opencensus - explicit context management - trace

I am implementing an opencensus tracing in my (asynchronous) JVM app.
However I don't understand how is the context passed.
Sometimes it seems to work fine, sometimes traces from different requests appear nested for no reason.
I also have this warning appearing in the logs along with a stacktrace:
SEVERE: Context was not attached when detaching
How do I explicitly create a root span, and how can I explicitly pass a parent/context to the child spans?

In OpenCensus we have a concept of context independent of the "Span" or "Tags". It represents a Map that is propagated with the request (it is implemented as a thread-local so in sync calls automatically gets propagated). For callbacks/async calls just for propagation (we are using io.grpc.Context as the implementation of the context) use the wrap functions defined here This will ensure just the context propagation, so entries in the context map will be propagated between different threads.
If you want to start a Span in one thread and end it in a different thread, use the withSpan methods from the tracer :
class MyClass {
private static Tracer tracer = Tracing.getTracer();
void handleRequest(Executor executor) {
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("MyRunnableSpan").startSpan();
// do some work before scheduling the async
executor.execute(Context.wrap(tracer.withSpan(span, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} finally {
A bit more information about this here


Kafka Streams - Transformers with State in Fields and Task / Threading Model

I have a Transformer with a state store that uses punctuate to operate on said state store.
After a few iterations of punctuate, the operation may have finished, so I'd like to cancel the punctuate -- but only for the Task that has actually finished the operation on the partition's respective state store. The punctuate operations for the Tasks that are not done yet should keep running. To that purpose my transformer keeps a reference to the Cancellable returned by schedule().
As far as I can tell, every Task always gets its own isolated Transformer instance and every Task gets its own isolated scheduled punctuate() within that instance (?)
However, since this is effectively state, but not inside a stateStore, I'm not sure how safe this is. For instance, are there certain scenarios in which one transformer instance might be shared across tasks (and therefore absolutely no state must be kept outside of StateStores)?
public class CoolTransformer implements Transformer {
private KeyValueStore stateStore;
private Cancellable taskPunctuate; // <----- Will this lead to conflicts between tasks?
public void init(ProcessorContext context) { = context.getStateStore(...);
this.taskPunctuate = context.schedule(Duration.ofMillis(...), PunctuationType.WALL_CLOCK_TIME, this::scheduledOperation);
private void scheduledOperation(long l) {
// do stuff...
if (done) {
this.taskPunctuate.cancel(); // <----- Will this lead to conflicts between tasks?
public KeyValue transform(key, value) {
// do stuff
stateStore.put(key, value)
public void close() {
You might be able to look into TransformerSupplier, specifically TransformSupplier#get(), this will ensure that ensure we new transformer will be created for when they should be kept independent. Also the Transformers should not share objects, so be careful of this with your Cancellable taskPunctuate. If either of these cases are violated you should see errors like org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Current node is unknown, ConcurrentModificationException or InstanceAlreadyExistsException.

How to resolve InstancePerLifetimeScope component from within SingleInstace component via Func?

