How to hide FAB in a particular layout/fragment? - fragment

Excuse me if I don't use correct terms but I'm pretty new in Android. I'm using a navigation drawer and some fragments to navigate through. The problem is that I have a FAB in my main activity shared with other layouts but I don't want it to appear in one of my layouts.
Note: I've seen other posts with info about this but all of them talk about a PageViewer but i don't have it in my MainActivity code, only in one of the fragments code to make a Slide Viewer on it, but i know it's no related to my fab or navigation drawer.


ShowSearch function rebuilds the whole widget tree on Flutter

I have a problem when i navigate to multiple pages and then show search.
More specifically, i have a product page with some details. At the bottom there is a list of similar products.
The flow is:
open many similar products (so I navigate to the same screen using Navigator pushNamed).
then, navigate from the las product page to the search page
tap on search bar, open search delegate using the showSearch function
My issue is that when i tap on the search bar, then the whole widget tree is rebuilded and my app is very heavy because rebuilds the previous product pages and everything else.
This happens due to the general rebuild on keyboard changes(i.e: showing and hiding Keyboard).
I recommend to have a heavy operation like loading data from backend should be held on initState in State with StatefullWidget.
Try to debug and understand why do you rebuild the tree. It seems to me, that you need to simplify a navigation flow.

How to implement figma's smart animate option in flutter?

I designed three onboarding pages in figma which contains information about my app, while wireframing the app, I added smart animate to the three pagesThis is the first onboarding page
The second one
The third one
The smart animate enables smooth transition from each page to each page
While using flutter, I created 3 different pages for each onboarding pages and added a navigation widget to each button
But the navigation from each page to each page was stacked
I also tried using gesturedetection() onhorizontalswipe still same result
The pages navigate in a stacked way totally different from figma's smart animate option.
Is there anyway I can do this?
I'll appreciate any help
Thanks in advance.
From what I understood,
You want to build an onboarding screen with some animation. But the pages are being stacked.
It is happening because you are navigating to different pages with each button press. That is very bad practice for building an onboarding screen.
You should be using a PageView widget that allows you to transit between pages without navigating to them.
If you want to use a plugin that suits you, I would recommend introduction_screen

How do you create a side navigation drawer that persists across pages?

I've looked through many tutorials for the side nav drawer. I can create one that works fine to lead to different pages. However, when I travel to a page that's different from home, it only gives me the arrow icon to go back to home at the top left instead of keeping the button to bring me back to the side navbar. How can I prevent this?
I can't use the home page to navigate everywhere because it's just supposed to be a blank splash screen.
You can define your drawer in a separate widget file, that you can import everywhere you have a scafold.
I created a package for it because I was missing similar functionality. If you want a Flutter approach for this navigation check out:
Or if you want to have a look at my package:
It's because you're moving to a new page/Scaffold (probably using Navigator.push()). So, the default button in the AppBar will be the back button.
You can either have the same Drawer in every Scaffold you navigate to, which is not recommended since you'll just keep pushing routes to the navigation stack.
Or, you can change pages within the Scaffold. Check the interactive examples in BottomNavigationBar and NavigationRail to get an idea of how to do it. Basically instead of calling Navigator.push() when a tile in Drawer is tapped, just update the selected index and call setState().

Using bottom navigation with individual Navigators but single AppBar

I am trying to create an app that has the following basic setup for navigation:
tab1 -> subpage
with a bottom navigation bar for switching between the tabs and each tab having its own navigation stack. Furthermore I would like to add an AppBar with a drawer (as endDrawer) and the back button as leading widget in the AppBar.
The AppBar should be centrally managed so I put it in the main page of the app for maintenance purposes instead of having it on every page that is pushed. The drawer should also be updated later on when the user is logging in or out so it encouraged me more to place the AppBar only in the main page.
Now the issue is that I would like to update the AppBar to contain the back button when the app navigated to the subpage of tab1. Since the AppBar is in the parent I thought of RouteObservers as a possible solution by registering a RouteObserver on each NavigationState.
Yet I cannot get it to work because when I would like to subscribe on the RouteObserver in the HomePage in the didChangeDependencies() the currentState of the NavigatorState does not exist. Also I tried subscribing in the build method after the Scaffold with a flag for subscribing only once, but this didn't work either.
I created a github project with the basics of my current implementation:
To get to the current state of code I used the following links:
Flutter 2.0 appbar back button disappeared if contains endDrawer (The solution gets close to what I would like to implement, but the AppBar should always be visible, not only on the sub page)
My main questions are:
Are RouteObservers the correct approach on how to track the navigation to subpages of tabs and display the back button based on it?
At what lifecycle hook in the main page should or could the subscription on the currentState of each NavigatorState be done? Wasn't able to find any where they are not null.

How to distribute state of BottomNavigationBar across the app in Flutter?

In my app, the navigation bar works fine between the tabs, but when I go inside of each item in my list, I want the navigation bar to be there too.
What I did is that I made it a separate widget, and called in the bottomNavigationBar inside the Scaffold of the pages, but the problem is that I am changing the state of the navigation bar in my main page only, so the state doesn't get distributed across all pages in my app.
How do I make the body of the page change in an app where there is not only one body, but many?
Since there is not code over here in your post and I don't know what you have done so far so I can only advise you to go through this post.
I know you might have already seen this, but still, try to follow and this will really help.