Typo3 9.5 why can't you see on what page the error is at? - typo3

Why can't you see exactly where the error is thrown with Typo3? Like with Laravel. When an error is shown it usually also shows on what PAGE CLASS or FUNCTION that error is made....
Is it possible, to change that? With an extension or something?

Please see the documentation about Error and Exception Handling on how to configure this to display all error details locally but only show a human readable error on production.


Magento2 product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error

Everything works fine but product detail page's title showing 404 Not Found Error.
Any one faced same error before?
I have faced this issue and it wasn't a rewrite problem.
Try attaching the debugger to the try/catch in \Magento\Catalog\Controller\Product\View::execute since this one does a redirect to noroute in the catch.
In my case, way I found out we made an override for vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php where $pageConfig->setDescription($this->string->substr(strip_tags($product->getDescription()), 0, 255));
throws an Exception because $string was declared private in the original and should use \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\StringUtils instead.
Anyway, searching for things like $resultForward->forward('noroute'); and attaching debugger there is a good way to start.
This is happening due to any exceptions are throwing while loading the PDP pages. Mostly the error is throwing from vendor/magento/module-catalog/Helper/Product/View.php

Error on upgrading TYPO3 7.6 to 8.7

I tried to update TYPO3 website from 7.6.x to 8.7.x. When I run "Execute database migrations on single rows" in update wizard I get an error:
Oops, an error occurred!
Child record was not processed, reason "[1.0.-1]: [newlog()] Localization failed; There already was a localization for this language of the record!"
More information regarding this error might be available online.
I think this problem is caused by t3blog extension and translated content element in posts. If I ignore this error and run other wizard steps all content is shown on website, but not translated blog posts content elments.
Anyone an idea how I can solve this?
Running first "Fill translation source field (l10n_source) " and then "Execute database migrations on single rows" seems working

Why is jquery.fileupload-validate raising $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push error?

I am using jquery file upload on a page, and the following error is being raised in the browser console.
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push')
It appears to be coming from jquery.fileupload-validate.
I have been unable to find much information about this error. From previous experience jquery file upload seems to be very sensitive to the order in which modules are loaded, but again I've been unable to find much in the way of documentation about this.
Has anyone else encountered this error, or can shed some light on load order or other possible causes?
BTW, I am currently loading files in the following order (though have tried others without success)
Try this order:

Justinmind Prototyper error

I am using justinmind prototyper to design my web page, But when that generated HTML file is used in Dreamweaver, it shows error as 'Code hinting may not work until you fix this error'. How can i fix this error ?

How to test an error page with Error 500 using Zend Framework

I am working on a project where client requires me to beautifully display error 500 with stacktrace etc.
So, I checked the Error Controller and made a nice fancy error page in corresponding views/script
The problem is, how do I test it?
Whilst working on the project, I cleared error on every page and there is no way I could generate it again. Also, I am using doctrine and I remember "echo-ing" the entitymanager array but, I cannot trace the location.
How would I custom generate error 500, "keeping it real"?
PS: I tried htaccess thing and trust me, it throws apache error and not zend 500.
It was pretty silly but, finally found it.
All I needed was to mis-spell a dql tablename on any page where I use querybuilder.