How to delete a file from GitHub history without using commandline - github

I need to remove a file from history. I don't have commandline access to GitHub. Kindly help if this can done through UI itself.

You can't delete the file from history, but you can delete it from the repository by following this help article
Alternatively, you could do a cherry-picking using one of the Git GUIs software, then cherry-pick all the commits, except for the one that you wanted to removed, into a new branch. Then, delete the old branch.

TO achieve this, you have to have command line access.
Delete file from history
But Using UI , you could delete the file from the repo (branch)
Click the delete button on top right corner and commit.

You don't need command line access to GitHub, only to your own local clone, where you can:
either do a git filter-branch (example here)
or use BFG
Then you git push --force.
But the alternative, if you really don't want to use any command line, even locally... would be to contact GitHub support, asking them to remove the file from your remote repo history.
That is a last resort option though, since you are supposed to be able to do that on your own.


Accidently deleted every file in Vs Code while trying to push to git, any way to recover them?

I am a complete noob so while trying to deploy one of my programs to heroku, I needed to push it to github, in Vscode while trying to do that, I got a whole bunch of files that I didn't want to upload on github, so I hit remove all from this screen
I now realize that I deleted everything and I don't know what I can do, I tried going into my drive and hitting properties to try and restore but looks like I hadn't turned that feature on. Is there anyway I can recover my files? I am on windows
Simply go to your terminal and navigate to the folder you are pushing to git. You can run these commands:
git log --pretty=oneline (Shows all previous commits)
git checkout . (This resets everything to the previous commit)
Once you have reset your project to the previous commit, try again and delete the files you wanted to remove. Then perform the git commit -am "text here" and git push heroku master commands.
EDIT: This only works if you have already made git commits. If you have deleted everything and git log --pretty=oneline does not show any commits, then there is no way to recover the deleted files.
You can also check the recycle bin of your computer to see if the deleted files are there.

Github version of Perforce's explicit check-out feature

I've recently moved to Github (VS2017's built-in support) from Perforce for some individual projects. There is a feature in Perforce called "make writable" that allowed you to write to a file locally and then only submit it to the server by explicitly checking it out then submitting it.
This was used extensively for any binary files (.exe, etc) that only needed to be pushed very rarely but still needed to be written to.
Unfortunately from my limited experience with Github, it seems that all files are set to writable and are always marked as "changed", even exes. Is there a setting I can make or setup that allows Github to only mark a file as changed explicitly so I can't accidentally push an incomplete, broken, or debug .exe?
Updated answer: So, I forgot, if the file's tracked by Git at any point, then it gets a bit ugly. There are ways around this, but it isn't a single command to do this.
IF you want to do the .gitignore route, you can. But there's an added step (see below for first step). You have to, after each commit you do of the .exe file, run git rm --cached <filename>. This will remove the metadata around the file telling Git to track it. Once you do that, it won't show up anymore in the Changes list in the Visual Studio plugin (if you're on commandline it won't show up in git status). Then to add a file, you do what I mentioned below, which is to do the git add -f <filename>.
If instead, another way to do this, would be to run git update-index --assume-unchanged <filename>. This tells Git to ignore changes to the file. When you want to commit it, first run git update-index --no-assume-unchange <filename> and do your normal git add git commit workflow, then once you've committed it, run again the git update-index --assume-unchanged <filename> bit. It's messy, and honestly, I'd write a custom tool in VS to do this rather than relying on the built-in SCM tool in Visual Studio.
Original answer: Best way to do this (IMO, others will have their own opinion) is to add the files to your .gitignore. Then if/when you really want to commit them, do a git add -f <file> and then commit as normal.
Edit: Note that this is something everyone will have to do to avoid accidentally committing. A way around that is to commit your .gitignore as well so everyone has the same behavior.

Comments in git (egit)

We recently moved to git from svn (both using Eclipse). I am in the (perhaps bad) habit of writing my Java code first, getting everything to work and then going back and adding comments. In SVN this was easy. I would just create a Fisheye review with my Jira task. The review would have a list of all the files I changed and methods I added or modified. I would note it and abandon the review. Then I would edit all the files listed and add the comments.
However, Fisheye does not (I believe) work with git. I could do a git status to see the files I changed but the local branch is already updated so it will not list any files. And all it does is tell me I am something like one commit ahead of the remote branch but does not list any files.
Is there some way to see a lit of the files I have changed with git so I can add comments? And when I say I wait for my comments I really mean mostly for added classes and methods. If I do something like add a line or two to a method I will generally add the comment too.
changing comments on git commits is not that easy. Each git commit has a sha-checksum which also includes the previous git commit. If you change a commit you change the current commits sha-checksum. therefore you create a new commit. All following commits of your branch must now be rebased on top of this new commit.
The command line provides the git rebase -i [commitid] where you can do lots of modifications including changing comments on commits. I never did this with a GUI but egit might support that too. Just refer documentation on egits rebase feature.
I found out how to do this.
The "Synchronize Workspace" in eclipse appears to show all the changed files not yet pushed remotely. I have not done any pushes, so this showed me what files changed.

How to view file changes before pulling through GitHub on RStudio?

I'm transitioning from using Subversion in Eclipse for code management to GitHub in RStudio. It's starting to make sense, but I can't seem to figure out how to pull effectively.
Specifically, if I use the Pull arrow in RStudio, every file change in the repository automatically updates my local files without warning. I can see how many files were updated, but not what changed!
Here are the questions I'm hoping to get help with:
1) Can I preview the repository file changes in RStudio before I pull them locally? With SVN in Eclipse, there was an indicator showing files with a difference, and the option to view side by side.
2) If multiple files have been changed on the repository, is it possible to pull just 1 locally?
3) How can I revert a local file to a previous version?
Right now I've been trying to do this all within RStudio for simplicity. I haven't used things like the GitHub desktop client.
I appreciate the help!
I would suggest you better get used to the git's own tools to stay informed about your repository.
For example you could do following.
Before you pull, check your current commit logs
git log
This should show you how your current commits stack up. Note the latest commit id (first 4-5 letters would usually do)
Now after pulling you can see the difference using following command
git diff --color your_previous_commit_id..HEAD
If you don't like the changes and want to go back,
you can just reset to your favorite commit with following command. BTW run "git stash save" to keep a copy of your uncommitted changes.
git reset --hard you_favorite_commit_id
Note: that this will delete all your uncommitted changes unless you stashed them and put your local branch behind the remote repo branch you are tracking again.
Wondering where to put these commands? Check
What's good about using these git tools is that if you switch between IDEs you don't need to search for same functionalities you had in your earlier IDEs.

Discard all changes in Github Desktop (Mac)

How to discard all changes in Github desktop (mac), comparing to the latest commit?
It is possible to click on one file and select "discard changes". But how to discard all changes in files?
Just in case anyone is interested, it can be done via GitHub's Menu Bar: Repository/Discard changes to selected files.
Right click on any file and you'll find the option to 'Discard All Changes':
If anyone would be interested to do this without Github Desktop, since I got to this page by searching;
"How discard all changes work in Github Desktop?"
Just run the command below in your project folder from terminal:
git reset --hard
git checkout .
to revert local changes and add a
git pull
to fetch the latest code from remote