PostgreSQL insert into too many referenced table - postgresql

I have a simple table with a primary key ID and other columns that are not so interesting. The data there is not so much, like several thousands records. However there too many constraints on this table. I mean it is referenced by other tables (more than 200) with foreign key to the ID column. And every time I tried to insert something into it, it checks all the constraints and takes around 2-3 secs for every insert to complete. There are btree indexes on all tables, so the query planner uses index scans as well as sequential ones.
My question is there any option or something that I can apply in order to speed up these inserts. I tried to disable the sequential scans and use index scans only, but this didn't help. The partitioning wouldn't be helpful as well, I think. So please advise.
The version of psql is 10.0.
Thank you!


Postgres not very fast at finding unique values in table with about 1.3 billion rows

So I have a (logged) table with two columns A, B, containing text.
They basically contain the same type of information, it's just two columns because of where the data came from.
I wanted to have a table of all unique values (so I made the column be the primary key), not caring about the column. But when I asked postgres to do
insert into new_table(value) select A from old_table on conflict (value) do nothing; (and later on same thing for column B)
it used 1 cpu core, and only read from my SSD with about 5 MB/s. I stopped it after a couple of hours.
I suspected that it might be because of the b-tree being slow and so I added a hashindex on the only attribute in my new table. But it's still using 1 core to the max and reading from the ssd at only 5 MB/s per second. My java program can hashset that at at least 150 MB/s, so postgres should be way faster than 5 MB/s, right? I've analyzed my old table and I made my new table unlogged for faster inserts and yet it still uses 1 core and reads extremely slowly.
How to fix this?
EDIT: This is the explain to the above query. Seems like postgres is using the b-tree it created for the primary key instead of my (much faster, isn't it??) Hash index.
Insert on users (cost=0.00..28648717.24 rows=1340108416 width=14)
Conflict Resolution: NOTHING
Conflict Arbiter Indexes: users_pkey
-> Seq Scan on games (cost=0.00..28648717.24 rows=1340108416 width=14)
The ON CONFLICT mechanism is primarily for resolving concurrency-induced conflicts. You can use it in a "static" case like this, but other methods will be more efficient.
Just insert only distinct values in the first place:
insert into new_table(value)
select A from old_table union
select B from old_table
For increased performance, don't add the primary key until after the table is populated. And set work_mem to the largest value you credibly can.
My java program can hashset that at at least 150 MB/s,
That is working with the hashset entirely in memory. PostgreSQL indexes are disk-based structures. They do benefit from caching, but that only goes so far and depends on hardware and settings you haven't told us about.
Seems like postgres is using the b-tree it created for the primary key instead of my (much faster, isn't it??) Hash index.
It can only use the index which defines the constraint, which is the btree index, as hash indexes cannot support primary key constraints. You could define an EXCLUDE constraint using the hash index, but that would just make it slower yet. And in general, hash indexes are not "much faster" than btree indexes in PostgreSQL.

Bulk update Postgres table

I have a table with around 200 million records and I have added 2 new columns to it. Now the 2 columns need values from a different table. Nearly 80% of the rows will be updated.
I tried update but it takes more than 2 hours to complete.
The main table has a composite primary key of 4 columns. I have dropped it and dropped an index that is present on a column before updating. Now the update takes little over than 1 hour.
Is there any other way to speed up this update process (like batch processing).
Edit: I used the other table(from where values will be matched for update) in from clause of the update statement.
Not really. Make sure that max_wal_size is high enough that you don't get too many checkpoints.
After the update, the table will be bloated to about twice its original size.
That bloat can be avoided if you update in batches and VACUUM in between, but that will not make processing faster.
Do you need whole update in single transaction? I had quite similar problem, with table that was under heavy load, and column required not null constraint. Do deal with it - I did some steps:
Add columns without constraints like not null, but with defaults. That way it went really fast.
Update columns in steps like 1000 entries per transaction. In my case load of the DB rise, so I had to put small delay.
Update columns to have not null constraints.
That way you don't block table for long time, but that is not an answer to your question.
First to validate where you are - I would check iostats to see if that is not the limit... To speed up, I would consider:
higher free space map - to be sure DB is aware of entries that can be removed, but note that if pages are packed to the limit it would not bring much...
maybe foreign keys referring to the table can be also removed? To stop locking the table,
removing all indices since they are slowing down, and create them afterwords - that looks like slicing problem but other way, but is an option, so counts...
There is a 2 type of solution to your problem.
1) This approach work if your main table doesn't update or inserted during this process
First create the same table schema without composite primary key and index with a different name.
Then insert the data in the new table with join table data.
Apply all constraints and indexes on the new table after insert.
Drop the old table and rename the new table with the old table name.
2) Or you can use a trigger to update that two-column on insert or update event. (This will make insert update operation slightly slow)