The idea is just simple and works in the other containers, not limited with .Net:
Singleton component being referenced from within request context references transient component which in turn references request-scoped component (some UnitOfWork).
I expected that Autofac would resolve the same scoped component in both cases:
- when I request it directly from request scope
- when I request it by invoking Func<>
Unfortunately the reality is quite a bit different - Autofac sticks SingleInstance component to the root scope and resolves InstancePerLifetimeScope component on
the root component introducing memory leak (!!!) as UnitOfWork is disposable and becomes tracked by root scope (attempt to use matching web request scope would just fail finding request scope which is yet more misleading).
Now I'm wondering whether such behavior is by design or just a bug? If it is by design I'm not sure what are the use cases and why it differs from the other containers.
The example is as follows (including working SimpleInjector case):
namespace AutofacTest
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Autofac;
using NUnit.Framework;
using SimpleInjector;
using SimpleInjector.Lifestyles;
public class SingletonComponent
public Func<TransientComponent> Transient { get; }
public Func<ScopedComponent> Scoped { get; }
public SingletonComponent(Func<TransientComponent> transient, Func<ScopedComponent> scoped)
Transient = transient;
Scoped = scoped;
public class ScopedComponent : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
public class TransientComponent
public ScopedComponent Scoped { get; }
public TransientComponent(ScopedComponent scopedComponent)
this.Scoped = scopedComponent;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
private static void AutofacTest()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var outerSingleton = container.Resolve<SingletonComponent>();
using (var scope = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var singleton = scope.Resolve<SingletonComponent>();
Assert.That(outerSingleton, Is.SameAs(singleton));
var transient = scope.Resolve<TransientComponent>();
var scoped = scope.Resolve<ScopedComponent>();
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
// this fails
Assert.That(singleton.Transient().Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(transient.Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Scoped(), Is.SameAs(scoped)); // this fails
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
private static void SimpleInjectorTest()
var container = new SimpleInjector.Container();
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new AsyncScopedLifestyle();
var outerSingleton = container.GetInstance<SingletonComponent>();
using (var scope = AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container))
var singleton = container.GetInstance<SingletonComponent>();
Assert.That(outerSingleton, Is.SameAs(singleton));
var transient = container.GetInstance<TransientComponent>();
var scoped = container.GetInstance<ScopedComponent>();
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
Assert.That(singleton.Transient().Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(transient.Scoped, Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Scoped(), Is.SameAs(scoped));
Assert.That(singleton.Transient(), Is.Not.SameAs(transient));
public static class SimpleInjectorExtensions
public static void AllowResolvingFuncFactories(this ContainerOptions options)
options.Container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (s, e) =>
var type = e.UnregisteredServiceType;
if (!type.IsGenericType || type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Func<>))
Type serviceType = type.GetGenericArguments().First();
InstanceProducer registration = options.Container.GetRegistration(serviceType, true);
Type funcType = typeof(Func<>).MakeGenericType(serviceType);
var factoryDelegate = Expression.Lambda(funcType, registration.BuildExpression()).Compile();
The short version what you're seeing is not a bug, you're just misunderstanding some of the finer points of lifetime scopes and captive dependencies.
First, a couple of background references from the Autofac docs:
Controlling Scope and Lifetime explains a lot about how lifetime scopes and that hierarchy works.
Captive Dependencies talks about why you don't generally shouldn't take an instance-per-lifetime or instance-per-dependency scoped item into a singleton.
Disposal talks about how Autofac auto-disposes IDisposable items and how you can opt out of that.
Implicit Relationship Types describes the Owned<T> relationship type used as part of the IDisposable opt-out.
Some big key takeaways from these docs that directly affect your situation:
Autofac tracks IDisposable components so they can be automatically disposed along with the lifetime scope. That means it will hold references to any resolved IDisposable objects until the parent lifetime scope is resolved.
You can opt out of IDisposable tracking either by registering the component as ExternallyOwned or by using Owned<T> in the constructor parameter being injected. (Instead of taking in an IDependency take in an Owned<IDependency>.)
Singletons live in the root lifetime scope. That means any time you resolve a singleton it will be resolved from the root lifetime scope. If it is IDisposable it will be tracked in the root lifetime scope and not released until that root scope - the container itself - is disposed.
The Func<T> dependency relationship is tied to the same lifetime scope as the object in which it's injected. If you have a singleton, that means the Func<T> will resolve things from the same lifetime scope as the singleton - the root lifetime scope. If you have something that's instance-per-dependency, the Func<T> will be attached to whatever scope the owning component is in.
Knowing that, you can see why your singleton, which takes in a Func<T>, keeps trying to resolve these things from the root lifetime scope. You can also see why you're seeing a memory leak situation - you haven't opted out of the disposal tracking for the things that are being resolved by that Func<T>.
So the question is, how do you fix it?
Option 1: Redesign
Generally speaking, it would be better to invert the relationship between the singleton and the thing you have to resolve via Func<T>; or stop using a singleton altogether and let that be a smaller lifetime scope.
For example, say you have some IDatabase service that needs an IPerformTransaction to get things done. The database connection is expensive to spin up, so you might make that a singleton. You might then have something like this:
public class DatabaseThing : IDatabase
public DatabaseThing(Func<IPerformTransaction> factory) { ... }
public void DoWork()
var transaction = this.factory();
So, like, the thing that's expensive to spin up uses a Func<T> to generate the cheap thing on the fly and work with it.
Inverting that relationship would look like this:
public PerformsTransaction : IPerformTransaction
public PerformsTransaction(IDatabase database) { ... }
public void DoSomethingWithData()
The idea is that you'd resolve the transaction thing and it'd take the singleton in as a dependency. The cheaper item could easily be disposed along with child lifetime scopes (i.e., per request) but the singleton would remain.
It'd be better to redesign if you can because even with the other options you'll have a rough time getting "instance per request" sorts of things into a singleton. (And that's a bad idea anyway from both a captive dependency and threading standpoint.)
Option 2: Abandon Singleton
If you can't redesign, a good second choice would be to make the lifetime of the singleton... not be a singleton. Let it be instance-per-scope or instance-per-dependency and stop using Func<T>. Let everything get resolved from a child lifetime scope and be disposed when the scope is disposed.
I recognize that's not always possible for a variety of reasons. But if it is possible, that's another way to escape the problem.
Option 3: Use ExternallyOwned
If you can't redesign, you could register the disposable items consumed by the singleton as ExternallyOwned.
Doing that will tell Autofac to not track the disposable. You won't have the memory leak. You will be responsible for disposing the resolved objects yourself. You will also still be getting them from the root lifetime scope since the singleton is getting a Func<T> injected.
public void MethodInsideSingleton()
using(var thing = this.ThingFactory())
// Do the work you need to and dispose of the
// resolved item yourself when done.
Option 4: Owned<T>
If you don't want to always manually dispose of the service you're consuming - you only want to deal with that inside the singleton - you could register it as normal but consume a Func<Owned<T>>. Then the singleton will resolve things as expected but the container won't track it for disposal.
public void MethodInsideSingleton()
using(var ownedThing = this.ThingFactory())
var thing = ownedThing.Value;
// Do the work you need to and dispose of the
// resolved item yourself when done.

