Find actor by persistence id - scala

I have a system, that has an actor per user. Users send messages rarely, but when they do, they send usually not only one, but few.
Currently, I have a map, where I store persistenceId -> ActorRef. When I'm receiving a new message for an actor, I look into the map, if there is an ActorRef, I use it. If it is missing, I create it and put it into the map. For sure I don't want to have 2 instances of same persistence actor at the same time. Also, I don't want to create and destroy the actor for each message, as recovery could take some time.
I feel there should be some cleaner way of "locating or creating" an actor. Something like actorSystem.getOrCreate(persistenceId, props). I thought that sharding might help me with that, but I couldn't find an exact example of this. Also, I know there is actorSelection, which has downsides:
using it in too many places, with hardcoded paths that are tricky to
using it to send too many messages as it has a performance
So basically the question is what is the best way of locating persistence actor within one service if I actor persistenceId is userId. If I decide to use sharding, then it will be 1 shard per actor. Is this ok?

Actor sharding is pretty much what you need - you can think about it as a distributed map of actors and there is no need of having additional solutions. The sharding takes care of summoning the actor behind the scenes and there is no need for you to manage actors yourself.
val sharding = ClusterSharding(system).start(
typeName = CustomerActor.shardName,
entityProps = CustomerActor.props,
settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),
extractEntityId = CustomerActor.extractEntityId,
extractShardId = CustomerActor.extractShardId)
where extractEntityId is a function which routes messages to appropriate actors
val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
case gc: GetCustomer => (gc.customerId, gc)
And final example:
case class GetCustomer(customerId: String)
sharding ! GetCustomer("customer-id")
More details here


Broadcast message to actors watching a particular actor?

How can I broadcast a message to all actors that are watching a particular actor?
For context, suppose I have a AuctionActor (which is potentially a remote actor) that is being watched by a large number of AuctionParticipantActor types. I would like the AuctionActor to broadcast various messages to AuctionParicipantActor types.
One possibility would be for the AuctionActor to keep a collection of all participant ActorRef instances and then loop over this collection when ever a message needs to be sent to all participants. This seems inefficient and I am hoping for a better solution...
If you don't want to go with PubSub as mentioned by Diego Martinoia, I would suggest using Routers with BroadcastingLogic. This goes in the direction you mentioned with the collection of ActorRefs, but uses Akka functionality to achieve it being more efficient than just iterating over a collection in your AuctionActor.
From Akka Docs
Routers are designed to be extremely efficient at receiving messages and passing them quickly on to routees.
A normal actor can be used for routing messages, but an actor’s single-threaded processing can become a bottleneck. Routers can achieve much higher throughput with an optimization to the usual message-processing pipeline that allows concurrent routing.
In your case it could look like this:
class AuctionActor extends Actor {
var router = Router(BroadcastRoutingLogic(), Vector[ActorRefRoutee]())
def receive = {
case AddParticipant(ref) =>
router = router.addRoutee(ref)
case RemoveParticipant(ref) =>
router = router.removeRoutee(ref)
case update: ImportantUpdate =>
router.route(update, self)

Different use case for akka cluster aware router & akka cluster sharding?

