How can i create figures in a foor loop? - matlab

I have to create a figure for every 80 measurements of a row vector Bn with length 31999. I tried to write this code but I receive only one figure with all the measurements (31999):
k= length(Bn);
for i= 1:80:(k-1)
Bn1(i) = L(i);
any suggestion?

Given a vector Bn, you can extract 80 values starting at index ii using Bn(ii:ii+79). Within your loop, you thus need to plot those values only.
However, this will create 400 figure windows, which is unmanageable. I recommend you save the plots to file instead:
k = numel(Bn);
for ii = 1:80:k
The plot command will overwrite the previous plot each time.
I recommend you look through the documentation for print to learn about the options you have there (different file formats -d and resolutions -r).

If you want to create one figure for each element, just insert the figure command inside the loop
k= length(Bn);
for i= 1:80:(k-1)
figure % this is what you need
Bn1(i) = L(i);
I'm not sure what L is, so I can't tell if that will do what you expect, but that will create a new figure for each iteration of the loop.


How to create a vector of the results in a for loop

I have a problem with the following code. I want to store all the values I am creating in the for loop below so that I can make a plot of it. I have tried several things, but nothing works. Does anyone know a simple method to create a vector of the results and then plot them?
for x=-1:dx:1
hold on
hold off
I would like to use as much of this matlab code as possible.
upper_bound = zeros(numel(xval),1);
u = zeros(numel(xval),1);
for ii=1:numel(xval)
x = xval(ii)
by adding the (ii) behind your statements it saves your variables in an array. I did not use that on your lower_bound since it is a constant.
Note that I first created an array xval and called that with integers in ii, since subscriptindices must be positive integers in MATLAB. I also initialised both upper_bound and u by creating a zero matrix before the loop executes. This is handy since extending an existing vector is very memory and time consuming in MATLAB and since you know how big they will get (same number of elements as xval) you might as well use that.
I also got the plot call outside the loop, to prevent you from plotting 21 blue lines in 1 plot.

MATLAB loading data from multiple .mat files

My data is x,y co-ordinates in multiple files
to load the filenames in a cell array
How do I use a loop to sequentially load one column of data from each file into consecutive rows of a new/separate array......?
I've been doing it individually using e.g.
Obviously very primitive and time consuming!!
My Matlab skills are weak so any advice gratefully received
Many thanks again, I'm still figuring out how to read the code but I used it like this;
for k=1:numel(b) S=load(b{k});
I then used the following code to create a PCA cluster plot
test1(k,:)=S.AB(:,2); end [wcoeff,score,latent,tsquared,explained] = pca(test1,... 'VariableWeights','variance');
c3 = wcoeff(:,1:3) coefforth = inv(diag(std(test1)))*wcoeff; I = c3'*c3 cscores = zscore(test1)*coefforth;
figure() plot(score(:,1),score(:,2),'+') xlabel('1st Principal Component') ylabel('2nd Principal Component') –
I was using 'gname' to label the points on the cluster plot but found that the point were simply labelled from 1 to the number of rows in the array.....I was going to ask you about this but I found out simply through trial and error if I used 'gname(b)' this labels the points with the .names listed in b.....
However the clusterplot starts to look very busy/messy once I have labelled quite a few points so now I am wondering is is possible to extract the filenames into a list by dragging round or selecting a few points, I think it is possible as I have read a few related topics.....but any tips/advice around gname or labelled/extracting labels from clusterplots would be greatly appreciated. Apologies again for my formatting I'm still getting used to this website!!!
Here is a way to do it. Hopefully I got what you wanted correctly :)
The code is commented but please ask any questions if something is unclear.
%// Initialize the output array. Here SomeNumber depends on the size of your data in AB.
A = zeros(numel(b),SomeNumber);
%// Loop through each 'example.mat' file
for k = 1:numel(b)
%// ===========
%// Here you could do either of the following:
%// Create a name to load with sprintf. It does not require a or b.
NameToLoad = sprintf('example%i.mat',k);
%// Load the data
S = load(NameToLoad);
%// Load directly from b:
S = load(b{k});
%// ===========
%// Now S is a structure containing every variable from the exampleX.mat file.
%// You can access the data using dot notation.
%// Store the data into rows of A
A(k,:) = S.AB(:,1);
Hope that is what you meant!

Looping through columns and rows without using Indexing in matlab

I'm fairly new to matlab and I'm currently working on MATLAB to create a loop that will go through each column and each row and then increment A and B as it goes. I know that there's indexing which you can do but I'd like to learn how to do it step by step. I've come up with the pseudo code for it but I'm struggling with the actual syntax in MATLAB to be able to do it.
For columns i 1-300;
Increment A
For rows j 1-4
Increment B
My actual code that I've been trying to get to work is:
%testmatrix = 4:300 Already defined earlier as a 4 row and 300 column matrix
for i = testmatrix (:,300)
for j = testmatrix (4,:)
I'm not 100% sure how I'm supposed to format the code so it'll read testmatrix(1,1) all the way through to testmatrix (4,300).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You could let it run through the first row to get the right column, then through that column. But you can't feed your running value from the matrix:
[rows cols] = size(testmatrix); %// rows=4, cols=300
for i = 1:cols
for j = 1:rows
temp = testmatrix (j,i); %// contains the element of your matrix at (j,i)
The semicolons ; suppress the output to the command line. Remove them if you want to output A and B at each step.
Here, temp will cycle through the elements (1,1) through (4,300) and you can do whatever you want with them. Note that this is generally an inefficient way to do most things. Matlab supports greatly efficient vectorized calculations, which you should use. But unless I know what exactly you're trying to achieve, I can't really help you with that. (If all you want is A and B's final values, it's as easy as A=A+cols;B=B+cols*rows;.)

