Org-Capture-Template portablility in Windows and Crostini - emacs

I’ve been using org-mode for my GTD system for a little while and now that I’m happy with it I decided to set it up on all my computers. My main machine for the last year or so has been on Archlinux and that’s where I did my setup originally now I’ve added a windows computer and a Pixelbook running Emacs in crostini. I’m syncing my org files with Dropbox and that works fine. I’ve copied my .emacs file to each computer and changed some file paths for my windows machine. Almost everything seems to be working fine except for something strange with my Capture Templates.
On the Pixelbook the Templates using file+olp+datetree throws an invalid capture target specification ie:
("m" "Meeting Note" entry
(file+olp+datetree "~/Dropbox/org/" "Meetings")
"* Description: %^{Description|Meeting} %T
- Participants: %^{Participants}
- Location: %^{Location}
** Notes:
- %?
** Next Steps: :ReFile:
- [ ] ")
On the windows computer my Inbox ToDo capture throws the same error in the minibuffer:
("t" "New TODO to Inbox" entry
(file "C:/Users/jgallo/Dropbox/org/" "Inbox")
"* TODO %?" :prepend :time-prompt t)
Anyone have any ideas what I might be missing?

The file+olp+datetree target expects just one argument, the filename. The same is true of the file target in your Windows configuration. If you want to use a headline for the target, you can use file+headline.
The details of these can be seen in the Org manual at Org capture template elements


Did someone manage to write application program at a specific offset in PIC18F program memory using MPLAB v.8.92 IDE (C18 compiler)?

I've been stuck for a little while now. I am using a PIC18J67j60 with MPLAB IDE (8.92).
My goal is to write my application (application works fine) at the address 0x2A in the PIC18 program memory.
To do so, I added the 18f67j60_g.lkr linker script into my application project (in the "Linker Script" folder). In this 18f67j60_g.lkr script, I added the line : " CODEPAGE NAME=page START=0x2A END=0xFFF".
Then I also added the c018i.c file in the "Source Files" folder of my project and into it, I changed the line "#pragma code _entry_scn=0x000000" to "#pragma code _entry_scn=0x2A".
Everything is compiling and I checked in my project.MAP file and as expected it says : " _entry_scn code 0x00002a program 0x000006" and "start 0x00002a end 0x00013d ".
Then, I use MPLAB IPE only to load the hex.file (obtained from the compilation) (with a pickit3) into my PIC18 (the picKit3 powers the PIC18). BUT in the output window of MPLAP IPE, it says the start writting address is 0x00.. instead of 0x2A. And I dont get why its not writing at 0x2A address..
Thank you for all your help

Flycheck warning in Emacs’ *Messages* buffer are not displayed correctly

The following is an example of how my flycheck errors show up on emacs:
Method name "createQATask" doesn't conform to
'[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern [invalid-name]
Here are the checkers I’m running (checked through C-c ! v):
Syntax checkers for buffer in python-mode:
First checker to run:
- may enable: yes
- executable: Found at /usr/bin/python3
- configuration file: Not found
- `flake8' module: Found at "/home/devdesk4/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flake8/"
- next checkers: python-pylint, python-mypy
Checkers that may run as part of the first checker's chain:
- may enable: yes
- executable: Found at /usr/bin/python3
- configuration file: Found at "/home/devdesk4/.pylintrc"
- `pylint' module: Found at "/home/devdesk4/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pylint/"
- next checkers: python-mypy
Checkers that could run if selected:
python-pycompile select
- may enable: yes
- executable: Found at /usr/bin/python3
- next checkers: python-mypy
I’ve tried disabling python-pylint’s configuration file, but the behavior still remains. I’ve also tried a minimal .emacs configuration which only contained the following:
(setq package-archives
'(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")
("melpa-stable" . "")))
(use-package flycheck
:ensure t
(global-flycheck-mode t))
Are those symbols (", ') not being displayed properly, or is this some sort of default flycheck configuration that I can override?
April 25, 2020 Update (Possible Solution)
Weirdly, I executed pip install --upgrade pylint just to check if I really had the latest version of pylint, and it upgraded from 2.3.0 to 2.4.4, and that fixed the issue.
However, this solution conflicts with using, because it reverts me back to version 2.3.0 which has those html-escape sequences.
Same-day update
It’s confirmed to be an upstream bug in Pylint.
The following is an example of how my flycheck errors show up on emacs:
Method name "createQATask" doesn't conform to '[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$' pattern [invalid-name]
The linter evidentially believes it should be producing HTML output.
By the looks of it you are running all of python-flake8, python-pylint, and python-mypy. I suggest that you firstly test them one at a time to establish which one is producing that output, and then look at the documentation for that tool to find out how to prevent it from generating HTML.

How to get Resharpers InspectCode to recognize Plugins?

