How is program counter unaffected by multiple clock cycles - cpu-architecture

If the number of clock cycles it takes to complete an instruction is more than one does that mean program counter gets incremented more than once in the same instruction cycle. I am getting this doubt because from my knowledge registers gets updated on each clock pulse.
Does this mean that if a system is waiting for memory for 3 clock cycles pc will be pc +12?

Each instruction cycle of the example processor contains one to x machine cycles. The download phase consists of as many machine cycles as the number of bytes must be sent from the operating memory to the processor under one instruction. The duration of the execution cycle depends on the type of order downloaded.


Jump instruction can be performed in two clock cycles instead of three clock cycles in multi-cycle datapath

In multi-cycle datapath, the first and second cycle is similar for all types of instructions.
The first cycle is Instruction fetch and the second cycle is instruction decode and register fetch.
Jump is performed in three clock cycles. two clock cycles are those I mentioned above. and the third one is left shift 26 LSB of instruction so that we have 28 bit and then add 4 MSB bits of PC to it so we get a 32-bit address and we set it to the pc.
but we can do the third cycle of jump in the second clock cycle, so that jump instruction can be finished in two clock cycles.

How is CR8 register used to prioritize interrupts in an x86-64 CPU?

I'm reading the Intel documentation on control registers, but I'm struggling to understand how CR8 register is used. To quote the docs (2-18 Vol. 3A):
Task Priority Level (bit 3:0 of CR8) — This sets the threshold value
corresponding to the highest- priority interrupt to be blocked. A
value of 0 means all interrupts are enabled. This field is available
in 64- bit mode. A value of 15 means all interrupts will be disabled.
I have 3 quick questions, if you don't mind:
So bits 3 thru 0 of CR8 make up those 16 levels of priority values. But priority of what? A running "thread", I assume, correct?
But what is that priority value in CR8 compared to when an interrupt is received to see if it has to be blocked or not?
When an interrupt is blocked, what does it mean? Is it "delayed" until later time, or is it just discarded, i.e. lost?
CR8 indicates the current priority of the CPU. When an interrupt is pending, bits 7:4 of the interrupt vector number is compared to CR8. If the vector is greater, it is serviced, otherwise it is held pending until CR8 is set to a lower value.
Assuming the APIC is in use, it has an IRR (Interrupt Request Register) with one bit per interrupt vector number. When that bit is set, the interrupt is pending. It can stay that way forever.
When an interrupt arrives, it is ORed into the IRR. If the interrupt is already pending (that is, the IRR bit for that vector is already set), the new interrupt is merged with the prior one. (You could say it is dropped, but I don't think of it that way; instead, I say the two are combined into one.) Because of this merging, interrupt service routines must be designed to process all the work that is ready, rather than expecting a distinct interrupt for each unit of work.
Another related point is that Windows (and I assume Linux) tries to keep the IRQ level of a CPU as low as possible at all times. Interrupt service routines do as little work as possible at their elevated hardware interrupt level and then cue a deferred procedure call to do the rest of their work at DPC IRQ level. The DPC will normally be serviced immediately unless another IRQ has arrived because they are at a higher priority than normal processes.
Once a CPU starts executing a DPC it will then execute all the DPC's in its per CPU DPC cue before returning the CPU IRQL to zero to allow normal threads to resume.
The advantage of doing it this way is that an incoming hardware IRQ of any priority can interrupt a DPC and get its own DPC on the cue almost immediately, so it never gets missed.
I should also try and explain ( as I think it is 😁) the difference between the IRQ level of a CPU and the priority of an IRQ .
Before Control Register 8 became available with x64 the CPU had no notion of an IRQ level.
The designers of windows NT decided that every logical processor in a system should have a NOTIONAL IRQ Level that would be stored in a data structure called a processor control block for each CPU. They decided there should be 32 levels for no reason I know of 😁.
Software and hardware interrupts are also assigned a level so if they are above the level that the CPU has assigned then they are allowed to continue.
Windows does NOT make use of the interrupt priority assigned by the PIC/APIC hardware, instead it uses the interrupt mask bits in them. The various pins are assigned a vector number and then they get a level.
When Windows raises the LRQL of a CPU in its PCB it also reprograms the interrupt mask of the PIC/APIC. But not straight away.
Every interrupt that occurs causes the Windows trap dispatcher to execute and compare the IRQ level with the CPU IRQL and if the IRQ level is higher the interrupt goes ahead, if not THEN Windows reprograms the mask and returns to the executing thread instead.
The reason for that is that reprogramming the PIC takes time and if no lower level IRQ comes in then windows can save its self a job.
On x64 there IS CR8 and I am still looking at how that works.

