QNX RTOS on BeagleBone Green - rtos

Hi) As far as I know embedded linux bsp for BeagleBone Green is not real time and we need RTOS to implement our software, so we decided to use QNX. We have experiance with buildroot and poky. What are the ways to use RTOS QNX on BeagleBone Green? Thanks)

You can use pre-emptive patches for the standart linux kernels or any other rt-kernels like RTAI / Xenomai.
If you want to use QNX with the beaglebone, firstly you should have QNX SDP(Software Development Platform). Then you need download Beaglebone BSP from the QNX page. I worked with Beaglebone white and Beaglebone black with QNX. In my opinion, beaglebone green could work with this BSP.
Also there is one more point with QNX, if you want to use the graphics driver with Beaglebone, you should contact with the sales. It was like that 3 years ago may be for now, they publish the graphics drivers also.


Setup CNC support in Octoprint OS

I have a working OctoPrint setup which runs a Ender 3 pro. I would like to add a 3018 pro small CNC to this setup. Since I am a beginner,I think there must be a way to install some kind of CNC software to the Same os of the raspberry pi.(May be on another port).Can anybody give me some points to begin?

How do I make a raspberry pi raspbian application?

I am struggling on how to make a Raspberry Pi app for Raspbian (On a raspberry pi). I have searched and searched for hours but I still can't find out how to make one. There are apps that I can use but I cannot install them. Should I use python??... Please help me!!...
I found a few visual editors like XOJO, I am knew to "RASPBERRY PI" stuff.
It's just a bare machine you can cover it with anything you want. It's basically Lightweight Linux distro which we install mostly on the PI. Can support wide range of applications but IOT related products are more often developed using PI. If this is the case you can start here using android also.

Is Raspbian a realtime operating system?

I use raspbian for embedded systems like microcontrollers, I make several sensors and display them on an LCD, does the Rasbian operating system also have a real time operating system?
Raspbian is a distribution for Raspberry Pi built on top of Debian Linux, which is a general purpose operating system, as opposed to a real-time operating system. There are ways to run a RTOS on RPi, but it is rather waste of a powerful board like RPi. A more suitable way to achieve real-time behaviour would be to use the PREEMPT_RT patch for the Linux kernel.

Which Raspberry Pis are compatible out of the box?

First, I googled for this question but found no valid answers (may have been inefficient at this though).
I am working with a mix of Raspberry Pis: Raspberry Pi 1B, 2 B+, 3, Zero. I know that those have different chipsets / architectures etc, but it seems that plugging an SD card created for one Rasberry on a Raspberry of a different model works (I created my SD cards for the 2B+, and plugged them also into other models). I use Raspbian, and I run some code that relies on quite a lot of Python packages (numpy, scipy, etc).
My question is:
Why would this work at all despite different hardware? Where is the hardware taken into account when doing a sudo apt-get install? Are there some parts of a sudo apt-get that depend on the RPi model?
As it seems to be working fine, am I at a risk if I switch cards between different RPi models that the program executes, but that its output is somehow 'wrong'?
Some debian/unix packages need to be compiled against specific CPU architectures. Python source code, for the most part, is transferrable because you are not compiling it onto a specific architecture like you would for C/C++
Regarding the SD cards, I wouldn't trust moving them to different models. There are different Linux kernel requirements at least between Pi-1 and the later models.
Although, I see there is only one link to download Rasbian image, the other OS's specifically say "image for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3"

OpenBSD Unsupported Video Signal [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Spent a couple hours this evening on the #openbsd irc channel troubleshooting a display issue. Couldn't figure this one out though we had fun trying!
USB Stick and Openbsd 6.2 Image
Known good,
Openbsd image installed successfully from this USB, to a virtual env on a separate device, using these instructions
Desktop computer
Motherboard, 64bit Intel processor
On-board graphics only
Currently running Ubuntu 16.04.03 Server
BIOS (legacy enabled) set to boot USB first
40" Toshiba LCD TV Model 40UX600U
Start computer on Ubuntu server, displays just fine, no issues
Boot to Openbsd USB stick, bios screen runs, self check passes then monitor displays "Unsupported Video Signal". This is not an Openbsd message, but rather from the monitor itself.
Done so far
Cleanly formatted USB (under supervision)
Installed from USB to virtual env on separate device, no issues, loads Openbsd just fine.
Boot computer to Ubuntu, display works perfect
Boot computer to Openbsd USB, display shows error message above.
Unplug and replug VGA cable
Power off, power on monitor
- Pg. 88 of the Toshiba monitor manual shows a table of Acceptable Signal Formats for PC IN. My hunch is the graphics driver is incompatible with this monitor.
Is there anything I can do to make this monitor work with a new Openbsd 6.2 install?
How can I check Openbsd monitor compatibility before embarking next time?
Ubuntu has KMS support for the nVidia graphics card but OpenBSD only has support for the old UMS driver. The OpenBSD kernel (probably, I'm not sure) is using 640x480 as resolution and the Linux kernel is using the highest resolution supported by your monitor.
You have two options to "fix" the problem. Install OpenBSD on another computer or with a different monitor (you can also use a laptop with a USB<->HDD adapter), when the installer ask if you want graphics support (or something like that, I don't remember), reply yes. Finish the installation and reboot. Then move the HDD to the original computer and power on the machine. You will see the same message but at some point the system will run xenodm (a graphical launcher for X11 sessions, like xdm), then the monitor will work fine. Unfortunately, you can't see the console messages.
Don't change xorg.conf, your problem is not only related to the monitor. Another option (quite better, imho) is to buy a cheap used ATI graphics card and just install OpenBSD. The ATI graphics cards are fully supported (except the newest ones) and have KMS support. You will only see the message during two or three seconds and after of that, you will see the console. Maybe you will need run the installer on a different computer or with a different monitor, but everything will work fine after of that.
Anyway, OpenBSD uses only a standard mode for the basic console. It doesn't make weird unsupported things. So, probably your monitor has some kind of problem with the lowest VGA resolution/frequency. The problem is that the OpenBSD kernel can't change to a higher resolution during the boot process because it doesn't support the nVidia cards at the kernel level. It uses a userland driver for the nVidia cards, like the Linux/BSD/Unix traditionally used to use.
If you have an old (like 10 years or so) Linux LiveCD/installer, try to run it on your computer. You will see the same problem.