Nuget packages versioning/update strategy - nuget

maybe someone has a good idea for the following scenario:
I have
prerelease dev packages, like that: packagename.
release packages, like packagename.
My idea was: starting at a higher number range for the dev packages would always allow getting the dev packages for developers if they enable the Pre-Release option at the nuget update step. This works fine.
Then later on I would like to update the project to the latest release version. But it seems there is no option to update to the latest release version that has a lower version number than the dev/pre-release package? Also the -Safe option doesn't seem to work here.
I can't keep the build numbers in sync also since these are different builds. If I have it the other way around, so higher build numbers for the release versions, it would never update to the latest dev packages if I do a normal nuget update, even including the pre-release packages...
Any idea here?
Thanks a lot!

Any package that is publicly available is a "release package" in technical/English terms. But the software industry has bastardized the language. So lets talk about stable (no prererelease tag) and unstable releases (prerelease tag).
The publisher history should be something like this:
1.0.0 // First **stable release**
1.0.1-alpha // First **unstable release** Candidate bug fix.
1.0.1-beta // 1.0.1-alpha with a tweak to the code.
1.0.1 // Second **stable release**
If the publisher follows that pattern, then end-user clients can safely pull stable release bug fixes while developers can also pull unstable prereleases at their discretion.
You can also have something like:
1.0.0 // First **stable release** // Next CI build after 1.0.0 // Etc...
1.0.1-alpha // Relabeled
1.0.1-beta // Relabeled 1.0.1-alpha, wider audience than -alpha.
1.0.1 // Second **stable release**
It's a good practice to have separate feeds for internal dev/test, public prerelease and public stable releases.


NuGet Package being marked as prerelease

I have built a NuGet Package and uploaded it to a locally hosted Sonatype Nexus repository.
I have given it the version 0.1.1+251019-020007-e3baff. My understanding of sem-ver 2.0 is this should be treated as a stable/release version (because the data after the + should only be treated as metadata), but nuget seems to be getting confused and showing it only if I include prerelease versions in the search.
For example in the cli if I run Find-package <my-package-name> I get no results. But if I run Find-Package -prerelease <my-package-name> I get
Id Versions Description
-- -------- -----------
<my-package> {0.1.1} <description>
Likewise if I use the GUI in Visual Studio I have to check the "include prerelease" option, but then the version that is available is marked as "latest stable"...
In Nexus there is a flag "is_prerelease" that is being set to true by something, not sure what, Is that flag being incorrectly set and then being used in the search?
Is there something else I am doing wrong? Is my understanding of the + character in sem-ver 2.0 not correct?
I am using NuGet version 4.9.3, and nexus is version 3.19.0-01
NuGet's logic is available as packages, the versioning logic in the NuGet.Versioning package. Using this little program:
static void Main(string[] args)
var version = NuGetVersion.Parse("0.1.1+251019-020007-e3baff");
Console.WriteLine($"Version is prerelease: {version.IsPrerelease}");
I get the output
Version is prerelease: False
I tried many versions of the NuGet.Versioning package, from the latest 5.3.1, to 4.9.4, 4.3.0, 3.5.0, 3.2.0 and even the oldest release version of the package, 1.0.1. All of them say that your version is not prerelease.
Therefore, it's not NuGet that thinks your package is prerelease. Given that - is the separator for prerelease labels, my guess is that Nexus is incorrectly doing a simple check similar to version.Contains('-') to determine if it's pre-release. This is a shame, as has two regex expressions on their website which do not have this behaviour (example, I have no idea how long this link will be valid). If your Nexus installation isn't running the latest version, I suggest trying to update if you can. If it's still a problem, you could try contacting the software vendor to report a bug.
As a work around, you could try avoid using the - character in the build metadata as long as you keep using Nexus. SemVer2 is quite restricted in the characters it lets you use, so I suggest using . instead (0.1.1+251019.020007.e3baff).

Finding the latest build version of Library

I think I am missing something, but I want to add library from github to Android, I don't see anywhere on the Github page the latest built version of the library so I can include it in my gradle file. I have to go to maven or jetpack manually and search for it. Is there a shortcut? Am I missing something?
There is a Lint check which allow Android Studio to query the latest versions available.
First you will have to activate this Lint Check
Go to Settings, then Editor > Inspections and search for Newer Library Version Available and check it.
Then run a code Analyze with Analyze > Run Inspection by Name... and type newer and select Newer Library Version Available
Run the inspection on the wanted scope (module only, full project, etc...)
Then you will see which library has a new version available.
As stated by the Lint description of this feature, you should not let this check activated because it may slow your code analysis (query the repositories can take time)
You can use the + annotation to get a dynamic version. It can be use for the major, minor and patch part of the version. Ex :
// Major
compile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-core', version: '+'
// Minor
compile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-core', version: '2.+'
// Patch
compile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-core', version: '2.18.+'
But it's not a good practice to use such a dependency resolution.
Dependencies can unexpectedly introduce behavior changes to your app. Read your changelogs carefully!
The same source built on two different machines can differ. How many times have you said "but it works on my machine?"
Similarly, builds built on the same machine but at different times can differ. I've wasted so much time on builds that worked one minute
then broke the next.
Past builds cannot be reproduced perfectly. This makes it difficult to revert safely.
There are security implications if a bad actor introduces a malicious version of a dependency.

