PowerShell Get-ChildItem with variable and string - powershell

Back at it again trying to delete files using PowerShell.
What I am attempting now is deleting files that begin with "Export_" and then a two-digit year followed by the Julian date. For example, today would be Export_18309. There are additional numbers after 18309, but they are not relevant. With my current code "Export_" is a string and my date has been converted to an Int so that I can do math and increment it.
I set $dval to 18302 as a test case for files I was working with. I know it isn't currently deleting anything as I am outputting to a text file for manual verification before continuing. However, if the output of the text file isn't correct then there is no sense attempting the deletion.
My issue currenly is within the function WriteArch block of code. I am trying to combine a string and int to get PowerShell to display results that only begin with "Export_" and $dval as Export_$dval. I made that specific line of code the way it is to better portray what I am attempting.
Edit: The for loop within WriteArch is to increment 18302, to 18303, then 18304, etc as I am deleting files for the week prior to when the script is ran.
$path0 = 'U:\PShell\Testing\IBM3 Cleanup\logfiles'
$archLog = 'U:\PShell\Testing\IBM3 Cleanup\LogArchive.txt'
$day = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
$date = (Get-Date).ToString("yy") + ((Get-
$dval = $date -as [Int]
$dval = Switch ($day) {
"Monday" { ($dval - 7); break }
"Tuesday" { ($dval - 8); break }
"Wednesday" { ($dval - 9); break }
"Thursday" { ($dval - 10); break }
"Friday" { ($dval - 11) }
Clear-Content $archLog
$dval = 18302
function WriteArch {
param( $dval, $path0)
for ($i = 0; $i -le 4; $i++) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $path0|
Where { $_.FullName -Match "Export_" + "$dval"}|
Add-Content $archLog
WriteArch $dval $path0
Invoke-Item $archLog

The Match operator supports regex. I think that's a bit overkill for the scenario you describe - I suggest using Like. The * is essential as it tells PowerShell there's more to the name after what you have specified.
Fullname contains the full path, including parent directories etc - it sounds like you want to base the match on BaseName, which the the file name excluding extension.
Where { $_.BaseName -like "Export_$dval*"}
Putting the $dval variable in quotes forces PowerShell to implicitly convert the int to string.
Comparison operators documentation, a good reference.


I am trying to convert the "Return First recurring character in a string problem" from python to powershell

I have completed coding this same problem in python and was trying to generate a similar logic or atleast achieve a similar result in powershell.
Python Code-
def FRC(str):
h = {}
for ch in str:
if ch in h:
return ch
h[ch] = 0
return '\0'
I have tried a few possible codes and was able to only enumerate the array of characters to count their occurrences. Thank you for any suggestions.
Update1 - The code I have worked on is as follows:
function get-duplicatechar {
param (
$hash = #()
$teststring = $teststring.ToCharArray()
foreach ($letter in $teststring)
if($letter -contains $hash){
return $letter
}else {
$hash = $hash + $letter
return "\0"
You could use the (.Net) HashSet class for this, which Add method (besides adding the value,) returns true if the element is added to the HashSet<T> object and false if the element is already present.
function get-duplicatechar {
param (
$h = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[char]]::new()
foreach ($ch in $str.ToCharArray()) {
if(!$h.add($ch)) { return $ch }
Here's a working version using your code as base:
function get-duplicatechar {
param (
$hash = #{}
$CharArray = $teststring.ToCharArray()
foreach ($letter in $CharArray) {
if($letter -in $hash.Keys) {
else {
$hash[$letter] = $null
One problem is that you are strongly typing $teststring to be a string, so when you add a character array later PowerShell just converts it into a string and thus $teststring remains a string (try $teststring.GetType() after $teststring = $teststring.ToCharArray() to see this for yourself).
One way to solve this is to do what I did and use a different variable for the character array. You could also solve it by changing the variable to a character array directly by replacing [string]$teststring with [char[]]$teststring, that way any strings input to the function will be automatically cast as a character array.
The next mistake is using -contains where you need -in. The letter doesn't contain the array, you're looking for the letter in the array, just like you did in Python.
You can drop the return keyword entirely, PowerShell does not need it. Any output in your function will be output from the function automatically.
You also call your collection variable "hash", but you made an array. I changed it to be an actual hashtable, just like in your Python code. I also changed the way we add to it to more closely reflect what you did in Python. There are many ways to do this, this is just one. Notice we'll need to add ".Keys" in our if-statement as well so we check for keys matching our letter.
I think that's it, ask if anything is unclear.

