How to Integrate Rest API Source Connector with Kafka Connect? - apache-kafka

I have Confluent 5.0 on my local machine and trying to reading data from Rest API using Rest API Source Connect which is not part of confluent. till now i have used confluent inbuilt connectors only. Rest API source connect is open source and available on github
I have downloaded this connector from github and got stuck here.
Can anybody tell me the process to integrate this connector with confluent or how can i use this to pull the data from Rest API?

Disclaimer: There is no single answer to add an external Kafka Connect plugin; Confluent provides the Kafka Connect Maven plugin, but that doesn't mean people use it or even Maven to package their code.
If it is not on the Confluent Hub, then you'll have to build it by hand.
1) Clone the repo, and build it (install Git and Maven first)
git clone && cd kafka-connect-rest
mvn clean package
2) Create a directory for it on all Connect workers, similar to the other Connectors of Confluent Platform
mkdir $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-rest
3) Find each of the shaded JARs (this connector happens to make multiple JARs, I don't know why...)
find . -iname "*shaded.jar" -type f
4) Copy each of these files into the $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-rest folder created in step 2 for each Connect worker
5) Make sure your plugin.path of the connect-*.properties file points at the full path to $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java
At this point, you've done all the steps that are listed in the README to build the thing and setup the plugin path, just not in Docker.
6) Start Connect (Distributed)
7) Hit GET /connector-plugins to verify the thing loaded.
8) Configure and send JSON payload to POST /connectors
I have not used this connector before, so I do not know how to configure it. Maybe see the examples or follow along with #rmoff's blog post before the KSQL stuff


Kafka Connect won't pick up custom connector

I am trying to use kafka connect in a docker container with a custom connector (PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_JDBC_OE_ALL.jar) to connect to an openedge database.
I have put the JAR file in the plugin path (usr/share/java) but it won't load as a connector.
COPY Openedge/PROGRESS_DATADIRECT_JDBC_OE_ALL.jar /usr/share/java/progress
I can load another (standard) connector by putting it in the plugin path. This works
COPY confluentinc-kafka-connect-jdbc-10.3.2 /usr/share/java/confluentinc-kafka-connect-jdbc-10.3.2
A little lost on how to move forward and I'm very new to kafka. My main sources of information are
openedge to kafka streaming and How to use Kafka connect
#OneCricketeer had the solution. As a retro for me and hopefully helpful to someone else, here are my steps to make this work.
Copy the JDBC Connector to CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH and install with confluent hub install:
COPY /usr/share/java
RUN confluent-hub install --no-prompt /usr/share/java/
Copy the driver (I ended up using openedge.jar) to the path where other jars are located (like sqllite) according to #OneCricketeer suggestion.
COPY Openedge/openedge.jar /usr/share/confluent-hub-components/confluentinc-kafka-connect-jdbc/lib
Verify with this by enabling DEBUG as suggested by this page
Finally add a .properties file to create the connector. In my case based on the one in “openedge to kafka streaming” link above
JDBC Drivers are not Connect plugins, nor are they connectors themselves.
You'd need to set the JVM CLASSPATH environment variable for detecting JDBC Drivers, as with any Java process.
The instructions on the linked site suggest you should copy the JDBC Drivers into the directory for the existing Confluent JDBC connector. While you could use a Docker COPY command, the better way would be to use confluent-hub install

installing connectors for confluent cloud

I'm trying to install MQ source & sink connectors for our confluent cloud. I've done this for on-prem apache kafka but doing the same of cloud seems to be different. Following the confluent documents says I need to have a platform installed on my local, which I did, and then to run a confluent-hub install which does install the connector on my local and then use the json for distributed instance.
My problem is when I run the json, it says the class for mq was not found, I tried to point the CLASSPATH to the dir where the jars are but still get the same error. How do I run this successfully?
ERROR Uncaught exception in REST call to /connectors (
org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: Failed to find any class that implements Connector and which name matches,
Also want to understand how installing connector on local would apply to my cloud cluster? Not sure what I'm missing!
Confluent Cloud doesn't support custom connector installation, last I checked. They need to explicitly support and offer it.
I assume you're reading some documentation that indicates you need to run your own Connect cluster (not necessarily locally), where you have full control over the connectors that are installed

Kafka Connect Hbase sink

I am trying to deploy hbase sink connector for kafka ( So I downloaded and configured Hbase and Confluent Platform as per step 1 & 2.
Then it says,
Copy hbase-sink.jar and from the project build location to $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase
But I don't see hbase-sink.jar and anywhere in the Hbase and confluent directory location. Any help where I can get them.
But I don't see hbase-sink.jar and
Sounds like you've not cloned that repo and ran mvn clean package, then opened up the target directory
As the other answer says, that project seems abandoned.
Try looking at this one too
Have you seen the Hbase connector from Confluent kafka-connect-hbase? The one which you are using seems to be abandoned (no commits for the last 4 years).
kafka-connect-hbase documentation

Kafka Confluent REST API: Kafka Included?

I have an exisiting Kafka Cluster. I want to install the Kafka REST Proxy:
If I install confluent does that come with Kafka? I am afraid if I still it on my master Kafka node confluent will override all my settings and mess up my Kafka cluster.
How do you install Kafka REST when you have an existing Kafka cluster?
This is not made clear on their website. I have CentOS and was going to try:
sudo yum install confluent-platform-oss-2.11
Any help would be great....
Download the Confluent Platform tarball, extract it, (or preferrably use APT/YUM) then only configure and run the REST proxy via kafka-rest-start
I wouldn't recommend using APT/YUM to install the entire confluent platform if you already have an existing Kafka. You might be able to only install kafka-rest using it, though.
Alternatively, backup your existing Kafka and Zookeeper property files, then place the Confluent Platform on top of the existing files, keeping the original files. If your Kafka is an old release, take this as a good opportunity to schedule an upgrade. Downloading Confluent isn't going to overwrite anything for the upstream Apache projects version for the corresponding release. If anything, it's an extension

Kafka REST Proxy installation

Im trying to install Kafka REST Proxy from the following URL however it has complete package - I just want to install REST client alone as other components I have installed already
Is there any place where I can find instructions?
Check out the individual packages available - you should be able to install just confluent-kafka-rest.
Or, just install full Confluent Platform and only start the REST Proxy, same net effect :)