How can I schedule a child activity to execute *before* the parent is completed?

I have a WF (4.5) workflow activity that creates a child workflow (evaluating a VisualBasicValue expression). I need the result before I complete the parent workflow.
I add the expression to the metadata like this:
private VisualBasicValue<string> _expression;
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
var visualBasicValue = (VisualBasicValue<string>)(_childActivity.Text.Expression);
var expressionText = visualBasicValue.ExpressionText;
_expression = new VisualBasicValue<string>(expressionText);
I tried scheduling the activity in the Execute method like this:
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
context.ScheduleActivity(context, _expression, OnCompleted);
Result.Set(context, _value);
With a callback of:
private void OnCompleted(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance, string result)
_value = result;
Unfortunately, the _expression activity is only executed after the parent's execution method returns. Adding it as an implementation child doesn't work (it cannot work as an implementation child, as it is supposed to evaluate an expression that contains variables external to the parent).
Any ideas how to overcome this and execute within the execution context?
In code, as in real life, you can't schedule something to the past (yet :).
ScheduleActivity() will place the activity within an execution queue and execute it as soon as it can. As the parent activity is still running, _expression will only execute after it. Bottom-line, it's an asynchronous call.
If you want to control when _expression is called, just use WorkflowInvoker to execute it, synchronously, whenever you want.
public class MyNativeActivity : NativeActivity
private readonly VisualBasicValue<string> _expression;
public MyNativeActivity()
// 'expression' construction logic goes here
_expression = new VisualBasicValue<string>("\"Hi!\"");
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
var _value = WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(_expression);
Console.WriteLine("Value returned by '_expression': " + _value);
// use '_value' for something else...
Took me a few days but I managed to resolve my own issue (without breaking the normal of how WF works).
What I ended up doing is, using reflection, iterated over the child's properties and created a LinkedList of evaluation expressions (using VisualBasicValue) of each of its arguments, in the CacheMetadata method. Then in the execution phase, I scheduled the execution of the first evaluation. In its callback I iterate over the remaining evaluations, scheduling the execution of the next evaluations, adding the result to a dictionary, until its done.
Finally, if there are no more evaluations to schedule, I schedule a final activity that takes the dictionary as its argument, and can do whatever it wants with it. Upon its own, it optionally returns the final result to the container's OutArgument.
What I previously failed to understand, is that even though the scheduling occurs after the instantiating activity's execution, the callback runs before control is returned to the host workflow application, and in that space I could work.

