Filenet Solution Deployment Take too much time - deployment

Deployment a solution with IBM Case Manager Builder take too mach time on deployment , When i look "Detail Deployment Log" file I can see following steps take too mach time.
11/5/18 8:55:55 PM GMT+05:30 FNRPA0120I The solution X001 pages are being deployed.
11/5/18 9:08:24 PM GMT+05:30 FNRPA0292I The following choice list is being deployed: X001_Category to.
11/5/18 9:14:22 PM GMT+05:30 FNRPA0116I The latest version of the Process Engine configuration document with a version series ID of {XXX-0000-C9B2-81BD-YYY} is being deployed.
11/5/18 9:22:46 PM GMT+05:30 FNRPA0118I The Process Engine XPDL document with an ID of {ZZZ-0100-C854-A789-HHH} is being deployed.
I feel like its because of too much versions , without copying solution with new solution ID what can I do ?Any best practices i can use to avoid this ?


Using Render hosting app to deploy my project- Error Cannot find module

Follows Heroku becoming a paid app, I am trying other options.
Does anyone have experience uploading a MongoDB server-based project to "Render" Application Hosting?
This is the repo I want to deploy:
On the app settings I use for the Build Command: "yarn" (and it seems to works cause I get "Build successful" message).
But for the Start Command I can't get the correct command/path.
I keep getting this error:
==> Build successful :
Oct 7 06:41:33 PM ==> Deploying…
Oct 7 06:42:01 PM ==> Starting service with ‘node dist/server.js’
Oct 7 06:42:06 PM internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:888
Oct 7 06:42:06 PM throw err;
Oct 7 06:42:06 PM ^
Oct 7 06:42:06 PM
Oct 7 06:42:06 PM Error: Cannot find module ‘…/routes/userRoutes’
Can someone please take a look at the repo LINK and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
On an other project I used "node dist/server.js" for the Start Command and it worked just fine.
I think your problem may be here, where you use "../routes/userRoutes". You want to use "./routes/userRoutes" since the location of that file is relative to the root directory, ./
This answer may be helpful re: routing errors, and Render's quickstart for Node/Express is also worth a look.

JPA Date is output to wrong date/time when running on Weblogic server, but displays correctly when running locally embedded Tomcat

I have a spring boot application using spring data to retrieve data from an Oracle database. When I run the code locally in embedded Tomcat, the date appears correctly. However, the same code when deployed to Weblogic server gives a completely different date/time result. I have confirmed that the timezone on the Weblogic server is the same as my local timezone (US/Eastern).
What is odd is that the minutes are being stripped out and always set to 00, and also the time difference between the correct date and the date displayed is unpredictable (one example is 16 hours behind, and with a different example, it's 19 hours)
jpa mapping:
import java.util.Date;
#Column(name = "INITIAL_CREATE_DATE")
private Date initialCreateDate;
controller log statement:
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm z");
..."~~create date: " + medley.getInitialCreateDate() + " sdf " + sdf.format(medley.getInitialCreateDate()));
output from Weblogic (WRONG):
~~create date: Thu Oct 26 20:00:00 EDT 2017 sdf 10/26/2017 08:00 EDT
output from local Tomcat and spring data unit tests (CORRECT):
~~create date: 2017-10-27 11:57:53.0 sdf 10/27/2017 11:57 EDT
Two things that stand out to me (besides the date/time being totally wrong)
1. The time is missing the minutes
2. The format is different on the .toString() output for the date
Any help or ideas how I can further troubleshoot this problem are very much appreciated!
I figured my problem out - posting my answer, maybe it will help someone else.
My "medley" object was not retrieved directly from the database here. It was retrieved by a job that then posted this medley object as JSON to this method here that outputs the date. While I still don't understand the odd date/time behavior, at least now I know the fix.
My previous version of the code was using #Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)
and serializing json as this...
"initialCreateDate": "2017-10-27",
which I don't understand why this was being converted to Thu Oct 26 20:00:00 - but at least I know that applying the #Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) in my job fixed the problem. (i.e. updating the version of the repository code in pom.xml to the same version used by the service)
This is the correct serialization of the date/time:

Launching a slave Jenkins node when a change is pushed to GitHub

I'm trying to build a project on Jenkins when a change is pushed to GitHub.
I'm using GitHub plugin and building on a slave node.
If the slave is online, everything works fine. However, if the slave is offline, Jenkins doesn't try to launch the slave node and ignores the notification from GitHub.
The following log is output to jenkins.log when the slave is online:
May 30, 2016 4:16:31 PM org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber onEvent
INFO: Received POST for
May 30, 2016 4:16:31 PM org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber$1 run
INFO: Poked MyProject
May 30, 2016 4:16:33 PM com.cloudbees.jenkins.GitHubPushTrigger$1 run
INFO: SCM changes detected in MyProject. Triggering #22
However, if the slave is offline, the build is not triggered:
May 30, 2016 4:15:58 PM org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber onEvent
INFO: Received POST for
May 30, 2016 4:15:58 PM org.jenkinsci.plugins.github.webhook.subscriber.DefaultPushGHEventSubscriber$1 run
INFO: Poked MyProject
Starting a build by clicking "Build Now" always makes the slave node online. How can I build a project by GitHub changes on a slave node which might be offline?
I found the following message on "GitHub Hook Log" of the project:
Started on May 30, 2016 6:00:46 PM
We need to schedule a new build to get a workspace, but deferring 561ms in the hope that one will become available soon (all_suitable_nodes_are_offline)
Done. Took 0.23 sec
No changes
This is the current slave setting:
Contents of /var/lib/jenkins/bin/start-slave:
#!/bin/bash -eux
gcloud compute instances start ci-slave --zone us-central1-f
ssh ci-slave /var/lib/jenkins/bin/start

Can no longer deploy to Bluemix Rules Engine Service

When I originally set up my Rules Engine service in Bluemix, I could deploy from my Eclipse Juno environment just fine. I just tried to deploy a new project this morning, and I got the following error in the deployment report in Eclipse:
ilog.rules.res.model.IlrAlreadyExistException: Unknown RuleApp: /RefillRulesApp/1.0. at
I checked the RES console server log and there isn't any untoward messages in it
The Decision Server version infomation looks like this:
Version: Decision Server , Decision Engine 1.10.0 Patch level: Build #2 on 2015-03-13 16:54:27 Release status: COMMERCIAL
Persistence Type: datasource (DB2/LINUXX8664 SQL10070) Startup
Time: Jan 29, 2016 4:17:18 PM GMT-05:00 Last Update Time: Feb 2, 2016
3:01:23 PM GMT-05:00
I checked for updates to the Eclipse plugin, and it looks like I am up to date.
If I check in the Explorer in the RES console, I can see that it partially deployed:
Deploy Picture
Notice how the rule app is greyed-out.
Any ideas? Thanks...
I found that if I deploy the RuleApp from a 'Rule project for Decision Service', I get the same error. Can you deploy it from a RuleApp project which references a 'Standard Rule Project'? That should fix the issue.

No output from the FIWARE complex event processing (CEP) engine

I am sending REST POST request to the FIWARE CEP and expecting output even in a file. But nothing in the file.
REST POST (Producer) -> CEP -> File Consumer
{"Name":"TrafficReport", "volume":"9000"}
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM readFrom
INFO: started event message body reader
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM readFrom
INFO: name value: TrafficReport looking for: Name
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM readFrom
INFO: finished event message body reader
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM submitNewEvent
INFO: starting submitNewEvent
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM routeTimedObject
INFO: routeTimedObject: forwarding event TrafficReport; Name=TrafficReport; Certainty=0.0; Cost=0.0; EventSource=; OccurrenceTime=null; Annotation=; Duration=0.0; volume=100000; EventId=f4aee2d0-2d4b-4c0c-a24f-ae452896fa75; ExpirationTime=null; Chronon=null; DetectionTime=1428072859603; to consumer...
Apr 3, 2015 4:54:19 PM submitNewEvent
INFO: events sent to proton runtime...
The reason might be that the path you specified as the Consumer's output file does not exist or that tomcat has no permission to write to this path or to write to the file you specified.
Look at the log file (logs/catalina.out) and see if you see a warning like:
WARNING: initializeAdapters: failed to initialize adapter Output adapter for consumer: DoSAttackTRConsumer, reason: No such file or directorycode here
I would also recommend to use an absolute path and not relative path for the output file path, since in different operating systems, the Tomcat "current" directory might be different.
You don't need to create the file, but you do need to create the directory and make sure tomcat has permission to write to this directory (or if the file exists to write to this file)
So here are my recommendation:
Stop tomcat
Delete catalina.out 
Activate tomcat
In the CEP web UI, change the path of the Consumers to an absolute path, save the project, export it to the repository
Make sure the path you specified for the Consumers exists, and that tomcat has permission to write to the directory, and if the file exist, to this file.
Change the status of the CEP engine to Stop
Change the status of the CEP engine to Start
Send an input event
Make sure you don't see the warning listed above in the catalina.out