Other" -> "File System", the whole 'Run Configurations' box becomes unusable and I cannot access any more settings for that launch configuration or any other ones that was already there. This only happens if at least one of the run configurations is set up to use another folder from "Other" instead of the default. It has always worked on my other machines running Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 but it just happened on the new one with 13.04. I could not get it to work, I tried different versions of Eclipse, different versions of the Java. Any idea on how to solve this?
I had same error. Perhaps its throw because you have installed on eclipse run Jetty plugin, you have one debug configuration realtive to close project.
To solve it, you have to open the project before open run configurations.

"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" when running a gtkmm project in Eclipse

I'm trying to run a gtkmm project in Eclipse CDT (On Ubuntu). The project compiles fine, there are no errors reported but when I try to run the project the console prints out this message
"Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"
If I go to where the executable is located, in nautilus, I can open it and it runs fine. It's just a problem when trying to run directly from Eclipse.
It sounds like the the "DISPLAY" environment variable is not being set in the environment used by eclipse to launch your application.
To check this, Edit the Run Configuration for the the program you are trying to launch. Next, select the Environment tab. If there is a DISPLAY variable already set, make sure it is correct (usually it should be ":0.0"). If there is not one, create one and set it to ":0.0".