How to communicate user defined objects and exceptions between Service and UI in JavaFX2?

How to communicate user defined objects and user defined (checked) exceptions between Service and UI in JavaFX2?
The examples only show String being sent in to the Service as a property and array of observable Strings being sent back to the UI.
Properties seem to be defined only for simple types. StringProperty, IntegerProperty, DoubleProperty etc.
Currently I have a user defined object (not a simple type), that I want Task to operate upon and update with the output data it produced. I am sending it through the constructor of Service which passes it on through the constructor of Task. I wondered about the stricture that parameters must be passed in via properties.
Also if an exception is thrown during Task's operation, How would it be passed from Service to the UI? I see only a getException() method, no traditional throw/catch.
Service and Task
Service javadocs
"Because the Task is designed for use with JavaFX GUI applications, it
ensures that every change to its public properties, as well as change
notifications for state, errors, and for event handlers, all occur on
the main JavaFX application thread. Accessing these properties from a
background thread (including the call() method) will result in runtime
exceptions being raised.
It is strongly encouraged that all Tasks be initialized with immutable
state upon which the Task will operate. This should be done by
providing a Task constructor which takes the parameters necessary for
execution of the Task. Immutable state makes it easy and safe to use
from any thread and ensures correctness in the presence of multiple
But if my UI only touches the object after Task is done, then it should be ok, right?
Service has a signature Service<V> the <V> is a generic type parameter used to specify the type of the return object from the service's supplied task.
Let's say you want to define a service which returns a user defined object of type Foo, then you can do it like this:
class FooGenerator extends Service<Foo> {
protected Task createTask() {
return new Task<Foo>() {
protected Foo call() throws Exception {
return new Foo();
To use the service:
FooGenerator fooGenerator = new FooGenerator();
fooGenerator.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) {
Foo myNewFoo = fooGenerator.getValue();
If you want to pass an input value into the service each time before you start or restart it, you have to be a little bit more careful. You can add the values you want to input to the service as settable members on the service. These setters can be called from the JavaFX application thread, before the service's start method is invoked. Then, when the service's task is created, pass the parameters through to the service's Task's constructor.
When doing this it is best to make all information passable back and forth between threads immutable. For the example below, a Foo object is passed as an input parameter to the service and a Foo object based on the input received as an output of the service. But the state of Foo itself is only initialized in it's constructor - the instances of Foo are immutable and cannot be changed once created and all of it's member variables are final and cannot change. This makes it much easier to reason about the program, as you never need worry that another thread might overwrite the state concurrently. It seems a little bit complicated, but it does make everything very safe.
class FooModifier extends Service<Foo> {
private Foo foo;
void setFoo(Foo foo) { = foo; }
#Override protected Task createTask() {
return new FooModifierTask(foo);
private class FooModifierTask extends Task<Foo> {
final private Foo fooInput;
FooModifierTask(Foo fooInput) { this.fooInput = fooInput; }
#Override protected Foo call() throws Exception {
return new Foo(fooInput);
class Foo {
private final int answer;
Foo() { answer = random.nextInt(100); }
Foo(Foo input) { answer = input.getAnswer() + 42; }
public int getAnswer() { return answer; }
There is a further example of providing input to a Service in the Service javadoc.
To return a custom user exception from the service, just throw the user exception during the service's task call handler. For example:
class BadFooGenerator extends Service<Foo> {
#Override protected Task createTask() {
return new Task<Foo>() {
#Override protected Foo call() throws Exception {
throw new BadFooException();
And the exception can be retrieved like this:
BadFooGenerator badFooGenerator = new BadFooGenerator();
badFooGenerator.setOnFailed(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) {
Throwable ouch = badFooGenerator.getException();
System.out.println(ouch.getClass().getName() + " -> " + ouch.getMessage());
I created a couple of executable samples you can use to try this out.
Properties seem to be defined only for simple types. StringProperty, IntegerProperty, DoubleProperty etc. Currently I have a user defined object (not a simple type), that I want Task to operate upon and update with the output data it produced
If you want a property that can be used for your own classes try SimpleObjectProperty where T could be Exception, or whatever you need.
Also if an exception is thrown during Task's operation, How would it be passed from Service to the UI?
You could set an EventHandler on the Task#onFailedProperty from the UI with the logic with what to do on failure.
But if my UI only touches the object after Task is done, then it should be ok, right?
If you call it from your UI you are sure to be on the javaFX thread so you will be OK. You can assert that you're on the javaFX thread by calling Platform.isFxApplicationThread().

