Simple knex query returning table name only - postgresql

I am trying to work with knex to retrieve some database values however no matter the configuration I use I am either getting a 500 error code or just a pending network session. To keep it as simple as possible to get something at least working I have written the following:
export default () => (async (req, res, knex) => {
const temp = knex('vouchers').select();
Which should by my understanding go into my vouchers table and retrieve everything, I only end up getting a 500 errorand a console log of vouchers i.e. my table name...

export default () => (async (req, res, knex) => {
const temp = await knex('vouchers');

My solution was basically restructuring the start of the query:
export default function ({ pool, queue, knex }) {
return async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { eventId, voucher } = req.params;
with special attention to the async params.


Mongoose findone returns wrong user when the field passed in, is not defined in schema. How can I handle this case?

I noticed a case where (accidentally) the value passed into Model.findOne was a key that is not defined in schema. I expected an error or undefined but what is happening is that for exampe when I search for a user, if the value i pass in is undefined ANY random (as it seems) and wrong user is returned.
//if I would pass in instead of:
function (req, res, next) {
const email =
User.findOne({email: email})
function (req, res, next) {
const email =
User.findOne({emaill: email})
then, because 'emaill' does not exist in the schema, instead of an err, I would get another user returned.
Could someone explain to me why this happens and how I can handle it. I cant handle error and check if passed value doesnt exist in schema..

Firebase | Problem with collectionGroup query

I'm trying to use a collectionGroup query to fetch the data from a specified farm, using firebase-functions. Here's my code:
app.get('/api/intervals/:farm_id', async (req, res) => {
const farmId = req.params.farm_id;
try {
const querySnapshot = await db
.where("id", "==", farmId)
const farmData = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
console.log(, ' => ',;
return res.status(200).send(farmData);
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).send(error);
There is definitely a farm in the database with the supplied code. For example, if I change the code in try to the below, I get the data as expected:
const farmRef = db
let farm = await farmRef.get();
let farmData =;
return res.status(200).send(farmData);
But I want to use a collectionGroup so I don't have to specify the parent account ID also.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!
According to my understanding this is related with the fact that in your working code you are assigning directly from DocumentSnapshot, while in example in of the issue you are iterating over QuerySnapshot returned by get from query.
In documentation we can find that documents in QuerySnapshot are in array property docs.
So I think you should change forEach loop accordingly: => {
console.log(, ' => ',;
I have worked out that the problem was that my code was looking for a field named id. My query works if I manually add a field called ID as highlighted below:

Feather.js + Sequelize + postgres 11 : How to patch a jsonb column?

I would like to update several row of my db with the same object.
let say I have a column customText type jsonb which contains an array of object
here my sequelize model :
customText: {
type: DataTypes.JSONB,
allowNull: true,
field: "custom_text"
Now from client I send an object:
const obj = {}
const data = {
textid: "d9fec1d4-0f7a-2c00-9d36-0c5055d64d04",
textLabel: null,
textValue: null
obj.customText = data
api.service("activity").patch(null, obj).catch(err => console.log(err));
Like the documentation from feathers.js said if I want to replace multiple record, I send an id equal to null.
So now here come the problem, if I do that my column customText will contain the new object only but I want an array of object, so I want to push the new data in the array. How can I patch the data?
My guess is to use a hook in feathers.js and a raw query with sequelize. But I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm not really sure of my answer but this hook work :
module.exports = function() {
return async context => {
const sequelize ="sequelizeClient");
const customText = JSON.stringify([0]);
let query =
"UPDATE activity SET custom_text = custom_text || '" +
customText +
"' ::jsonb";
await sequelize
.then(results => {
context.results = results;
.catch(err => console.log(err));
return context;
I still have a problem because after this hook in feathers, the patch continue so it will update my db again.. so i put a disallow() hook.
Also, with this hook i lost the abilities to listening to event
Also i have a concern with the query, i'm not sure if it's better to use :jsonb_insert over ||

Mongoose Error - Mongoose models with same model name

I am working on a NodeJs application and I am using mongoose node package.
Sample Code
I am using following method to create dynamic collections and these collections sometimes fail to persist the data in database -
const Mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = new Mongoose.Schema({
// schema goes here
module.exports = function (suffix) {
if (!suffix || typeof suffix !== "string" || !suffix.trim()) {
throw Error("Invalid suffix provided!");
return Mongoose.model("Model", Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
I am using this exported module to create dynamic collections based on unique ids passed as suffix parameter. Something like this (skipping unnecessary code) -
const saveData = require("./data-service");
const createModel = require("./db-schema");
// test 1
it("should save data1", function (done) {
const data1 = [];
const response1 = saveData(request1); // here is "cjmt8litu0000ktvamfipm9qn"
const dbModel1 = createModel(;
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
// test 2
it("should save data2", function (done) {
const data2 = [];
const response2 = saveData(request2); // here is "cjmt8lm380006ktvafhesadmo"
const dbModel2 = createModel(;
.then(dbResponse2 => {
// assert for count
The issue is, test 2 fails! It the insertmany API results in 0 records failing the count assert.
If we swap the the order of the tests, test 1 will fail.
If I run the two tests separately, both will pass.
If there are n tests, only first test will pass and remaining will fail.
I suspected the mongoose model creation step to be faulty as it is using the same model name viz. Model while creating multiple model instances.
I changed it to following and the tests worked perfectly fine in all scenarios -
return Mongoose.model(`Model_${suffix}`, Schema, `collection_${suffix}`);
This leaves me with following questions -
Am I following correct coding conventions while creating dynamic collections?
Is suspected code the actual cause of this issue (should the model name also be unique)?
If yes, why is it failing? (I followed mongoose docs but it doesn't provide any information regarding uniqueness of the model name argument.
I you are calling insertMany method on dbModel1, where you variable is declared to dbModel2.
Change your test 2 from:
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count
.then(dbResponse1 => {
// assert for count

How to get auto Id after upsert on a persisted model in loopback?

I have a some models generated from postgresql db using looback-connector postgresql. Id column of these models is a auto incremented integer column of postgresql db.
1) I have a remote method added on one of persisted models, where i perform simple update or insert(upsert.
Car.CreateOrUpdateCar = function (carobj, req) {
Car.upsert(Carobj, function (err, Car) {
if (err)
else {
req(err, Car);
2) have added a remote hook to execute after this remote method.
Car.afterRemote('CreateOrUpdateCar', function (context, remoteMethodOutput, next) {
//Remaining code goes here
3) I want to use Id of newly inserted row in step (1), in the remote hook mentioned in step (2)
I don't have much idea about postgresql db. But Try it like this
var carObj;
Car.CreateOrUpdateCar = function (carobj, req) {
Car.upsert(Carobj, function (err, Car) {
if (err)
else {
req(err, Car); // Your Car object contains final result after upserting along with Id
carObj = Car;
Now you can get id by using and you can use it where ever you want. I hope this helps
You can access to generated id in remote hook like this :
Car.afterRemote('CreateOrUpdateCar', function (context, remoteMethodOutput, next) {
var genId = ||;