Understanding indexes and performance as they relate to indexed column and non-indexed column data in the same row

I have some tables that are around 100 columns wide. I haven't normalized them because to put it back together would require almost 3 dozen joins and am not sure it would perform any better... haven't tested it yet (I will) so can't say for sure.
Anyway, that really isn't the question. I have been indexing columns in these tables that I know will be pulled frequently, so something like 50 indexes per table.
I got to thinking though. These columns will never be pulled by themselves and are meaningless without the primary key (basically an item number). The PK will always be used for the join and even in simple SELECT queries, it will have to be a specified column so the data makes sense.
That got me thinking further about indexes and how they work. As I understand them the locations of a values are committed to memory for that column so it is quickly found in a query.
For example, if you have:
SELECT itemnumber, expdate
FROM items;
And both itemnumber and expdate are indexed, is that excessive and really adding any benefit? Is it sufficient to just index itemnumber and the index will know that expdate, or anything else that is queried for that item, is on the same row?
Secondly, if multiple columns constitute a primary key, should the index include them grouped together, or is individually sufficient?
For example,
CREATE INDEX test_index ON table (pk_col1, pk_col2, pk_col3);
CREATE INDEX test_index1 ON table (pk_col1);
CREATE INDEX test_index2 ON table (pk_col2);
CREATE INDEX test_index3 ON table (pk_col3);
Thanks for clearing that up in advance!
Uh oh, there is a mountain of basics that you still have to learn.
I'd recommend that you read the PostgreSQL documentation and the excellent book “SQL Performance Explained”.
I'll give you a few pointers to get you started:
Whenever you create a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint, PostgreSQL automatically creates a unique index over all the columns of that constraint. So you don't have to create that index explicitly (but if it is a multicolumn index, it sometimes is useful to create another index on any but the first column).
Indexes are relevant to conditions in the WHERE clause and the GROUP BY clause and to some extent for table joins. They are irrelevant for entries in the SELECT list. An index provides an efficient way to get the part of a table that satisfies a certain condition; an (unsorted) access to all rows of a table will never benefit from an index.
Don't sprinkle your schema with indexes randomly, since indexes use space and make all data modification slow.
Use them where you know that they will do good: on columns on which a foreign key is defined, on columns that appear in WHERE clauses and contain many different values, on columns where your examination of the execution plan (with EXPLAIN) suggests that you can expect a performance benefit.

