Allowing multiple choices instead of just one - categories

I have a code that is used for adding a channel to an IPTV platform!
Currently we have the option to put a channel in single category/genre... What we want to do is instead of this drop box to a have something like checklist or space to write the genres/categories... I have tried everything I remembered I knew, but nothing worked! Thank you
function get_genres() {
global $tv_genre_id;
$genres = Mysql::getInstance()->from('tv_genre')->get()->all();
$option = '';
foreach ($genres as $arr){
$selected = '';
if ($tv_genre_id == $arr['id']){
$selected = 'selected';
$option .= "<option value={$arr['id']} $selected>"._($arr['title'])."\n";
return $option;


How to display uploaded csv file into tablular format in drupal 7

I have created a form in drupal 7 and it has a field to upload file (csv file only ) now how to display uploaded csv file into table on form submit ?
Not sure about theme function, but you can do it on your own.
I.e. use:
To read the file and then:
to parse CSV.
Or, maybe:
to read row by row. Anyway, you'll end up with looping trough rows so just print values the way you want, add markup around the values...
After go through various code exercises i have come up with solution which is as follows :
`function display_table($filename, $head=false) {
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$all_rows = array();
$header = null;
while ($row = fgetcsv($handle)) {
if ($header === null) {
$header = $row;
$all_rows[] = array_combine($header, $row);
$table = theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $all_rows));
return $table;
Hope it would be helpful to others as well !

strip_tags or preg_replace to remove few tags from html?

I am in dilemma between these two.
I want to strip head tags ( and everything inside/before including doctype/html) , body tag and script tags from a page that I am importing via curl.
So first thought was this
$content = strip_tags($content, '<img><p><a><div><table><tbody><th><tr><td><br><span><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><code><pre><b><strong><ol><ul><li><em>'.$tags);
which as you can see can get even longer with HTML5 tags, video object etc..
Than I saw this here.
Can anyone advise the preferred method or show your way of doing this and please explain why and
possibly tell me which one is faster.
Thank you!
You can test something like that:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$result = '';
$bodyNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
$scriptNodes = $bodyNode->getElementsByTagName('script');
$toRemove = array();
foreach ($scriptNodes as $scriptNode) {
$toRemove[] = $scriptNode;
foreach($toRemove as $node) {
$bodyChildren = $bodyNode->childNodes;
foreach($bodyChildren as $bodyChild) {
$result .= $dom->saveHTML($bodyChild);
The advantage of the DOM approach is a relative reliability against several html traps, especially some cases of malformed tags, or tags inside javascript strings: var str = "<body>";
But what about speed?
If you use a regex approach, for example:
$pattern = <<<'EOD'
<script[^>]*> (?>[^<]++|<(?!/script>))* </script>
^ (?>[^<]++|<(?!body\b))* <body[^>]*>
$result = preg_replace($pattern, '', $content);
The result is a little faster (from 1x to 2x for an html file with 400 lines). But with this code, the reliability decreases.
If speed is important and if you have a good idea of the html quality, for the same reliability level than the regex version, you can use:
$offset = stripos($content, '<body');
$offset = strpos($content, '>', $offset);
$result = strrev(substr($content,++$offset));
$offset = stripos($result, '>ydob/<');
$result = substr($result, $offset+7);
$offset = 0;
while(false !== $offset = stripos($result, '>tpircs/<', $offset)) {
$soffset = stripos($result, 'tpircs<', $offset);
$result = substr_replace($result, '', $offset, $soffset-$offset+7);
$result = strrev($result);
That is between 2x and 5x faster than the DOM version.

Perl NetSNMP extension with multiple devices

I have got a machine (Debian based) with some temperature sensors attached to it, and i would like to query them over snmp, from one script. I can work with one sensor ok, but i am struggling when i plug another one in.
What I am trying to do is loop through each device, and give each one an id, then use this ID as part of the OID, then give it a value.
I've never worked with snmp before, and my perl is not great so any help would be much appreciated. Below is my code:
use NetSNMP::agent (':all');
sub pimon_handler {
my ($handler, $registration_info, $request_info, $requests) = #_;
my $request;
my $oid_key;
for($request = $requests; $request; $request = $request->next()) {
$oid_key=$BASE_OID . '.' . $dev_id;
my $oid = $request->getOID();
if ($request_info->getMode() == MODE_GET) {
if ($oid == new NetSNMP::OID($oid_key . '.0')) {
$request->setValue(ASN_OCTET_STR, $string_value);
elsif ($oid == new NetSNMP::OID($oid_key . '.1')) {
$request->setValue(ASN_INTEGER, $integer_value);
} elsif ($request_info->getMode() == MODE_GETNEXT) {
if ($oid == new NetSNMP::OID($oid_key . '.0')) {
$request->setOID($oid_key . '.1');
$request->setValue(ASN_INTEGER, $integer_value);
elsif ($oid < new NetSNMP::OID($oid_key . '.0')) {
$request->setOID($oid_key . '.0');
$request->setValue(ASN_OCTET_STR, $string_value);
#location of where we are going to find the 1wire devices
#sensors = `cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/w1_master_slaves`;
#loop through the sensors we find
foreach $line(#sensors) {
#work out the temp we have got. Need to change this for other sensor types
$output = `cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/$line/w1_slave`;
$output =~ /t=(?<temp>\d+)/;
$integer_value = sprintf "%.0f",$+{temp} / 1000;
$string_value = $line;
my $agent = new NetSNMP::agent();
$agent->register("Pimon$looptest", $BASE_OID . '.' . $dev_id,
print "Dev $dev_id temp $line temp is $integer_value\n";
$dev_id ++;
Are you getting any errors or output?
I suspect that your problem lies in and around your reading the data file by shelling-out to cat instead of opening the file and looping over the linewise contents.
Try dumping the value of #sensors. if it is a single entry array, with the only element containing your entire file, then simply switch #sensors to be scalar. then split $sensors into an array and loop over that.
my $sensors = `read something`
chomp $sensors;
my #sensors = split(/\n/, $sensors);
foreach $line (#sensors) {

