Check current date between two dates of table value - mysqli

i have a table and have 4 columns
id name from_date to_date
1 vivek 2018-11-12 2018-11-22
2 abc 2018-10-11 2018-10-21
from date and to date is date when my users are allowed to access the website paid data so i want to retrieve data of those user who is able to see my paid data today

CURDATE() might be useful here:
FROM yourTable
WHERE CURDATE() BETWEEN from_date AND to_date;
This answer assumes that the range from from_date to to_date represents a range inclusive on both ends. If not, then the query would change slightly.


How to extract Year and Month in SQL Postgres by using Data_Part function

I am facing an issue extracting the month and year from the data (in Character varying type) >> InvoiceDate in SQL Postgres. I have seen the solution is relatively easy with MySQL function: DATEFROMPARTS as per the below Code which is not available in SQLpostgres. How can I get the same result DATA_PART function in Postgres SQL, but simultaneously I need to change the data type of the column "InvoiceDate" to the date
min(InvoiceDate) first_purchase_date,
DATEFROMPARTS(year(min(InvoiceDate)), month(min(InvoiceDate)), 1) Cohort_Date
into #cohort
from #online_retail_main
group by CustomerID
The output:
Customer ID| first_purchase_date |Cohort_Date|
12345 | 2010-12-20 15:47:00:00 | 2010-12-01|
I am trying to make a date consits of Year and Month , while the day to be set as 1 for all
Assuming a valid Postgres timestamp:
select date_trunc('month', '2010-12-20 15:47:00.00'::timestamp)::date;
--or ISO format
set datestyle = 'ISO,MDY';
select date_trunc('month', '2010-12-20 15:47:00.00'::timestamp)::date;
Uses date_trunc to truncate the timestamp to a month which means the first of the month. Then cast(::date) to a date type. The DateStyle just deals with how the value is presented to the user. The value is not stored formatted.
To do something similar to what you did in MySQL:
select make_date(extract(year from '2010-12-20 15:47:00.00'::timestamp)::integer, extract(month from '2010-12-20 15:47:00.00'::timestamp)::integer, 1);
This uses make_date from here Date/time functions and extract to build a date.

Postgres query to get date and total amount grouped by day

I have a table Logs with fields
I need to get the sum of amount and months grouped by each day
I need to migrate my sqlite code to postgresql but i find the code migration kind of hard.The sqlite code is as follows
SELECT SUM(amount),transaction_date FROM log WHERE user_id = 1 AND strftime('%Y', transaction_date) = '2019' GROUP BY strftime('%d', transaction_date);
What i need to is date and total amount grouped by day for the year 2019
You need extract() function instead of strftime() to get the year and cast transaction_date to date only if it is timestamp, if it is of data type date remove the casting ::date:
FROM log WHERE user_id = 1 AND extract(year from transaction_date) = 2019
GROUP BY transaction_date::date

Have Datetable with dates and if business day, need to find the 11th business day after a date

I need to find a date that is 11 business days after a date.
I did not have a date table. Requested one, long lead time for one.
Used a CTE to produce results that have a datekey, 1 if weekday, and 1 if holiday, else 0. Put those results into a Table Variable, now Business_Day is (weekday-holiday). Much Googling has already happened.
select dt.Datekey,
(dt.Weekdaycount - dt.HolidayCount) as Business_day
from #DateTable dt[enter image description here][1]
UPDATE, I've figured it out in Excel. Running count of business days, a column of business day count + 11, then a Vlookup finding the +11 date . Now how do I do that in SQL?
Results like this
Business_day 0
I will assume you want to set your weekdays, and you can enter the holidays in a variable table, so you can do the below:-
here set the weekend names
Declare #WeekDayName1 varchar(50)='Saturday'
Declare #WeekDayName2 varchar(50)='Sunday'
Set the holiday table variable, you may have it as a specific table your database
Declare #Holidays table (
[Date] date,
HolidayName varchar(250)
Lets insert a a day or two to test it.
insert into #Holidays values (cast('2019-01-01' as date),'New Year')
insert into #Holidays values (cast('2019-01-08' as date),'some other holiday in your country')
lets say your date you want to start from is action date and you need 11 business days after it
Declare #ActionDate date='2018-12-28'
declare #BusinessDays int=11
A recursive CTE to count the days till you get the correct one.
;with cte([date],BusinessDay) as (
select #ActionDate [date],cast(0 as int) BusinessDay
union all
select dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]),
when DATENAME(WEEKDAY,dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]))=#WeekDayName1
OR DATENAME(WEEKDAY,dateadd(day,1,cte.[date]))=#WeekDayName2
OR (select 1 from #Holidays h where h.Date=dateadd(day,1,cte.[date])) is not null
then cte.BusinessDay
else cte.BusinessDay+1
end BusinessDay
From cte where BusinessDay<#BusinessDays
--to see the all the dates till business day + 11
--select * from cte option (maxrecursion 0)
--to get the required date
select MAX([date]) from cte option (maxrecursion 0)
In my example the date I get is as below:-
ActionDate =2018-12-28
After 11 business days :2019-01-16
Hope this helps
1st step was to create a date table. Figuring out weekday verse weekends is easy. Weekdays are 1, weekends are 0. Borrowed someone else's holiday calendar, if holiday 1 else 0. Then Business day is Weekday-Holiday = Business Day. Next was to create a running total of business days. That allows you to move from whatever running total day you're current on to where you want to be in the future, say plus 10 business days. Hard coded key milestones in the date table for 2 and 10 business days.
Then JOIN your date table with your transaction table on your zero day and date key.
Finally this allows you to make solid calculations of business days.
WHERE CONVERT(date, D.DTRESOLVED) <= CONVERT(date, [10th_Bus_Day])

How to get records from table which has timestamp starting from particular date of previous month to particular date of this month in postgres?

I have a customer_visit table, my requirement is to get the records of previous month starting from 3rd date to current month 2nd date and which contains flag 'Y'. How can I achieve this in Postgres. Following is the sample of my table. Any help is appreciated.
Use make_date() function from postgres to construct the date and query on it.
select * from customer_visit
where created_time > make_date(2018, date_part('month', now())::int - 1, 03)
and created_time <= make_date(2018, date_part('month', now())::int, 02)
and flag = 'Y';
You can use date_part('year', timestamp) to extract year also from current date.

Counting the number of sales for each date in a date range, postgresql

I have a table with a row for each sale of a product. These rows include a date. I want to know the number of products sold for each distinct day in a range (user specifies the begin and end dates.) There is a distinct row for each sale, so on days where several products were sold, several rows with this date exist. I want to count the number of these rows, with the same date. How might this be done efficiently in postgresql?
2015-01-02: 0
2015-01-03: 7
2015-01-04: 2
Assuming the date column is stored as a datetime, something like this should get you in the right direction:
SELECT date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP as day, COUNT(*)
FROM sales
WHERE day >= start and <= end
where start and end are filled in by the user.
More documentation for postgres's date features found here:
If they are not datetime, you can use the to_date function with the appropriate format string to convert to datetime and the use the solution above:
SELECT date_trunc('day', to_date('2015-01-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD'));