Is there a disposing TransientLifetimeManager

I have a WPF view that has a corresponding ViewModel. All instances are resolved via an unity container. Because I'm using prism I need two independent instances of the view to add it into two different regions the view is registered to. If I'd try to add one instance into both regions I get an
InvalidOperationException: Specified
element is already the logical child
of another element. Disconnect it
when the view is added into the second region because it is already added to the first region.
This problem can easily be solved by using a TransientLifetimeManager that always returns a new instance so both regions would be filled with an independent instance.
But we have decided to create a child container when a new user logs on. Every session related view and view model are resolved using this child container. When the user's session ends, the child container is disposed so that also every session related instances are disposed. But using a TransientLifetimeManager the unity container cannot dispose those instances.
What we need is a lifetime manager that always returns a new instance, but is also capable of disposing those instances. Is there already such an lifetime manager around? Or is there another way to achieve what I described above?
What you want sounds like a variant of the ContainerControlledLifetime manager that does not maintain a singleton instance, but a collection of instances. Unfortunately this is not one of the built-in lifetime managers.
You can look at the code for the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and see that it is pretty simple. Your "SynchronizedGetValue" implementation would always return null (signaling to the container that a new instance needs to be instantiated). You could just subclass ContainerControlledLifetimeManager and override that method.
I've pretty much written it. I suppose I could give you the code. :)
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
That should work. I've not tested it... from the interface, it looks like it's designed for a 1 to 1 LifetimeManager to Object relationship, but if it turns out it is more than that, you might have to override SetValue (adds to a collection of objects) and dispose (disposes that collection of objects). Here's that implementation:
public class ContainerTrackedTransientLifetimeManager :
SynchronizedLifetimeManager, IDisposable
private ConcurrentCollection<object> values = new ConcurrentCollection<object>();
protected override object SynchronizedGetValue()
return null;
protected override void SynchronizedSetValue(object newValue)
public override void RemoveValue()
public void Dispose()
protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
var disposables = values.OfType<IDisposable>();
foreach(var disposable in disposables)
I'm not sure which of these is the right answer. Let me know how it goes for you.
When you use transient lifetime manager (which is the default), Unity does not keep a reference to the created instance.
Thus, when there are no more reference to the instance, it will be GCed.