Cluster aware router:
val router = system.actorOf(ClusterRouterPool(
totalInstances = 20,
maxInstancesPerNode = 1,
allowLocalRoutees = false,
useRole = None
).props(Props[Worker]), name = "router")
Here, we can send message to router, the message will send to a series of remote routee actors.
Cluster sharding (Not consider persistence)
class NewShoppers extends Actor {
Props(new Shopper),
def proxy = {
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg => proxy forward msg
Here, we can send message to proxy, the message will send to a series of sharded actors (a.k.a. entities).
So, my question is: it seems both 2 methods can make the tasks distribute to a lot of actors. What's the design choice of above two? Which situation need which choice?
The pool router would be when you just want to send some work to whatever node and have some processing happen, two messages sent in sequence will likely not end up in the same actor for processing.
Cluster sharding is for when you have a unique id on each actor of some kind, and you have too many of them to fit in one node, but you want every message with that id to always end up in the actor for that id. For example modelling a User as an entity, you want all commands about that user to end up with the user but you want the actor to be moved if the cluster topology changes (remove or add nodes) and you want them reasonably balanced across the existing nodes.
Credit to johanandren and the linked article as basis for the following answer:
Both a router and sharding distribute work. Sharding is required if, additionally to load balancing, the recipient actors have to reliably manage state that is directly associated with the entity identifier.
To recap, the entity identifier is a key, derived from the message being sent, determining the message's receipient actor in the cluster.
First of all, can you manage state associated with an identifier across different nodes using a consistently hashing router? A Consistent Hash router will always send messages with an equal identifier to the same target actor. The answer is: No, as explained below.
The hash-based method stops working when nodes in the cluster go Down or come Up, because this changes the associated actor for some identifiers. If a node goes down, messages that were associated with it are now sent to a different actor in the network, but that actor is not informed about the former state of the actor which it is now replacing. Likewise, if a new node comes up, it will take care of messages (identifiers) that were previously associated with a different actor, and neither the new node or the old node are informed about this.
With sharding, on the other hand, the actors that are created are aware of the entity identifier that they manage. Sharding will make sure that there is exactly one actor managing the entity in the cluster. And it will re-create sharded actors on a different node if their parent node goes down. So using persistence they will retain their (persisted) state across nodes when the number of nodes changes. You also don't have to worry about concurrency issues if an actor is re-created on a different node thanks to Sharding. Furthermore, if a message with a new entity identifier is encountered, for which an actor does not exist yet, a new actor is created.
A consistently hashing router may still be of use for caching, because messages with the same key generally do go to the same actor. To manage a stateful entity that exists only once in the cluster, Sharding is required.
Use routers for load balancing, use Sharding for managing stateful entities in a distributed manner.

How to limit actors per user

I am trying to understand how I could model this with akka.
My system processes messages for users, and the messages have to be processed serially for each user i.e. I cannot have 2+ actors processing a message at the same time for the same user.
So if I get 100 messages, and they are all for different users, I can spawn as many actors as I need to handle them.
But if I get 100 messages and they are for only 10 users, I have to ensure there is only 1 actor processing a given user at the same time.
How could I model this in Akka? How could I filter messages or manage that only 1 actor per user?
note: Each message will have a UserId with it.
Based on the information given, it sounds like you should consider using Cluster Sharding, and shard based on the user id. There are other solutions too, but this is probably a good fit and very simple to add based on what you've described.
One approach would be to have a map between user id and its actor in your request accepting actor. As such, every actor has a mailbox, so that it will queue the incoming messages to a certain extent (it's up to you to set up the mailbox size, it can even be unlimited, as far as memory allows).
In other words,
class RequestAcceptor extends Actor {
var users: Map[UserId, ActorRef] = Map.empty
def receive = {
case r#UserRequest(userId) =>
val maybeActor = users.get(userId)
if (maybeActor.isDefined) {
maybeActor.get ! r
} else {
val actor = Props(classOf[ProcessingActor])
users += userId -> actor
actor ! r
Of course, you have to take care about the mailbox overflow in this case, but that would be a separate question, which is most probably should better be solved with Akka Streams.

How generate unique id for Actor?

