Development of the Coq library. (Add LoadPath solution is not good enough.) - coq

I am adding some theorems to the library
But there is a not very good thing.
While I developing the code in the CoqIDE I have to add
Add LoadPath "/home/user/0my/GITHUB/".
and to rename all
Require Import Axioms.
Require Import ZFC.Axioms.
. All files of the library are in
and the name of the last folder matters.
But when I want to run the "make" command I have to rename everything back.
The file "Make" contains the names of files and the prefix. Deleting the first line didn't solve the problem.
I don't think that it is the best practice of the developing with the CoqIDE, so what shall I do instead?
I have "" which consist of
#!/usr/bin/env bash
"From ZFC Require Import Sets. " raises error "Cannot find a physical path".
I have find out that this is a working script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export COQPATH=/home/user/0my/GITHUB/
Is it normal run or a hack?

Rename Make to _CoqProject, this is the name currently recognized by CoqIDE where it will look for project configuration (in particular the -R . ZFC option to make the Coq files in the directory visible to CoqIDE).
It is also possible to change the name CoqIDE is looking for to Make, but _CoqProject seems to really be the new standard.
Note that the -R . ZFC option, that allows you to import libraries unqualified, corresponds to the command Add Rec LoadPath "/.../ZFC" as ZFC.
I would also suggest to actually switch the whole codebase to explicit qualification ZFC.Axiom, that you've been doing locally by hand, making it less error prone to work with different projects at the same time. I'm not sure why it was necessary to rename things back to run make, my understanding is that it shouldn't be necessary.
See also the Coq reference manual, about the coq_makefile utility.


directory structure of cpan module

I am working on perl module that I would like to submit in CPAN.
But I have a small query in regards to the directory structure of module.
As per the perlmonk article the module code directory structure should be as below:
But when I am using the command, the structure is generated as below
h2xs -AX Foo::Bar
Writing Foo-Bar/lib/Foo/
Writing Foo-Bar/Makefile.PL
Writing Foo-Bar/README0
Writing Foo-Bar/t/Foo-Bar.t
Writing Foo-Bar/Changes
Writing Foo-Bar/MANIFEST
The article in question is advocating a considerably-older module structure. It certainly could be used, but it loses a lot of the advancements that have been put into place as far as good testing, building, and distribution practices.
To break down the differences:
modules have moved from the top level to the lib/ directory. This unifies the location where your module "lives" (i.e., the place where you work on the code and create the baseline modules to be tested and eventually distributed). It also makes it easier to set up any hierarchy that you need (e.g. subclasses, or helper modules); the newer setup will just pick these up. The older one may but I'm not familiar enough with it to say yes or no.
Makefile.PL in the newer setup will, when "make" is run. create a library called "blib", the *b*uild *lib*rary - this is where the code is built for actual testing. It will pretty much be a copy of lib/ unless you have XS code, in which case this is where the compiled XS code ends up. This makes the process of building and testing the code simpler; if you update a file in lib/, the Makefile will rebuild the file into blib before trying to test it.
the t/ directory replaces; "make test" will execute all the *.t files in t/, as opposed to you having to put all your tests in This makes it far easier to write tests, as you can be sure you have a consistent state at the beginning of each test.
MANIFEST and Changes are the same in both: MANIFEST (built by "make manifest") is used to determine which files in the build library should be redistributed when the module is packaged for upload, and used to verify that a package is complete when it's downloaded and unpacked for building. Changes is simply a changelog, which you edit by hand to record the changes made in each distributed version.
As recommended in the comments on your question, using Module::Starter or Dist::Zilla (be warned that Dist::Zilla is Moose-based and will install a lot of prereqs) is a better approach to building modules in a more modern way. Of the two, the h2xs version is closer to modern packaging standards, but you're really better off using one of the recommended package starter options (and probably Module::Build, which uses a Build Perl script instead of a Makefile to build the code).