Iterate through CSV and create an array

I am newbie to Powershell. Need a logic for CSV automation. I have a CSV log file contains large number of API calls.
I need to go row by row and segregate the data, output should be like below. Sum of calls count and average of response time to be updated.
I have written complicated If else conditions for different types of API calls and able to take the scenario name and other values from the csv. My pain starts here, struggling to come to conclusion to move forward. Can i create an array and store all the values then do all the calculation later or write the values in another csv then do all the calculation to find the Count and average response time?
If i choose array, scenario should not be duplicated. For me its really hard to take a decision without knowing the available cmdlets for array and CSV. Please throw some light..
Thanks in advance...
Here is an approach you can use a combination of c# available to Powershell (which can be MUCH more efficient handling larger files and data).
The first component is you need some consistent logic to isolate the API category you want each URL to be assigned. From your screenshots, sometimes it seems you use last segment of the URL but others it is some path in the middle of the resource.
Here is just a quick approach where you pass in an array of categories, and if it can be matched to URI in any way, then that category is used. Otherwise, the URI stands as its own category. Please replace with whatever logic you want here.
function Get-ApiCategory {
param([string[]] $Categories, [string] $Text)
foreach ($c in $Categories) {
if ($Text.IndexOf($c) -gt 0) {
return $c
return $Text # Not found
Then, here is a method that (1) reads the large CSV file row-by-row and uses basic parsing logic (since your source data seems simple enough) without loading the full file into memory, and then (2) exports a CSV file with summary data.
function Write-SummaryToFile {
param([string[]] $Categories, [string] $InputFile, [string] $Output)
# Parse the file line-by-line (optimize for memory)
$result = #{}
$lineNum = 0
Write-Host $InputFile
foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($InputFile)) {
if ($lineNum++ -lt 1) { continue } # Skip header
$cols = $line.Split(',')
$category = Get-ApiCategory $Categories $cols[0]
$new = #{
Category = $category
Count = [int]$cols[1]
AvgResponse = [double]$cols[2]
if ($result.ContainsKey($category)) {
$weighted = $result[$category].AvgResponse * $result[$category].Count
$result[$category].Count += $new.Count
$result[$category].AvgResponse = ($weighted + $new.AvgResponse * $new.Count) / $result[$category].Count;
} else {
$result[$category] = $new
# Output to file
if (Test-Path $Output) { Remove-Item $Output }
try {
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $Output
$result.Values | ForEach-Object { $stream.WriteLine([string]::Format("{0},{1},{2}", $_.Category, $_.Count, $_.AvgResponse.ToString("0.##"))) }
finally {
Then, you are able to call these methods in an example like this:
$categories = #('MoveRequestQueue', 'DeliveryDate')
Write-SummaryToFile $categories 'c:\dev\scratch\ps1\test.csv' 'C:\dev\scratch\ps1\Output.csv'

Accessing array outside of a PS function

I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the PSCustomObject/array out of the function. I have tried using $Global:ZipList as well as just passing the variables into an array directly w/o a custom object but no luck. The reason I need this, is I need to then loop through the array/list after I get the filenames and then was going to loop through this list and unzip each file and log it and process it based on the extension in the zip; this is to be used for multiple zips, so I can't predetermine the file extensions without grabbing the filenames in the zip into a list. I would just use a shell however some of the zips are password protected, haven't figured out how to pass a password scripted to the shell com unzip windows feature so stuck with 7z for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Function ReadZipFile([string]$ZipFileName)
[string[]]$ReadZipFile = & 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' l "$ZipFileName"
[bool]$separatorFound = $false
#$ZipList = #()
$ReadZipFile | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.StartsWith("------------------- ----- ------------ ------------"))
if ($separatorFound)
BREAK # Second separator; We're done!
$separatorFound = -not $separatorFound
if ($separatorFound)
[DateTime]$FileCreatedDate = [DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Substring(0, 19),"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
[Int]$FileSize = [Int]"0$($_.Substring(26, 12).Trim())"
$ZipFileName = $_.Substring(53).TrimEnd()
$ZipList = [PSCustomObject] #{
$z = ReadZipFile $ZipFileName
$ZipList | Select-Object ZipFileName
To be able to select from array created in the function outside of it. I believe my if statements may be blocking the global variable feature when i tried using global:

How to get creation date in sitecore with powershell

I wrote a script in order to replace the "$date" in release date of many Sitecore items with their creation date (created).
I have a problem to get this field from Sitecore.
I tried this:
$rootItem = Get-Item master:/content
$sourceTemplate = Get-Item "/sitecore/content/.../item 1"
foreach($field in $sourceTemplate.Fields) {
if (($field -ne $null) -And ($field -like '$date')) {
$CreatedDate = .......
$field.Value = [sitecore.dateutil]::ToIsoDate($CreatedDate)
I also tried to get this field by ID but it doesn't work.
Does someone have an idea please?
Thank you
If you want to check Sitecore built-in fields, you need to call $sourceTemplate.Fields.ReadAll(); first.
You should compare value of the field with $date string, not the field itself.
Then just get the string which is stored in the __Created field instead of getting date and then formatting it back to ISO date string.
And the last thing - don't call Editing.BeginEdit() and Editing.EndEdit() mutliple times for the same item - Sitecore runs some havily operations when it's called so make sure you only call it once per every item which needs it.
$sourceTemplate = Get-Item "/sitecore/content/home/test"
$editing = $false
foreach($field in $sourceTemplate.Fields) {
if ($field.Value -eq '$date') {
if (!$editing) {
$editing = $true
$field.Value = $sourceTemplate.Fields["__Created"].Value
if ($editing) {
$edited = $sourceTemplate.Editing.EndEdit();

Powershell - Array Range from user input

What would be the easiest way to get user input for an array range.
For example:
function MyArrayOfMachines {
# What should I assign the $Range variable as?
# Hardcoded range. User should be able to enter the range
$Range = 2..5
for ($i=0; $i -lt $array.length; $i +=1)
$result = $array[$i]
$output = $machine+$result
The above function should take the input as the name of the machine and the array range. For now I have the array range hardcoded. When I assign $Range as [Array]$Range in the user prompt, there is a prompt for $Range[0] etc etc. But I would like the user the enter the range.
Doesn't this work? Unless I misunderstood your question...
function test($range){
test -range (1..5)
You can also accept the range as a string and parse it yourself:
function Test
if($range -is [String])
[int]$start, [int]$end = $range.split('.', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
The reason for the if / else is for cases where the user passes an actual range, as in manojlds answer, rather than a string to be parsed (like 1..5). This means you can't strongly type the param though.
Make it two parameters:
function test{
param ( [int]$st,
$Range = $st..$end
test 1 5
If they input the start and end of the range you can use that to create it dynamically in the function.
To get the range from a string, try:
function test{
param ($Range)
$NewRange = $Range.substring(0,($Range.indexof('.')))..$Range.substring(($Range.lastindexof('.') + 1))
test 1..5
I agree with #manojlds, the range should be passed in as an array. Parsing a string limits the possibilities of what a user could enter. By using [int[]] you can force the user to specify an array of integers. This would also allow a user to specify a broken range such as ((2..4)+(6..12)) which is harder to allow for when parsing strings.
In your example I'm not sure where $array is coming from, and you only need one line to return a computed machine name.
function MyArrayOfMachines {
[string] $machine,
[int[]] $range
foreach($n in $range) {
You could create a single machine name,
MyArrayOfMachines Laptop 1
a range of machines,
MyArrayOfMachines Workstation (2..10)
or a non-consecutive array of machines
MyArrayOfMachines Server ((2..3)+(5..9))
You could just pass a string and evaluate it:
function Test([string]$range) {
if ($Range -match '^\d+\.\.\d+$') {
$RangeArray = Invoke-Expression $Range
} else {
$RangeArray = 1..5
Some minimal validation is done to ensure that the user cannot pass arbitrary code.