VS Code has many icons for auto completion list: for class/function/snippet/module/inclide/type/etc items. I want to see all these icons and use them in my open source project. Where to find them?
You can download from here
Or checkout VSC and get all icons.
I was watching a video about a flutter project in vs code, and I saw that the developer used an extension to group sections of widgets and its childs with a dashed-vertical-line on the left side. Does anyone know what extension is used here?
That is not an extension. This is from VS code settings. Go to settings and search for FLUTTER UI you will get two options as shown in image. Select both option and restart your vs code. You will get broken line tree as you want.
can someone help me to find the extension that make vscode do the tree like indentation like in the picture
enabling these two options like on the pic
I found it mentioned and shown here: dart and flutter extensions:
in the settings and enable the Dart:Preview Flutter Ui Guides option
Unless you are using the Dart language you are not going to be able to get that same indent guide effect as it requires that specific syntax to parse and enable the feature to work.
on Vscode Click Code -> Preferences -> Settings
and search for Preview Bazel Workspace Custom Scripts and check it
and search for Preview Flutter Ui Guides
and Check Dart: Preview Flutter Ui Guides
and Check Dart: Preview Flutter Ui Guides Custom Tracking
Open your VS code workspace and check:
Dart: Preview Bazel Workspace Custom Scripts
Dart: Preview Flutter Ui Guides
Dart: Preview Flutter Ui Guides Custom Tracking
This tree like indentation in vscode is UI Guide for Flutter.
Method 1
First of all please check in your VS code workspace Dart Plugin is enable.
Press Ctrl + ,
In search box Type Dart:Preview Flutter Ui Guides
Turn on both options for work.
I suggest you go in the settings and enable the Dart:Preview Flutter Ui Guides option. That will make it really easy to spot the parent-child relationships in your code, which is particularly useful when you have many nested widgets in your UI files.
run the Dart: Use Recommended Settings command from the VS Code command palette (ctrl + shift + P)and dart recommended setting will be written on your setting.json file.
and open the setting.json add this on top or below the dart settings and restart VsCode
"dart.previewFlutterUiGuides": true,
"dart.previewFlutterUiGuidesCustomTracking": true,
Search and check this (for new versions)
I'am using Visual Studio Code for Flutter Developing and i really like to have a feature that exist in Intelij IDE Which it is showing the Color of Color's Name and showing the Icon of the Icon's Name beside the code like in the picture ..
I've found many extensions but it not supporting dart ..
(Updated Answer)
These are now available in the Flutter VS Code extension and enabled by default:
(Original Answer)
This is not currently supported in the Dart/Flutter plugins for VS Code. However as a workaround the tooltips for the colours/icons should show previews in their descriptions.
To implement it in VS Code requires some supporting changes in the Dart/Flutter SDKs. If you want to be notified when there's progress on this, click the Subscribe button on https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/807 (also add a Thumbs Up if you'd really like to see it to help use prioritise open issues).
I'm writing a Visual Studio Code extension which uses a QuickPick list.
I saw that I can use octicons in order to add icons to the list items,
however I would like to add the filetype icons to the list items (like in workbench.actions.quickOpen for example).
Is there a way to accomplish it?
This is not currently possible. There was a request for better image support at https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/16445, thuogh that's been closed as a duplicate of https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/79130 (which seems to be for extending/replacing all icons).
Is there a way in Eclipse to show the methods in a drop down on top of your screen? Like they do in visual studio.
I know I can press Ctrl-O
I just find the visual studio way handy.
Alt-Shift-B will bring up the Breadcrumb, which might be close to what you're looking for. If you click the arrow icons you'll get dropdowns for the packages, classes or methods.
Even if there is no exact same way in eclipse you might find the feature to expand classes in the Package Explorer useful: