Assign number to object in Unity 3D - unity3d

I want to assign a number to objects in Unity 3D and the number should appear on the object. Please, I need help on a code to do this. I have little knowledge of C#, but I have been learning aggressively these days. I will appreciate any help. Thanks. Below is a sample code I assign to each of the object.
public class NumberHolder : MonoBehaviour
int myNumber = 0;
UnityEngine.UI.Text myTextField;
void Awake()
myNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,100) + 1;
myTextField = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text>();
void Start()
if(myTextField != null)
myTextField.text = "" + myNumber;

Try the script below. It should contain some tidbits to direct you. A couple things to note: for this script, your object must have a collider (doesn't matter which kind: 2D or 3D). Also, this script displays the object's number only when the mouse is over the object. I could tailor it to always show the object, but I gotta make you work a little. Plus, I think in the long run this will work splendidly for you, as you can dissect it.
I will give you a hint. What's the secret to drawing text at the object's position?
You need to convert the object's world space coordinates, to screen space coordinates and then overlay your text.
Consider the following code blocks.
These methods determine if the mouseposition on screen is over the object:
private void OnMouseEnter()
isVis = true;
private void OnMouseExit()
isVis = false;
These lines draw the objects number at the mouse location:
Vector2 mospos = Input.mousePosition;
mospos.y = Screen.height - mospos.y;
if (isVis)
GUI.Box(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 2, Screen.height -
Input.mousePosition.y + 2, 128, 72),"" + myNumber);
Full class below. Hope it helps!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class LocalLabelingScript : MonoBehaviour {
Monster beast;
bool isVis = false;
int myNumber;
private void Awake()
myNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,100) + 1;
private void OnGUI()
Vector2 mospos = Input.mousePosition;
mospos.y = Screen.height - mospos.y;
if (isVis)
GUI.Box(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 2, Screen.height -
Input.mousePosition.y + 2, 128, 72),"" + myNumber);
private void OnMouseEnter()
isVis = true;
private void OnMouseExit()
isVis = false;


Unity - No Found Solution to Child Scale Inheritance

Fairly new to Unity and have tried several solutions without success. I have read so many forum posts but none are working for me.
I have been attempting to snap game objects to other game objects at runtime (such as to equip ship parts to a ship). The script works as intended but the child objects continue to be scaled with the parent object.
I have tried attaching scaling scripts that dynamically scale the child object based on the parent object scale. I've tried stepping through the logical way one would go about doing this. I have tried hierarchal fixes using empty game objects and nothing seems to be maintaining a constant global scale for my child objects. Maybe someone can see something I am missing.
Please ignore other issues that may be in the code at this point unless they directly are affecting the scaling issue. But suggestions are welcome. Interested in learning all I can.
Ship (scale (2,2,2)) parent of the parent
-Empty Object (scale (0.5,0.5,0.5)) this is the parent set to the same scale as the snappable object
public class Interactable : MonoBehaviour
public Transform pickUpDestination;
public Transform snapDestination;
public Vector3 snapPointPos;
private bool isSnapped;
public bool isClicked;
public float unsnapMouseDist = 0.5f;
public float distCheck;
private void FixedUpdate()
distCheck = Vector3.Distance(pickUpDestination.position, snapPointPos);
if (distCheck >= unsnapMouseDist && isClicked)
isSnapped = false;
transform.position = transform.parent.position;
else if (distCheck <= unsnapMouseDist && isClicked)
isSnapped = true;
transform.SetParent(snapDestination, true);
transform.position = transform.parent.position;
if (transform.parent != null)
Debug.Log("Parent =" +;
Debug.Log("Global Scale = " + transform.lossyScale);
Debug.Log("Local Scale = " + transform.localScale);
void OnMouseDown()
isClicked = true;
Debug.Log("Clicked = " + isClicked);
if (isSnapped == false)
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false;
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider snap)
if (snap.gameObject.CompareTag("Snap Point"))
snapPointPos = snap.transform.position;
snapDestination = snap.transform;
transform.rotation = snap.transform.rotation;
void OnMouseUp()
isClicked = false;
Debug.Log("Clicked = " + isClicked);
if (isSnapped == false)
this.transform.parent = null;
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = true;
And the Scaling Script:
public class Scaler : MonoBehaviour
public Transform parent;
private void FixedUpdate()
parent = transform.parent;
transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x / parent.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y / parent.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z / parent.localScale.z);
lossyScale is the combined effects of all parent scales on that object (some caveats but not likely to apply here).
localScale is the scale effect of only that object (the numbers you see in the transform inspector)
var trueScale == new Vector3(
desiredScale.x / parentTransform.lossyScale.x,
desiredScale.y / parentTransform.lossyScale.y,
desiredScale.z / parentTransform.lossyScale.z);
transform.localScale = trueScale;

Unity - Aim Line (Line Renderer) not showing in 2D shooter

I'm a Unity novice and I'm creating a small 2D shooting game on a school project and I already managed to have a functional shooting system in the main character that even bounces off some objects using Unity Physics.
I now wanted to integrate an aim line that will predict the trajectory of the bullet, including the bounces on objects (bubble-shooter style).
I found a script that uses Raycast and Line Renderer and it supposedly does this and I tried to integrate it into my gun script but although it does not give any error, it simply does not show anything when I test the game. I do not know if the problem is in the settings that I put in the Line Renderer Component or it is in the Script.
Could someone help me understand where my error is and point the right way?
My goal is:
My Line Renderer Component Definitions:
My Weapon Script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour
[Range(1, 5)]
[SerializeField] private int _maxIterations = 3;
[SerializeField] private float _maxDistance = 10f;
public int _count;
public LineRenderer _line;
public Transform Firepoint;
public GameObject BulletPrefab;
public GameObject FirePrefab;
void Start()
_line = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
_count = 0;
_line.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
_line.enabled = RayCast(new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward));
void Shoot()
//shooting logic
var destroyBullet = Instantiate(BulletPrefab, Firepoint.position, Firepoint.rotation);
Destroy(destroyBullet, 10f);
var destroyFire = Instantiate(FirePrefab, Firepoint.position, Firepoint.rotation);
Destroy(destroyFire, 0.3f);
private bool RayCast(Ray ray)
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, _maxDistance) && _count <= _maxIterations - 1)
var reflectAngle = Vector3.Reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal);
_line.SetVertexCount(_count + 1);
_line.SetPosition(_count, hit.point);
RayCast(new Ray(hit.point, reflectAngle));
return true;
_line.SetVertexCount(_count + 2);
_line.SetPosition(_count + 1, ray.GetPoint(_maxDistance));
return false;
Unity has two physics engines one for 2D and one for 3D. The script you provided relies on the 3D physics engine and won't work for 2D colliders. I edited your script to function with 2D colliders.
Either way make sure that all your game objects use the same physics system. Also the original script only shows the line renderer if it hits something. Best of luck!
using UnityEngine;
public class Weapon : MonoBehaviour
[Range(1, 5)]
[SerializeField] private int _maxIterations = 3;
[SerializeField] private float _maxDistance = 10f;
public int _count;
public LineRenderer _line;
public Transform Firepoint;
public GameObject BulletPrefab;
public GameObject FirePrefab;
private void Start()
_line = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
_count = 0;
_line.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
_line.enabled = true;
RayCast(transform.position, transform.up);
private void Shoot()
//shooting logic
var destroyBullet = Instantiate(BulletPrefab, Firepoint.position, Firepoint.rotation);
Destroy(destroyBullet, 10f);
var destroyFire = Instantiate(FirePrefab, Firepoint.position, Firepoint.rotation);
Destroy(destroyFire, 0.3f);
private bool RayCast(Vector2 position, Vector2 direction)
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(position, direction, _maxDistance);
if (hit && _count <= _maxIterations - 1)
var reflectAngle = Vector2.Reflect(direction, hit.normal);
_line.SetVertexCount(_count + 1);
_line.SetPosition(_count, hit.point);
RayCast(hit.point + reflectAngle, reflectAngle);
return true;
if (hit == false)
_line.SetVertexCount(_count + 2);
_line.SetPosition(_count + 1, position + direction * _maxDistance);
return false;
Well, I changed on the physics material of the bullet, the Friction to 0 and Bounciness to 1. Also on the rigidbody2D the linear drag, angular drag and gravity scale all to 0. Although it is not a perfect rebound it was very close to what I intend for the game. Thank you! Check it out: Game Gif
Only negative thing is that my bullet is not turning in the direction of the movement after the rebound. I tried to use transform.LookAt but didn`t work. This is my bullet script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 20f;
public Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
this.myRigidbody = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
this.myRigidbody.velocity = transform.right * speed;
transform.LookAt(transform.position + this.myRigidbody.velocity);
But now i have this error: Error CS0034 Operator '+' is ambiguous on operands of type 'Vector3' and 'Vector2'

What I Have Learned About Unity ScrollRect / ScrollView Optimization / Performance

ScrollView performance is a real drag (get it?), especially on mobile platforms. I frequently found myself getting less that 15 fps which left the user experience feeling jolting and underwhelming. After a lot of research and testing I have compiled a checklist to drastically improve performance. I now get at least 30 fps, with the majority of the CPU time allocated to WaitForTargetFPS.
I hope this helps anyone who is also having trouble in this area. Optimization solutions are hard to come by. Feel free to use and modify any of my code here.
.GetComponent<>() calls are inefficient, especially outside the editor. Avoid using these in any kind of Update() method.
OnValueChanged() is called every frame that the ScrollView is being dragged. It is therefore in a sense equivalent to Update() so you should avoid using .GetComponent<>() calls in this method.
Whenever any element on a Canvas is changed the entire Canvas must rebuild its batches. This operation can be very expensive. It is therefore recommended to split your UI elements across at least two Canvases, one for elements that are changed rarely or never and one elements that change often.
Whenever a ScrollView scrolls the entire Canvas it is on is dirtied. It is therefore recommended that you have each ScrollView on a separate Canvas.
Unity Canvas Rebuilds Explanation:
EventSystem.Update() handles the input detection in a scene, using raycasts to filter through the hierarchy in order to find a component to accept this input. Therefore these calculations are only done when interacting with the scene, like when a ScrollView is being scrolled. Removing unnecessary RaycastTarget properties from graphics and text will improve this processing time. It mightn't make a big difference, but if you're not careful enough objects can make the input handling time really add up.
With any kind of mask component, even a RectMask2D, all objects in a ScrollView are batched and rendered. If you have a lot of elements in your ScrollView, it is recommended that you utilize some kind of pooling solution. There are many of these available on the app store.
Unity Pooling Explanation:
If, however, your project is incompatible with this, needing persistent elements, I would recommend that you hide your off screen objects to reduce performance overhead. Transform.SetParent() and GameObject.SetActive() are both resource intensive methods, instead attach a CanvasGroup component to each element and adjust the alpha value to achieve the same effect.
Here is a static script to detect if an object is visible or not and to set the alpha accordingly:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ScrollHider : MonoBehaviour {
static public float contentTop;
static public float contentBottom;
static public bool HideObject(GameObject givenObject, CanvasGroup canvasGroup, float givenPosition, float givenHeight) {
if ((Mathf.Abs(givenPosition) + givenHeight > contentTop && Mathf.Abs(givenPosition) + givenHeight < contentBottom) || (Mathf.Abs(givenPosition) > contentTop && Mathf.Abs(givenPosition) < contentBottom)) {
if (canvasGroup.alpha != 1) {
canvasGroup.alpha = 1;
return true;
} else {
if (canvasGroup.alpha != 0) {
canvasGroup.alpha = 0;
return false;
static public void Setup(Scroll givenScroll) {
contentTop = (1 - givenScroll.verticalNormalizedPosition) * (givenScroll.content.rect.height - givenScroll.viewport.rect.height);
contentBottom = contentTop + givenScroll.viewport.rect.height;
Unity's built in ScrollRect component allows for broad, modular functionality. However, in terms of performance it can be noticeably slower than if you were to write your own. Here is a Scroll script that achieves the same ends, but only supports the vertical, clamped and inertia properties of Unity's ScrollRect.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class Scroll : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IDragHandler, IScrollHandler {