coqide - can't load modules from same folder

I can't load modules that are in same folder in CoqIde.
I'm trying to load sources from Software Foundations, I'm running coqide in folder that contains SF sources with coqide or coqide ./, then after opening and running the file, I'm getting this error:
Error: Cannot find library Poly in loadpath
in this line:
Require Export Poly.
and it's same for every other require commands.
So how are you people loading programs from SF into coqide ?
You need to compile the .v files into .vo files and add their directory to your load path if you're going to require them. To compile them, run coqc <file-path> in the command prompt. To add the files' directory to your load path in CoqIde, you can insert the line Add LoadPath "<directory-path>". at the beginning of the .v files.
I realize this is an old thread, however there are not many resources on this problem. I just spent some time solving it so I figured it would be good to post it on the first topic I got from googling. I'm using Coq 8.4p16 compiled with no additional configuration on Arch Linux.
So, the manual says variables like $COQPATH, ${XDG_DATA_DIRS}/coq/ and ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/coq/ are checked, however I've had no luck with those.
I also tried putting coqc -I /folder/path the Edit->Preferences->Externals of CoqIde, however, still no luck there.
I write these as they may work for someone.
The only GLOBAL way which works for me is writing a coqrc file with Add LoadPath "<directory-path>". in it. On Linux the file needs to be in the home folder.
Hope this saves someone some time.
To be able to load a source file in coqtop, coqc, CoqIDE, or Proof General there are several ways, one method is as follows:
Suppose you have downloaded code files for the book titled Certified Programming with Dependent Types written by Adam Chlipala that are available here and extract them in a path we call CODEHOME. As you can see there are this first line in any source files Require Import Bool Arith List Cpdt.CpdtTactics.
First type coqc -v in a cli (command line interface), the output would be something like The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.4pl4 ...., then create a file named coqrc.8.4pl4, the file extension should be in accord with the version of the coq you are using, in $HOME/.config/coq directory if it does not exist and write this line in it Add LoadPath "CODEHOME/cpdt/src" as Cpdt . and that's it.
If you started your file.v with Module file. just get rid of it (Also get rid of the End file.) and your problem is solved.

ExtUtils::MakeMaker how to install configuration file

I'm using ExtUtils::MakeMaker to distribute my perl module, which is composed of a PM file and an executable.
The executable have to load a configuration file.
I want my Makefile.PL to :
generate the configuration file ;
install it in the correct PREFIX ;
modify the executable to set the real path of the configuration file.
But I have no idea of how to do this.
This is where Makemaker is a real pain. You have to know how to do this in make.
First, Makefile.PL is just a Perl program, so you can do anything you want with that.
Second, you can use a .PL file as a program that runs to generate the real file. For instance, you could have a lib/ At build time, the system runs that program and uses the output to create blib/lib/ See the documentation for PL_FILES.
Third, you can add tasks to the make targets so your processing happens at the right time. Double colon targets add to the tasks already defined.
all ::
perl >
install ...
To add this to Makefile from Makefile.PL, you have to add special subroutines to the MY namespace. It's all documented in Makemaker, but the docs assume you are comfortable with make.
But, all of that is really a pain in the ass even if you know how to do it. You think you have it figured out, then someone has a different setup or a different sort of make. You spend all your time with fiddly bits to make it compatible everywhere. This is one of the major reasons the Perl gods invented Module::Build. It's much easier to add custom processing and modify build targets, and you get to do it all in Perl! The rule of thumb is that if you don't know how to do it with Makemaker, it's time to use Module::Build.

Do I have to run make/make install to test each change to a Perl distribution file?

Do I have to run make and make install each time I change a .pm file for Perl? I'm doing a ton of testing and this is becoming cumbersome.
You don't have to install the module to test it.
If I'm testing inside my distribution directory, I just use the test target:
% make test
Or, if I'm using Module::Build:
% ./Build test
Since make is a dependency management tool, it also takes care of any other steps it needs to perform so it can run the test target. You don't need to run each target separately. Module::Build does the same thing.
If I want to test a single file, I combine the make command with a call to perl that also uses the blib module to set the right #INC:
% make; perl -Mblib t/single_test.t
Some people like using prove for the same thing. No matter which method I use, I'm probably using the arrow keys to move back to a previous command line to re-run it. I do very little typing in any of this.
It depends on module setup, but under the standard MakeMaker I use, "make test" runs a "make" if any files have been modified, so when doing intra-module development "make test" is the only command you need until you've finished.
Evan Carroll got it basically right. To expand on his answer: use the testing tools that come with Perl to tighten the workflow.
Let's say you are in your project directory and you hack on the files in its lib/ subdirectory. Execute prove -l to run all tests. That's easier than messing with absolute paths in the PERL5LIB environment variable.
Presumably you're editing a lib module in a non-lib location, rather than clobbering a global library for each modification - do the sensible thing and change the library path perl uses with PERL5LIB, which will append internally to #INC (the use search path):
PERL5LIB=/home/user/code/perl/project/lib perl
If your program isn't pure-perl and requires a make system, there is no way to do this short of rebuilding, but pure-perl (PP) doesn't really require make under normal circumstances. If you do it this way, running perl under a normal environment will yield the predictable and tested results, running it with your PERL5LIB will allow you to test the program.