Write config in Zend Framework with APPLICATION_PATH

For an application I'd like to create some kind of setup-steps. In one of the steps the database configuration is written to the application.ini file. This all works, but something very strange happens: All the paths to the directories (library, layout, ...) are changed from paths with APPLICATION_PATH . to full paths. As you can imagine, this isn't very systemfriendly. Any idea how I can prevent that?
I update the application.ini with this code:
# read existing configuration
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(
array('skipExtends' => true,
'allowModifications' => true));
# add new values
$config->production->doctrine->connection = array();
$config->production->doctrine->connection->host = $data['server'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->user = $data['username'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->password = $data['password'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->database = $data['database'];
# write new configuration
$writer = new Zend_Config_Writer_Ini(
'config' => $config,
'filename' => $location));
Since Zend_Config_Ini uses the default ini scanning mode (INI_SCANNER_NORMAL), it will parse all options and replace constants with their respective values. What you could do, is call parse_ini_file directly, using the INI_SCANNER_RAW mode, so the options aren't parsed.
ie. use
$config = parse_ini_file('/path/to/your.ini', TRUE, INI_SCANNER_RAW);
You will get an associative array that you can manipulate as you see fit, and afterwards you can write that back with the following snippet (from the comments):
function write_ini_file($assoc_arr, $path, $has_sections=FALSE) {
$content = "";
if ($has_sections) {
foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) {
$content .= "[".$key."]\n";
foreach ($elem as $key2=>$elem2) {
$content .= $key2."[] = ".$elem2[$i]."\n";
else if($elem2=="") $content .= $key2." = \n";
else $content .= $key2." = ".$elem2."\n";
else {
foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) {
$content .= $key2."[] = ".$elem[$i]."\n";
else if($elem=="") $content .= $key2." = \n";
else $content .= $key2." = ".$elem."\n";
if (!$handle = fopen($path, 'w')) {
return false;
if (!fwrite($handle, $content)) {
return false;
return true;
ie. call it with :
write_ini_file($config, '/path/to/your.ini', TRUE);
after manipulating the $config array. Just make sure you add double quotes to the option values where needed...
Or alternatively - instead of using that function - you could try writing it back using Zend_Config_Writer_Ini, after converting the array back to a Zend_Config object, I guess that should work as well...
I'm guess you could iterate over the values, checking for a match between the value of APPLICATION_PATH, and replacing it with string literal APPLICATION_PATH.
That is if you know that APPLICATION_PATH contains the string '/home/david/apps/myapp/application' and you find a config value '/home/david/apps/myapp/application/views/helpers', then you do some kind of replacement of the leading string '/home/david/apps/myapp/application' with the string 'APPLICATION_PATH', ending up with 'APPLICATION_PATH "/views/helpers"'.
Kind of a kludge, but something like that might work.
This is a long shot - but have you tried running your Zend_Config_Writer_Ini code while the APPLICATION_PATH constant is not defined? It should interpret it as the literal string 'APPLICATION_PATH' and could possibly work.

why mysqli one pulling one row with foreach loop in php?

Hi friends why mysqli one pulling one row with foreach loop in php ? Shouldn't it fetch arrays of all rows ?
$link = new mysqli(DB_SERVER, DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_NAME) or die('error connecting');
$mob = query("SELECT mobile FROM members_db");
foreach ($mob as $numbers){
$mob_numbers = $numbers['mobile'];
print_r($mob_numbers); exit();
You need to do the following
foreach ($mob as $numbers)
$mob_numbers = $numbers['mobile'];
print_r($mob_numbers); exit();
$results = array();
foreach ($mob as $numbers)
$results[] = $numbers['mobile'];
print_r($results); exit();
You have to 'Fetch' the records one by one
$mob = query("SELECT mobile FROM members_db");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($link, $mob)){
Also, not sure why you're calling exit() inside the loop. Doesn't make sense.
remove your exit(); within the loop