private Camera mainCamera;
private RectTransform canvasRect;
public RectTransform viewport;
public RectTransform content;
private Rect viewportOld;
private Rect contentOld;
private List<Vector2> dragCoordinates = new List<Vector2>();
private List<float> offsets = new List<float>();
private int offsetsAveraged = 4;
private float offset;
private float velocity = 0;
private bool changesMade = false;
public float decelration = 0.135f;
public float scrollSensitivity;
public OnValueChanged onValueChanged;
public class OnValueChanged : UnityEvent { }
public float verticalNormalizedPosition
float sizeDelta = CaculateDeltaSize();
if (sizeDelta == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1 - content.transform.localPosition.y / sizeDelta;
float o_verticalNormalizedPosition = verticalNormalizedPosition;
float m_verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(1, value));
float maxY = CaculateDeltaSize();
content.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(content.transform.localPosition.x, Mathf.Max(0, (1 - m_verticalNormalizedPosition) * maxY), content.transform.localPosition.z);
float n_verticalNormalizedPosition = verticalNormalizedPosition;
if (o_verticalNormalizedPosition != n_verticalNormalizedPosition) {
private float CaculateDeltaSize() {
return Mathf.Max(0, content.rect.height - viewport.rect.height); ;
private void Awake() {
mainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera>();
canvasRect = transform.root.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
private Vector2 ConvertEventDataDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
return new Vector2(eventData.position.x / mainCamera.pixelWidth * canvasRect.rect.width, eventData.position.y / mainCamera.pixelHeight * canvasRect.rect.height);
private Vector2 ConvertEventDataScroll(PointerEventData eventData) {
return new Vector2(eventData.scrollDelta.x / mainCamera.pixelWidth * canvasRect.rect.width, eventData.scrollDelta.y / mainCamera.pixelHeight * canvasRect.rect.height) * scrollSensitivity;
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) {
velocity = 0;
public void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) {
OffsetContent(offsets[offsets.Count - 1]);
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) {
OffsetContent(offsets[offsets.Count - 1]);
public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) {
OffsetContent(offsets[offsets.Count - 1]);
float totalOffsets = 0;
foreach (float offset in offsets) {
totalOffsets += offset;
velocity = totalOffsets / offsetsAveraged;
private void OffsetContent(float givenOffset) {
float newY = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(CaculateDeltaSize(), content.transform.localPosition.y + givenOffset));
if (content.transform.localPosition.y != newY) {
content.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(content.transform.localPosition.x, newY, content.transform.localPosition.z);
private void UpdateOffsetsDrag() {
offsets.Add(dragCoordinates[dragCoordinates.Count - 1].y - dragCoordinates[dragCoordinates.Count - 2].y);
if (offsets.Count > offsetsAveraged) {
private void UpdateOffsetsScroll(Vector2 givenScrollDelta) {
if (offsets.Count > offsetsAveraged) {
private void LateUpdate() {
if (viewport.rect != viewportOld) {
changesMade = true;
viewportOld = new Rect(viewport.rect);
if (content.rect != contentOld) {
changesMade = true;
contentOld = new Rect(content.rect);
if (velocity != 0) {
changesMade = true;
velocity = (velocity / Mathf.Abs(velocity)) * Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Abs(velocity) * (1 - decelration));
offset = velocity;
if (changesMade) {
changesMade = false;
offset = 0;
A nice article explains that the default targetFrameRate might be responsible for the unsmooth scrolling behavior of the scrollView. This can be resolved via:
Application.targetFrameRate = 60; // or whatever you wish. 60 turned out enough for us
Of course this setting is only effective if you have resolved the performance issues (as it is nicely explained by Phedg1).