SQLite ANALYZE breaks indexes

I have a table that contains about 500K rows. The table has an index on the 'status' column. So I run the following explain command:
Results in a predictable 'explanation'...
SEARCH TABLE my_table USING INDEX IDX_my_table_status (status=?) (~10 rows)
After many additional rows are added to the table, I call 'ANALYZE'. Afterwards, queries seemed much slower so I re-ran my explain and now see the following:
SCAN TABLE my_table (~6033 rows)
First thing I notice is that BOTH the row estimates are WAY off. The biggest concern is the fact that the index seems to be skipped once ANALYZE is ran. I tried REINDEX - to no avail. The only way I can get the indexes back is to drop them, then re-create them. Has anyone seen this? Is this a bug? Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have tried this on multiple datbases and I see the same results. This is on my PC, and on MAC and on the iPhone/iPad - all the same results.
When SQLite fetches rows from a table using an index, it has to read the index pages first, and then read all the table's pages that contain one or more matching records.
If there are many matching records, almost all the table's pages are likely to contain one, so going through the index would require reading more pages.
However, SQLite's query planner does not have information about the record sizes in the index or the table, so it's possible that its estimates are off.
The information collected by ANALYZE is stored in the sqlite_stat1 and maybe sqlite_stat3 tables.
Please show what the information about your table is.
If that information that not reflect the true distribution of your data, you can try to run ANALYZE again, or just delete that information from the sqlite_stat* tables.
You can force going through an index if you use ORDER BY on the indexed field.
(INDEXED BY is, as its documentation says, not intended for use in tuning the performance of a query.)
If you do not need to select all fields of the table, you can speed up specific queries by creating an index on those queries' fields so that you have a covering index.
It's not uncommon for a query execution plan to avoid using an existing index on a low-cardinality column like "status", which probably only has a few distinct values. It's often faster for the lookups to be performed by scanning the db table. (Some DBAs recommend never indexing low-cardinality columns.)
However, based on the wildly varying row counts in the explain plan, I'm guessing that SQLite's 'analyze' performs similarly to MySQL's 'analyze' when using the InnoDB storage engine. MySQL's 'analyze' does a random set of dives into the table data to determine row count, index cardinality, etc. Because of the random dives, the statistics may vary after each 'analyze' is run, and result in differing query execution plans. Low-cardinality columns are even more susceptible to incorrect stats, as, for example, the random dives may indicate that the majority of the rows in your table have an "active" status, making it more efficient to table scan rather than use the index. (I'm no SQLite expert, so someone please chime in if my hunch about the 'analyze' behavior is incorrect.)
You can try testing the use of the index in the query using "indexed by" (see, although forcing the use of indexes is usually a last resort. Different RDBMSs have different solutions to the low-cardinality problem, such as partitioning, using bitmap indexes, etc. I would recommend researching SQLite-specific solutions to querying/indexing on low-cardinality columns).

efficiently trimming postgresql tables

I have about 10 tables with over 2 million records and one with 30 million. I would like to efficiently remove older data from each of these tables.
My general algorithm is:
create a temp table for each large table and populate it with newer data
truncate the original tables
copy tmp data back to original tables using: "insert into originaltable (select * from tmp_table)"
However, the last step of copying the data back is taking longer than I'd like. I thought about deleting the original tables and making the temp tables "permanent", but I lose constraint/foreign key info.
If I delete from the tables directly, it takes much longer. Given that I need to preserve all foreign keys and constraints, are there any faster ways of removing the older data?
The fastest process is likely to be exactly as you've outlined:
Copy new data into a temporary table
Drop indexes and foreign keys
Drop the old table
Copy the temporary table back to the old table name
Rebuild indexes and foreign keys.
The Postgres manual has some suggestions on perfomance, too, that may or may not apply. Frankly, however, it is significantly quicker to drop a table than to drop millions of rows (since each delete is performed tuple by tuple) and it is significantly quicker to insert millions of rows into a table with no constraints or indexes (as each constraint must be checked and each index must be updated for each record insert; by removing all constraints, you limit this to a single build of the index and a single verification for the constraint).
The "standard" solution for these problems typically involves partitioning your tables on the appropriate key, such that when you need to delete old data, you can simply drop a whole partition -- certainly the fastest deletion that you will ever get.
However, partitioning in PostgreSQL isn't as easy as some other databases -- you need to relocate data manually using triggers, and there are caveats (e.g. no global primary keys)
See the PostgreSQL manual on Partitioning