How does program counter in 8085 actually work?

I have been reading about Program Counter of 8085. This material here states that the function of the program counter is to point to the memory address from which the next byte is to be fetched. When a byte (machine code) is being fetched, the program counter is incremented by one to point to the next memory location.
My question is how does it handle the condition if instruction size varies. Suppose the current instruction is of 3 bytes then PC should point to current address+3. How does PC knows the size of the current instruction?
I am new to 8085, any help would be appreciated.
The material you reference doesn't really say anything about that issue specifically - all it says is that the PC is incremented when a byte is fetched, which is correct (it doesn't say that there couldn't be multiple bytes to an instruction).
In general, a CPU will increment the program counter to point to the next instruction.
More precisely, during the instruction decoding phase, the CPU will read as many bytes as are needed for the instruction and increment the PC accordingly.

Can a sub-microsecond clock resolution be achieved with current hardware?

I have a thread that needs to process a list of items every X nanoseconds, where X < 1 microsecond. I understand that with standard x86 hardware the clock resolution is at best 15 - 16 milliseconds. Is there hardware available that would enable a clock resolution < 1 microsecond? At present, the thread runs continuously as the resolution of nanosleep() is insufficient. The thread obtains the current time from a GPS reference.
You can get the current time with extremely high precision on x86 using the rdtsc instruction. It counts clock cycles (on a fixed reference clock, not the actually dynamic frequency CPU clock), so you can use it as a time source once you find the coefficients that map it to real GPS-time.
This is the clock-source Linux uses internally, on new enough hardware. (Older CPUs had the rdtsc clock pause when the CPU was halted on idle, and/or change frequency with CPU frequency scaling). It was originally intended for measuring CPU-time, but it turns out that a very precise clock with very low-cost reads (~30 clock cycles) was valuable, hence decoupling it from CPU core clock changes.
It sounds like an accurate clock isn't your only problem, though: If you need to process a list every ~1 us, without ever missing a wakeup, you need a realtime OS, or at least realtime functionality on top of a regular OS (like Linux).
Knowing what time it is when you do eventually wake up doesn't help if you slept 10 ms too long because you read a page of memory that the OS decided to evict, and had to get from disk.

Calculating Interrupt Data Rate

I'm currently learning about interrupts but don't understand how you
calculate the data rate for the question below. I have the answers but
I have no idea how you get there. If someone could please explain to
me how it is calculated it would be really appreciated.
Here is the question...
This question concerns the use of interrupts to handle the input and
storage in memory of data arriving at an input interface, and the
consideration of data rates that be achieved using this mechanism. In
this particular question, the arrival of each new data item triggers
an interrupt request to input and store the data item in a queue in
memory.The question is about calculating the maximum data rate
achievable in this scenario.
You are first required to calculate the time to respond to an
interrupt from the interface, run the interrupt service routine (ISR)
and return to the interrupted program.From this and the number of data
bits input on each interrupt, you are required to calculate the
maximum data rate in bits per second, that can be handled. Below you
are given: the number of clock cycles the CPU requires to respond to
the interrupt and switch to the ISR, the number of instructions
executed by the ISR, the average number of clock cycles executed per
instruction in the ISR, the number of bits in the data item input on
each interrupt, and the clock frequency. [You can assume that when the
CPU can be immediately interrupted again as soon as the ISR completes,
but not before this]
clock cycles to respond to interrupt = 15
instructions executed in ISR= 70
average clock cycles per instruction = 5
number of bits per data item = 32
clock frequency = 10MHz
a) What is the time in microseconds to respond to an interrupt from
the interface, run the interrupt service routine (ISR) and return to
the interrupted program?
b)What is the maximum data rate in Kbits/second?
a) 36.5 - I understand this
b) 876.7 - ????
Because each ISR takes 36.5 us, the absolute maximum number of ISRs that can happen in a second is 27,397.2603.
In each ISR, 32 bits of data are processed.
Therefore, 27397.2603 * 32 bits = 876.712.33 bits processed per second