Nuget - store packages in source control, or not?

We currently don't use nuget for our dependencies, preferring to go old-skool way and stick them all in a libs folder and reference from there. I know. So 1990's.
Anyway, nuget has always made me feel a bit queasy... you know, reliance on the cloud and all that. As such, I'm find myself in the main agreeing with Mark Seeman (see here: who says:
Personally, I always disable the feature and instead check in all packages in my repositories. This never gives me any problems.
Trouble is, this has changed in version 3, you can't store packages alongside the solution, as outlined here: Which sorta screws up checking them into source code.
So, am I worrying about nothing here? Should I drink from the nuget well, or side with Mr Seeman and er on the side of caution?
Storing NuGet packages in source control is a really, really bad idea.
I accidentally did it once and I ended up bloating my source code considerably, and that was before .NET Core...
Drink deep from the NuGet well. Most software components are packaged in a similar way these days (NPM, Bower etc). The referenced blog post is two years old and package management is changing rapidly in the .NET world, so here's some of my experience lately.
NuGet packages can't be deleted from They can be hidden,
but if your application requests a hidden package it will download it
as normal. It'll never disappear into the void.
'Enable Package Restore' is no longer glitchy because it's now a default option in NuGet 2.7+. You have no choice anymore.
Packages are no longer stored per solution but per machine, which will save a ton of bandwidth and will decrease the initial fetch period when building.
If you build a new project using .NET Core, you will have dozens more packages as the entire BCL will be available as NuGet packages. Do you really want to check-in all the System.* packages into source code?
There is a very simple reason why you want to store Nuget packages in source control. Your organization doesn't want your build server to have internet access.

Bower versioning best practise?

I am wondering how can I ensure that my bower version configuration will be workable in the future?
E.g. I have already touched multiple projects, which either tell to use
Afaik the
">=" tells that all versions above 1.0.0 are fine
"~" tells all versions/minor updates on 1.0.x are fine
To be more specific:
"dependencies": {
"angular": ">=1.3.0",
"bootstrap": ">=3.2.0",
"jquery": "~2.1.0",
Of the day of writing this code following version configuration was included:
angular: 1.3.1
bootstrap: 3.2.0
jquery: 2.1.0
today you will get included:
angular: 1.4.0
bootstrap: 3.3.4
jquery: 2.1.4
From the point of the developers integration of the lib this features are fine on the beginning of the development. You have not to mess around with the painful dependency management of the libs and versions. But as soon as it gets tested the version should be fixed to defined versions.
I have already touched multiple projects which got broken after a very short period of 3 months, since the libs got updated to different versions, which either are incompatible to each other or some features got broken. So either the build was not working any more or even more bad, issues arise on client side.
What is the best practise to get rid of such version issues on the long term projects?
At the moment there is none, if your only option is bower. A lockfile a la composer or a shrinkwrap mechanism a la npm is in the works however it seems to have stalled as there are currently not enough contributors/maintainers to test the feature and maintain it in the long run.
Since we now have yarn you can opt to use that, which uses a lockfile mechanism as the default behaviour. The only caveat is that it uses the npm registry which means that either some packages haven't been registered there yet, or have been namespaced like Google's Polymer which you might have to watch out for.
My get-t-go method is using exact versions,
don't let your dependency tool decide what version is best for you because they (and other people) are usually wrong.
What I mean by that is, and I have seen this plenty enough on bower. That one day you get version A.B.C and the next day you might get A.D.F and A.D.F conflicts with some other dependency you have. This can introduce all sort's of problems.
Best is to do handle all your upgrades yourself and test this yourself.
I have yet to see a project where UI and javascript testing was automated in such a way that this was done reliably.

How to create a NuGet package which will not be picked up automatically by Update-packages

I am making a change to some code which I need for one component of my application but which I do not wish to release to the rest of my application due to concern that it might have an unintended side effect.
We currently name our packages major.minor.hotfix.buildnumber with our system on say I'd like to release a package along the lines of 1.4.9-branch.601 which can only be chosen manually and wouldn't be picked up with the Update-packages command.
You want the section labeled:
Prerelease Versions
Additionally, prerelease versions of your API can be denoted by appending an arbitrary string to the Patch number separated by a dash. For example:
Note that the actual string applied doesn't matter. If there's a string there, it's a prerelease version.
When you’re ready to release, just remove the dash and the string and that version is considered “higher” than all the prerelease versions. For example, the stable version 1.0.1 is larger than 1.0.1-rc
//End Quote
and then the "how to get it" command-line argument
Install-Package CoolStuff -IncludePrerelease