How do I start a new Perl module distribution?

I'm trying to set up a large-ish project, written in Perl. The IBM MakeMaker tutorial has been very helpful so far, but I don't understand how to link all the modules into the main program. In my project root, I have MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, a bin directory, and a lib directory. In my bin directory, I have my main script ( In the lib directory, I have each of my modules, divided up into their own respective directories (i.e. Utils::Util1 and Utils::Utils2 in the utils directory, etc). In each module directory, there is also a t directory, containing tests
My MANIFEST file has the following:
Makefile.PL is the following:
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
"XML::Simple"=> 2.18}, #The libraries that we need and their
#minimum version numbers
'EXE_FILES' =>[("bin/")]
After I make and run, the program crashes, complaining that it cannot find Utils::Util1, and when I run 'make test, it says no tests defined. Can anyone make any suggestions? I have never done a large scale project like this in perl, and I will need to add many more modules
If you are just starting to create Perl modules (which is also Perl's equivalent of a project), don't use Makemaker. Module::Build is the way to go, and it's now part of the standard library. Makemaker is for us old salts who haven't converted to Module::Build yet. :) I'll strike that now that Module::Build is unmaintained and out of favor; I still use MakeMaker.
You should never start off a Perl project by trying to create the structure yourself. It's too much work and you'll always forget something.
There's h2xs, a program that comes with perl and was supposed to be a tool to convert .h files into Perl's glue language XS. It works fine, but its advantage is that it comes with perl:
% h2xs -AXn Module::Name
Something like Module::Starter is a bit more sophisticated, although you have to get it from CPAN. It's the tool we use in Intermediate Perl because it's simple. It fills in some templates with your information:
% module-starter --author=... --email=... --module=...
If you are doing to do this quite a bit, you might then convert that to Distribution::Cooker so you can customize your files and contents. It's a dinky utility I wrote for myself so I could use my own templates.
% dist_cooker Module::Name
If you're really hard core, you might want Dist::Zilla, but that's more for people who already know what they are doing.
Might I also suggest module-starter? It'll automatically create a skeleton project which "Just Works". I learned what little I know about Perl modules organization by reading the generated skeleton files. It's all well-documented, and quite easy to use as a base for growing a larger project in. You can check out the getting-started docs to see what it gives you.
Running module-starter will give you a Perl distribution, consisting of a number of modules (use the command line option --module, such as:
module-starter --distro=Project --module=Project::Module::A,Project::Module::B [...]
to create multiple modules in a single distribution). It's then up to you whether you'd prefer to organize your project as a single distribution consisting of a number of modules working together, or as a number of distributions which can be released separately but which depend on each other (as configured in your Build or Makefile.PL file) to provide a complete system.
Try this structure:
As ysth said, make does not install your modules, it just builds them in a blib directory. (In your case it just copies them there, but if you had XS code, it would be compiled with a C compiler.) Use make install to install your modules for regular scripts to use.
If you want to run your script between make and make install, you can do:
perl -Mblib bin/
The -Mblib instructs perl to temporarily add the appropriate directories to the search path, so you can try out an uninstalled module. (make test does that automatically.)
By default, tests are looked for in a top-level t directory (or a file, but that has some limitations, so should be avoided).
You say "After I make and run"...make puts things into a blib directory structure ready to be installed, but doesn't do anything special to make running a script access them. (make test is special; it does add appropriate paths from blib to perl's #INC to be able to run the tests.) You will need to do a "make install" to install the modules where your script will find them (or use a tool like PAR to package them together with your script).