want to get screen point on render texture camera unity3d

I am making sniper game, I have 2 cameras, one is rendering whole environment, and second one is in scope of the gun, which has high zoom quality.
I am able to show, enemy point on screen through main camera. and it shows proper on main camera, but in scope camera(2nd camera), it not showing properly. I want to show these points exactly same as enemy is.
here is my script to show point so far. I am attaching screen shots, first one is for scope camera and does not showing proper place, and 2nd one is for main camera, showing at proper place (Red circle is pointing)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class identity_shower : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture tex;
public GameObject helt;
public bool target_is_high =false;
private int counter_for_high = -1;
private int counter_for_low = -1;
private int counter_value = 50;
private bool bool_for_high = false;
private bool bool_for_low = false;
private Camera scope_cam_active;
private RectTransform rectTransform;
private Vector2 uiOFFset;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnGUI()
GameObject[] objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy_soldier");
if( objs.Length<=0 )
if (bool_for_high)
Vector2 pos_to_display = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (this.transform.position);
GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(pos_to_display.x-10.0f,(Screen.height- pos_to_display.y)-40.0f,15,15),tex);
public void show_your_identity()
if (target_is_high) {
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
counter_for_high = counter_for_high + 1;
if (counter_for_high >= counter_value)
bool_for_high = true;
} else if(!target_is_high)
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
counter_for_low = counter_for_low + 1;
if (counter_for_low >= counter_value)
bool_for_low = true;

Network Player Direction in Unity

I am currently building my first multiplayer game in unity and having a little bit of an issue changing/transmitting the players direction over the network.
My current player controls class is this:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class playerControls : MonoBehaviour {
//Movements Vars
public float runSpeed;
Rigidbody mybody;
Animator myAnimator;
bool playerDirectionE;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
mybody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
myAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
playerDirectionE = true;
mybody.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void FixedUpdate()
float move = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(move)); //To intiate the charecter transition(move)
mybody.velocity = new Vector3(move * runSpeed, mybody.velocity.y, 0); //move charecter along the x axis, and keep y on gravity, not touching the z axis
if(move>0 && !playerDirectionE)
else if(move<0 && playerDirectionE)
void Flip()
playerDirectionE = !playerDirectionE;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.z *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
I am using the following client information to send commands over the network:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PlayerSyncRotation : NetworkBehaviour {
[SyncVar(hook ="OnPlayerRotSynced")]
private float syncPlayerRotation;
private Transform playerTransform;
private float lerpRate = 15;
private float lastPlayerRot;
private float threshold = 1;
private List<float> syncPlayerRotList = new List<float>();
private float closeEneough = 0.3f;
private bool userHistoricalInterpolation;
void OnPlayerRotSynced(float latestPlayerRotation)
syncPlayerRotation = latestPlayerRotation;
void CmdProvideRotationsToServer(float playerRot)
syncPlayerRotation = playerRot;
void transmitRotations()
if (isLocalPlayer)
if(CheckIfBeyondThreshold(playerTransform.localScale.z, lastPlayerRot)){
lastPlayerRot = playerTransform.localScale.z;
bool CheckIfBeyondThreshold(float rot1, float rot2)
if (Mathf.Abs(rot1 - rot2) > threshold)
return true;
return false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void FixedUpdate()
void lerpRotation()
if (!isLocalPlayer)
void HistoricalInterpolation(){
if (syncPlayerRotList.Count > 0)
if(Mathf.Abs(playerTransform.localEulerAngles.z - syncPlayerRotList[0]) < closeEneough)
Debug.Log(syncPlayerRotList.Count.ToString() + "syncPlayerRotList Count");
void LerpPlayerRotation(float rotAngle)
Vector3 playerNewRot = new Vector3(0, 0, rotAngle);
playerTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(playerTransform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(playerNewRot),lerpRate*Time.deltaTime);
My rotation looks fine on the client, but over the network on the second client, the rotation is broken and looks very wrong.
I have attached a link to a Webm where you can see the short video snippet of my problem HERE.
Would anyone here have any input as to what I could be doing wrong or how I could fix this issue? any suggestions would be appreciated.
Instead Using your custom code, i will like to say you that use Unet NetworkTransform. It is Unet high level API with different option of customization.
A component to synchronize the position and rotation of networked
Unet HLAPI are open source so you can also get the coding of the networkTransform at bitbucket.