Extract parts of a big matrix and allocate them in new variables with loop function

I am a total beginner in MATLAB and I hope to find some help here. I have some model prediction results for 80 individuals alltogether in one large matrix. I need to extract the data for each individual from the big matrix, assign them in a new variable/matrix, do some extra calculations and then plot certain information as needed.
To do so, I am trying to write a script with a loop function but in a complicated, or maybe more accurately: in a primitive way!
Simplified Example:
My matrix is called: All_Indi_Data .... its dimension is: 600 rows x 21 columns
%Column 1: grouping variable (e.g., code or ID with values 1,2,3,4,5, etc.);
%Column 2: independent var.;
%Column 3: t;
%Column 4: OBS;
%Column 5: PRED;
i= length (All_Indi_Data);
%% First Indi.
q=1; % indicating the ID of the indi for which I want to extract the data
j=1; % variable added to insure writing start from the first row
for r=1:i
if All_Indi_Data (r,1)==q
Indi_1 (j,1:21) = All_Indi_Data (r,1:21)
%% Second Indi.
for r=1:i
if All_Indi_Data (r,1)==q
Indi_2 (j,1:21) = All_Indi_Data (r,1:21)
1) My first question is: can I allocate these data in new variables (Indi_1, Indi_2, ect.) in a more simple way with or without the loop function?!!! I would appreciate your help a lot.
2) Is there any code or any way to plot these selected parts (according to the grouping variable, e.g. data for Indi_1) from the previously mentioned big matrix without wasting a lot of time and space (wto recopying the core part of the code again and again) for the script, and using the loop function?! in other words, I would like to detect - with loop function & the grouping variable- which values are of interest and then to plot them (e.g. data in colum 3 with data from column 4 for each individual, starting from the first to the last)?!
I hope that I described my problem clearly and hope to hear something from the expert guys :) ...
Thanks a lot in advance ..
Try the following code:
for idx=1:80
eval(['Indi_' num2str(idx) '=All_Indi_Data(pos,:);']);
What I do is: in each iteration, I search for a value of the ID, indicated in the variable idx. Note that I do not use ´i´ as the name of a variable, because Matlab uses it and ´j´ and the imaginary unit for complex numbers and that could cause problems.
Then, using find I search for the position (or positions) of All_Indi_Data in which I can find the information of that individual. Now I have in the variable ´pos´ the indexes of the rows in which there is information for the individual of interest.
Finally, using eval I extract the data for each individual into a variable. Note that eval combined with a loop makes it easy to create lots of variables. I indicate the rows I want to extract with ´pos´ and, as I want all the columns, I use just ´:´ (you could use ´1:21´ too).
With another similar loop you can plot the information you want. For example:
for idx=1:80
eval(['x=Indi_' num2str(idx) ';']);
% Now I have in X the information for this individual
%Plot the columns of x I want
plot(x(:, 3), x(:,4));
pause; %stay here until a press a key

MATLAB query about for loop, reading in data and plotting

I am a complete novice at using matlab and am trying to work out if there is a way of optimising my code. Essentially I have data from model outputs and I need to plot them using matlab. In addition I have reference data (with 95% confidence intervals) which I plot on the same graph to get a visual idea on how close the model outputs and reference data is.
In terms of the model outputs I have several thousand files (number sequentially) which I open in a loop and plot. The problem/question I have is whether I can preprocess the data and then plot later - to save time. The issue I seem to be having when I try this is that I have a legend which either does not appear or is inaccurate.
My code (apolgies if it not elegant):
fn= xlsread(['tbobserved' '.xls']);
time= fn(:,1);
plot(time,totalrefrence,'-', time, totalreferencelowerci,'--', time, totalreferenceupperci,'--');
ylabel('Reference incidence per 100,000 population');
title ('Total');
clickableLegend('Observed reference data', 'Totalreferencelowerci', 'Totalreferenceupperci','Location','BestOutside');
xlim([1910 1970]);
hold on
h = zeros (1,1000);
for i=start_sim:end_sim %is there any way of doing this earlier to save time?
incidenceFile =strcat('result_', 'Sim', '_', a, 'I_byCal_total.xls');
est_tot=importdata(incidenceFile, '\t', 1);;
xlim([1910 1970]);
ylim([0 500]);
hold all
Essentially I was hoping to have a way of reading in the data and then plot later - ie. optimise the code.
I hope you might be able to help.
Regarding your issue concerning
I have a legend which either does not
appear or is inaccurate.
have a look at the following extracts from your code.
h = zeros (1,1000);
You are using a character array as index. Instead of h(a) you should use h(i). MATLAB seems to cast the character array a to double as shown in the following example with a = 10;.
>> double(int2str(10))
ans = 49 48
Instead of h(10) the plot handle will be assigned to h([49 48]) which is not your intention.