How do I save widgets that belong to a page and dynamically render them in the future? - flutter

So, I need to build custom pages with custom widgets in Flutter, save these pages in memory and recall the custom widgets and their children in the future.
Saving variables is not a problem, as you can use sqlite or json or firebase.
But how can you save an entire page in Flutter??
How can I achieve this?
Please help!


What is the best practice to improve performance?

I'm newly learning and creating simple app using flutter.
I created drawer inside Scaffold for some pages and I got confused if when I click the ListTiles, should it be routing the pages or just switch the body widget using setState().
I guess setState() must perform better but I'm not sure if this is a good practice for pages. If it does not have a big difference in performance, I would like to use routing the pages since it will be uniformed.
Personal opinion:
Avoid separating widgets into functions, use StatelessWidget instead. Cause every render function will rebuild whatever parameter changes.
Avoid using setState as much as possible, especially for large Widgets, instead use provider, get or simply use ValueNotifier if you dont want library. Cause setState will mark all things to be rerender include widgets that not need to be rerender.
Do not render too many things at once, if possible only render the views that are / are about to be displayed. Example using ListView.builder instead of ListView, ... etc
With image, please resize to suit your needs, a 2000x2000 image loaded as a 24x24 icon is clearly not a good idea.
using const.
I'd suggest to redirect user to the next page as it won't require a StatefulWidget (you can use navigator to navigate user to another activity) which will be lighter to run, as if you use IndexedStack or dynamically assign the widget it'll require the StatefulWidget..

What widget for Swiping entire page with data from sqflite?

Does anyone know what kind of Flutter widget can do left/right page swipe to move to another page like in the reference that takes in the data from sqflite database to generate the contents?
I found this package which does the swiping nicely, but the page is required to be hardcoded, so in my case, it's not quite efficient to do it.
Thanks in advance!

Serialize Flutter Widget

Is there any way to serialize the Build layout of a stateless flutter widget and save it to a database?
I would like to design many simple Badge widgets and don‘t want to update the App each Time I have a new one.
I would like to save new widgets to a db instead.
Remote flutter widgets - may be the direction. It has mechanism for rendering widgets based on declarative UI descriptions that can be obtained & rendered at runtime.

How to call setState() during integration tests?

Hi, there!
I testing screen which contains GridView with items inside. The GridView is built dynamically based on the data stored in the database. Then in tests I manually add one item to database, after that I want to call setState() for showing and checking it. But I have no idea how to do that. Is it real?
Thank you in advance!
I think you don't need to use setState() in this case. Use StreamBuilder to show GridView based on data from firebase. Here's a video of how to implement it

Flutter: A way to append incoming data to ListView instead of rebuilding entire thing?

Summary: Planning to show readonly data array in a ListView widget. Data comes in using a Provider. Is it possible to not rebuild the entire ListView every time, and just append a new Tile to it?
Details: The ListView data set coming in is similar to log entries--it's static and only the last item is coming in. Rebuilding the entire ListView every time seems a bit wasteful. Is it possible to have it in such a way that it would append new Tile widgets on incoming data instead?
Please provide some sample code or your code. For now from this question I'll suggest you to take a look on AnimatedList.