Messenger ChatBot open link in default browser - facebook

I have a messenger chatbot that show URL Buttons. When the user tap on the URL Button a webview is opened. I'd like the user to be redirected on the default browser instead of opening the webview, is this achievable in any way? Or is there any [ugly] workaround to achieve that?

Please refer to URL button instead of webview inside your response options. You can set type to url and then pass urlbutton params. How I am doing this is as follows.
type: 'url',
urlButton: {
url: '',
title: 'Title'
Did you try this before adding some comment? This is the exact payload I am sending in the body and it opens the URL in new window. Please verify and let me know if you find any difficulty.
{ attachment:
{ type: 'template',
{ template_type: 'button',
text: 'xyz',
buttons: [ { type: 'web_url',
url: '',
title: 'New Button' } ]


Post to my timeline in Facebook

Please suggest how to post some text which is entered by an end user after clicking on a button. I searched in social plugins of Facebook. I found share plugin but it is sharing only links but not the text. How can I post the text to Facebook? In my application, I'm using normal "textarea" to enter the text/status and I'm using a submit button to post it. I want to post the entered text to my timeline in Facebook. Is there any plugin available for this? Please suggest.
Using Javascript SDK
function share()
var obj = {
method: "feed",
link: "Facebook page hyperlink",
picture: "Picture hyperlink",
name: "Title",
caption: "A short caption right below the title",
description: "Description"
function callback(response) {
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id'];
FB.ui(obj, callback);
For More info:

BlackBerry WebWorks to invoke popping BB10 Share panel/screen

How can u get my webworks app to pop open the blackberry 10 share panel?
Ex: open a website in the browser, click the overflow button and then click share
Thank you!
You'll want to look at the invokeTargetPicker API.
Essentially, you create a request
var request = {
action: 'bb.action.SHARE',
// for a file
uri: 'file://' + path,
// for text you'd use 'data'
data: 'I am awesome',
target_type: ["APPLICATION", "VIEWER", "CARD"]
Then you call the API
blackberry.invoke.card.invokeTargetPicker(request, "Your Title",
// success callback
function() {
// error callback
function(e) {
console.log('error: ' + e);
API Documentation is available here:
I wrote a sample app, which you can test out on our GitHub repo:
This should be an option that appears on any link, image or Text: "Share". Is the item not present in the Cross Cut menu shown?

Submit extjs Form on button click

I am new for extjs.
I am having one store in which i am having some data coming from json file.
I have created a form.
i want to save new data in that store through form.
How can I create button and submit form on that button's click?
please let me know.
Thanks in advance
If you're using ExtJS 4 and your form is bound to a 'model' instance, then you get get a reference to your model in your buttons click handler and call:;
Which will send a post request to the url defined as the proxy on the model class.
Post your code and perhaps we can be some more direct help.
In the API of ExtJS is a good example on how to create a Ext.form.Panel with a button. When you click on this button the form gets submitted.
This example doesn't work because it doesn't submit to a page but it is very configurable.
Snippet of the button+handler:
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit',
handler: function() {
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
url: '', //this is the url where the form gets submitted
success: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Success', action.result.msg);
failure: function(form, action) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Failed', action.result.msg);

Facebook share dialog not closing after feed post

I have a feed post JS as follows.
var feedObj = {
method: 'feed',
link: link,
picture: imagelink,
name: name,
caption: caption,
description: description,
redirect_uri: "http://"+("/",
app_id: appid,
actions: [
{ name: text, link: link }
function callback(response) {
facebook.ui(feedObj, callback);
How do I make sure the feed dialog that clicked to post closes automatically?
I have noticed that the callback is not fired always and this attempt below does not work always
function callback(response) {
I have got a simple trick to close this dialog box. It is not a good way to do this type of work but it just worked fine for me.
Firstly you have to create a page on your server (e.g. closewindow.aspx) and paste this code in your page's body part.
<script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
$().ready(function() { window.close(); });
Than set redirect_uri parameter property to this page, like :
Now this time in dialog box, this page will be called as redirecturl and the dialog will be closed automatically on page load.
I know this may be tricky but you know how it feels when got this working.
According to the documentation, next is not a parameter.
I understood that with redirect_uri callback is not being called.
Since redirect_uri is supported by most sdks you need not use it.
Hope this helps

Facebook Request 2.0

I am kind of confused on how to use the new facebook request dialog box. Using the below mentioned function opens a box and I am able to send the request to the user who receives it. But when the user clicks on the request nothing happens instead the user is redirected to an internal link:
How to resolve the issue? (Canvas Page not defined in Settings but Canvas Url is)
function requestsDialog()
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'Here is a new Requests dialog...',
title: 'example',
data: 'trackinginfo'
function(response) {
if (response) {
alert('Request was sent.');
} else {
alert('Request was not sent.');
You need to specify a Canvas Page. For example, if your canvas page is:
Then the URL that user will go to when clicking on the request will be:,129193929392
At which point you can use the Graph API to look up what the requests are using the id (documentation here)