I am trying to run ReSharpers command line tool InspectCode.exe. It's running fine doing it's job with the expected output.
However after my earlier attempt to get plugins to work, this time with the new version it is supposed to be supported. There is a switch in the command line interface that allows to specify the extension you want to use.
/extensions (/x) – allows using ReSharper extensions that affect code analysis. To use an extension, specify its ID, which you can find by opening the extension package page in the ReSharper Gallery, and then the Package Statistics page. Multiple values are separated with the semicolon.
But I cannot get it to work properly. I cannot even provoke any reaction to the /x switch at all. No matter how or what I pass, I get no feedback from the executable and the output is identical. I don't even get an error message when passing obvious garbage.
I tried the following commandlines for the exact same result:
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x="ReSharper.StyleCop" "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ReSharper.StyleCop "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ABCDEFG "my.sln"
JetBrains Inspect Code 9.1.1
Running in 64-bit mode, .NET runtime 4.0.30319.18444 under Microsoft Windows NT
6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Enabled solution-wide analysis according to Inspect Code command line Setting.
Analyzing files
Inspection report was written to rcli.xml
What am I doing wrong? How to get extensions to work?
I already tried the R# forums, but it took them more then 24h to approve my post and so far I'm not sure someone else even read it.
Unfortunately, the support for extensions was dropped in 9.0 due to the refactorings in the "ReSharper platform". I hope that JetBrains will bring it back soon.
See RSRP-436208.
This is a late answer that might help future readers (like myself). Currently inspectcode.exe will automatically look for and use any NuGet packages that are in the same folder as the executable (source).
Example for CleanCode extension:
if you have a R# instance on some machine and install the extension, it will be placed in C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\JetBrains\plugins\MO.CleanCode.5.6.15
copy MO.CleanCode.5.6.15.nupkg and paste it next to inspectcode.exe
when running inspectcode with verbosity = VERBOSE, the extension should appear in the Zones list:
$cmd = "..\JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools.2019.3.4\inspectcode.exe"
$outputFile = "..\Output\$($outputName).xml"
& $cmd -o="$outputFile" $sln --verbosity=VERBOSE
Zones: (52pcs)[CodeInspectionPageImplZone, DaemonEngineZone,
DaemonZone, IAmd64CpuArchitectureHostZone, IAspMvcZone,
IBatchToolEnvironmentZone, IClrImplementationHost Zone,
IClrPsiLanguageZone, ICodeEditingOptionsPageImplZone,
IConsoleEnvironmentZone, ICppProductZone, ICpuArchitectureHostZone,
IDocumentModelZone, IEnvironmentZone, IHostSolutionZone,
IInspectCodeConsoleEnvironmentZone, IInspectCodeEnvironmentZone,
IInspectCodeZone, ILanguageAspZone, ILanguageBuildScriptsZone,
ILanguageCppZone, I LanguageCSharpZone, ILanguageCssZone,
ILanguageHtmlZone, ILanguageIlZone, ILanguageJavaScriptZone,
ILanguageMsBuildZone, ILanguageNAntZone, ILanguageProtobufZone, ILa
nguageRazorZone, ILanguageRegExpZone, ILanguageResxZone,
ILanguageVBZone, ILanguageXamlZone, INetFrameworkHostZone, INuGetZone,
IOperatingSystemHostZone, IProjectMode lZone,
IPsiAssemblyFileLoaderImplZone, IPsiLanguageZone,
IPublicVisibilityZone, IRdFrameworkZone, IRiderModelZone,
ISinceClr2HostZone, ISinceClr4HostZone, ITextContro lsZone,
IToolsOptionsPageImplZone, IWebPsiLanguageZone, IWindowsNtHostZone,
PsiFeaturesImplZone, ReplaceableByIntelliJPlatformZone, SweaZone]
Packages: (23pcs)[JetBrains.ExternalAnnotations,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Ide, JetBrains.Platform.Core.IisExpress,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.MsBuild, JetBrains.Platform. Core.Shell,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Text, JetBrains.Platform.Interop.CommandLine,
JetBrains.Platform.Interop.dotMe moryUnit.Interop.Console,
JetBrains.Platform.RdProtocol, JetBrains.Psi.Features.Core,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Cpp .Src.Core, JetBrains.Psi.Features.src,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Tasks, JetBrains.Psi.Features.UnitTesting,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Web.Core, JetBrains.ReSharperAutomatio
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomat ionTools.src.DuplicatesFinder,
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.InspectCode, MO.CleanCode]

CCL breaks over illegal characters in file/directory name?

Consider the following:
(directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "Users" "gazonk" "foo" "*")
:name :wild))
This breaks because one of the directories contains the character ";".
If the "*" above is removed, the code returns a directory listing where ";" is escaped.
It seems I cannot make it go further down because some directories contain a ";"
Is there a fix for this?
Any and all commends appreciated. Thank you.
Confirmed. I see the same behavior with ccl 1.9 (64-bit or 32-bit) on Mac OS X 10.8.
I created an empty subdirectory using mkdir 'a;b' and I see:
(make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "Users" "gazonk" "foo" "*") :name :wild))
> Error: Illegal directory string "/Users/gazonk/foo/a;b/"
> While executing: CCL::%DIRECTORY-STRING-LIST, in process listener(1).
Based on Rainer's comment, it sounds like this is likely a ccl bug.
Recommend asking on the #ccl irc channel or submitting a bug report here (requires registration).

Emacs Elnode can't show html pages

I have installed Emacs elnode by Marmalade, and everything looks OK. And I have read the manual carefully.
Now elnode has started, and I can view the folder public_html under .emacs.d\elnode folder.
If I input url http://localhost:8000 in my Chrome, it will show following content:
But when I click the test.html file, chrome just can't get the response from elnode. I check my Emacs, the Message file provides two errors:
elnode-error: elnode--sentinel 'open from' for process elnode-webserver-proc with buffer nil
elnode-error: Elnode status: elnode-webserver-proc open from
elnode-error: filter: calling handler on elnode-webserver-proc
elnode-error: starting HTTP response on elnode-webserver-proc
error in process filter: apply: Spawning child process: invalid argument
error in process filter: Spawning child process: invalid argument
I just don't know how to debug it. I also tried elnode-send-file function, it also doesn't work.
But If I run the Hello World example, it works:
(defun my-status-page (httpcon)
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-type" . "text/html"))
(elnode-http-return httpcon "<html><b>HELLO!</b></html>"))
(elnode-start 'my-status-page :port 8010)
The core problem is that Emacs can't send html page!
Is it necessary to do some basic configuration after installing elnode?
Water Lin
The newest edition has solved the problem. If you meet the same problem as me, please download the newest edition.
My test environment is Windows7 & Emacs 24.2.1.