Suppose I have an application that uses actors for processing User. So there is one UserActor per user. Also every user Actor is mapped to user via id, e.g. to process actions with concrete user you should get Actor like that:
ActorSelection actor = actorSystem.actorSelection("/user/1");
where 1 is user id.
So the problem is - how generate unique id inside cluster effectively? First it needs to check that new id will not duplicate an existent one. I can create one actor for generating id's which will live in one node, and before creating any new UserActor Generator is asked for id, but this leads to additional request inside cluster whenever user is created. Is there a way to do this more effective? Are there build-in akka techniques to do that?
P.S. May this architecture for using Actor is not effective any suggestion/best practice is welcome.
I won't say whether or not your approach is a good idea. That's going to be up to you to decide. If I do understand your problem correctly though, then I can suggest a high level approach to making it work for you. If I understand correctly, you have a cluster, and for any given userId, there should be an actor in the system that handles requests for it, and it should only be on one node and consistently reachable based on the user id of the user. If that's correct, then consider the following approach.
Let's start first with a simple actor, let's call it UserRequestForwarder. This actors job is to find an actor instance for a request for a particular user id and forward on to it. If that actor instance does not yet exist, then this actor will create it before forwarding onto it. A very rough sketch could look like this:
class UserRequestForwarder extends Actor{
def receive = {
case req # DoSomethingForUser(userId) =>
val childName = s"user-request-handler-$userId"
val child = context.child(childName).getOrElse(context.actorOf(Props[UserRequestHandler]))
child forward req
Now this actor would be deployed onto every node in the cluster via a ConsistentHashingPool router configured in such a way that there would be one instance per node. You just need to make sure that there is something in every request that needs to travel through this router that allows it to be consistently hashed to the node that handles requests for that user (hopefully using the user id)
So if you pass all requests through this router, they will always land on the node that is responsible for that user, ending up in the UserRequestForwarder which will then find the correct user actor on that node and pass the request on to it.
I have not tried this approach myself, but it might work for what you are trying to do provided I understood your problem correctly.
Not an akka expert, so I can't offer code, but shouldn't the following approach work:
Have a single actor being responsible for creating the actors. And have it keep a Hashset of actor names, for actors that it created, and that didn't die already.
If you have to spread the load between multiple actors you can dispatch the task based on the first n digits of the hashcode of the actor name that has to be created.
It seems like you have your answer on how to generate the unique ID. In terms of your larger question, this is what Akka cluster sharding is designed to solve. It will handle distributing shards among your cluster, finding or starting your actors within the cluster and even rebalancing.
There's also an activator with a really nice example.

An Actor "queue"?

In Java, to write a library that makes requests to a server, I usually implement some sort of dispatcher (not unlike the one found here in the Twitter4J library: to limit the number of connections, to perform asynchronous tasks, etc.
The idea is that N number of threads are created. A "Task" is queued and all threads are notified, and one of the threads, when it's ready, will pop an item from the queue, do the work, and then return to a waiting state. If all the threads are busy working on a Task, then the Task is just queued, and the next available thread will take it.
This keeps the max number of connections to N, and allows at most N Tasks to be operating at the same time.
I'm wondering what kind of system I can create with Actors that will accomplish the same thing? Is there a way to have N number of Actors, and when a new message is ready, pass it off to an Actor to handle it - and if all Actors are busy, just queue the message?
Akka Framework is designed to solve this kind of problems, and is exactly what you're looking for.
Look thru this docu - there're lots of highly configurable dispathers (event-based, thread-based, load-balanced, work-stealing, etc.) that manage actors mailboxes, and allow them to work in conjunction. You may also find interesting this blog post.
E.g. this code instantiates new Work Stealing Dispatcher based on the fixed thread pool, that fulfils load balancing among the actors it supervises:
val workStealingDispatcher = Dispatchers.newExecutorBasedEventDrivenWorkStealingDispatcher("pooled-dispatcher")
Actor that uses the dispatcher:
class MyActor extends Actor {
messageDispatcher = workStealingDispatcher
def receive = {
case _ =>
Now, if you start 2+ instances of the actor, dispatcher will balance the load between the mailboxes (queues) of the actors (actor that has too much messages in the mailbox will "donate" some to the actors that has nothing to do).
Well, you have to see about the actors scheduler, as actors are not usually 1-to-1 with threads. The idea behind actors is that you may have many of them, but the actual number of threads will be limited to something reasonable. They are not supposed to be long running either, but rather quickly answering to messages they receive. In short, the architecture of that code seems to be wholly at odds with how one would design an actor system.
Still, each working actor may send a message to a Queue actor asking for the next task, and then loop back to react. This Queue actor would receive either queueing messages, or dequeuing messages. It could be designed like this:
val q: Queue[AnyRef] = new Queue[AnyRef]
loop {
react {
case Enqueue(d) => q enqueue d
case Dequeue(a) if q.nonEmpty => a ! (q dequeue)