Keycloak flow to allow only authorized IDP accounts - keycloak

I would like to setup Google federation using Keycloak however only for authorized users in my company.
Setting up Google federation allows any Google account to login.
I have looked at the authentication flow on Keycloak but I have been unable to find a way to set it up. I can think of a few simple scenarios that I had hoped Keycloak allowed out of the box
Instead of automatically creating an account when somebody tries to login, require that an account with the exact same email/username already exists and just link them based on the email when that specific user tries to login.
Automatically create an account the first time the user logs in using Google, link them however require an admin to manually activate the account before it can be used
A combination of the first 2. Enable registration, allow the user to register an account and require an admin to activate the account, at which point the user can link them.
Try as I might, I seem to be unable to configure this. There seems to be no way to have Keycloak create an account that requires activation and if I try to create a flow where the "unique account creation" authenticator is not include, it immediately throws the user to an "invalid username/password" screen.
Did I miss something? Is there no other option than manually creating an account and linking it for every single user (or write my own authenticator which I am trying to avoid)?

If you are OK with folks from a single domain (e.g., you can use the Hosted Domain parameter on the settings page. For google specifically, at least as of keycloak 11.x, both google and keycloak will ensure the user's email address matches the entered domain. I do not know if it's possible to enter multiple domains.
What we do is use the hosted domain option, and grant these new users a simple role that allows them to log into the admin panel and have read permissions on a few simple areas. This makes it easy to setup new accounts in Keycloak, we just tell users to go log in and they are setup with basic access. If someone warrants more advanced access to read private data or even write some data, they have to contact our ops team who may choose to grant them some more roles in keycloak

You could implement a custom form action. It's easier than you would expect.
If you don't want to write code you could maybe use the 'script' form action which is already available. You can get to it this way:
Authentication -> Select 'First broker login' in the dropdown -> Make a copy of it (Making a copy of it allows you to edit it). Now click 'Add execution' and chose 'Script'. Move it upwards to the top, so it's the first form action in your flow. Put the radio button on 'REQUIRED' and go to actions -> config. Now in the script you could check the username or email to match a pattern (maybe the domain name of your company), if the pattern match fails, you can call the context.failure(..) method, which is already available in the default script.
Make sure that you select this (new) first broker login in your identity provider configuration.


How can I create a new social User on KeyCloak via REST APIs?

I have a working KeyCloak installation, and a Laravel backend that uses this to authenticate Users.
The KeyCloack server is already configured with some external ("social") identity providers.
Now I want to create, from PHP backend, new "social" Users on KeyCloak via REST API before they attempt to login the first time.
My goal is to create new Users on backend database with their all profile data, in order to have all the user set-up already done once the user will first login on my app.
Is there a way to do this?
Have I to create the user firsty on KeyCloak and then link it to a social provider in some way?
Or something other?
There are essentially two steps required:
You have to create a login-flow, that maps the SAML-User to the local user.
This must contain the "Detect Existing Broker User" and the "Automatically Set Existing User" Execution as Required.
Your Identity Providermust use this as login flow.
Then you have to configure your SAML Identity-Provider to identify the SANL-Atrribute to match the user. Feal free to ask if you need further help for this.

Provide "Forgot Password" feature in Keycloak to certain users only

We're using Keycloak 12 for authentication in our portal and there are two different types of users:
Internal users (read from our internal LDAP)
External users (stored in Keycloak but without being synced with the LDAP)
We'd now like to use the "Forget Password" feature provided by Keycloak. After having configured the feature and the mail server, this works fine out-of-the-box.
However we'd like to restrict the "Forget Password" feature to all users which belong to (2), i.e. the internal users. These users are not allowed updating their password via Keycloak as this is done by another mechanism.
I couldn't find any information in the documentation so far if this is possible at all?
The Keycloak Forgot Password feature is applied at the Realm level, hence applied to all the users belonging to the Realm. For Keycloak, the LDAP is just an external storage with users to authenticate against. Consequently, out of the box, there is no way (as far as I know) for the Forgot Password to only be enabled to certain users within the Realm.
Even if it would be possible IMO it would not be a very user-friendly feature, since when one activates such a feature a new link will be shown to the users on the login page in case they have forgotten their passwords. So if a user from the LDAP would click on it, it would display an error or something?!
Alternatively, you can configure the LDAP of the so-called internal users in another Realm than the one with the Forgot Password enabled. And then configure the newly created realm to be an external Identity Provider, which the users could explicitly authenticate against it. So in practice, the users would lend in the normal login page, the external users could login normally, and would have the Forgot Password option enabled. The internal users would explicitly click on the external IDP to authenticate themselves. Log in using the external IDP would be a similar user-experience as log in to the normal login page, however, the Forgot Password option would not be shown.
You can see an example such configuration here.

Authorization new user - keycloak

I want to secure my user registration page with keycloak but couldn't think of any approaches while reading the docs. The best option for me:
New user register, but his account is unavailable.
When ADMIN accept this new account, user can log in.
Is it possible do it in keycloak ? Or any similar solution ?
Sure you can do it. The easiest way is to give a default role to newly registred users. The default role would give only minimal privileges. Then ADMIN can promote the user to the more appropriate group or role.
Probably to "automate" or smoothen the second part of this flow you might need some flow customization. Cf. and related.
Another solution is to give to the default minimal role the possibility to request acceptation, or make the request automatically at first logging (eg. mail sent to ADMIN).
Programmatically it is also possible to make calls to the Keycloak Admin API (through native Admin Client). For example, you can write some logic (and associated UI or whatever) that will assign or remove groups from a user.
See. Admin REST API

Is it possible to add more than one email per user in Keycloak?

I'm using Keycloak for Identity Brokering through Google, Microsoft, etc. But Keycloak only allows one email per user. So the user can be authenticated only through one of the social login options (Google if gmail is added as user's email address, etc.). Is there any way to include more than one email per user, or any other workaround?
EDIT: (Editing based on comments to make scenario more clear)
In my scenario, I'm using a federated user store which contains a large number of users and and I need Keycloak to access all the emails linked to a user when that user is logging in using Google,Azure,etc. because Keycloak is using the email as the unique identifier for the authentication response from the social login provider. Without having the required email as the main email, Keycloak won't allow that user to log in through social IdP
Although, Keycloak emphasises on keeping a unique email,but there are certain scenarios where you may want to keep , say, secondary email.
This can be achieved in a couple of steps:
1. Add a custom attribute for secondary email in user like this:
2. Next , in your client create attribute mapper like this:
When I generated the token after above configuration, the new attribute was avialble in token. You can use this attribute in your app as you desire.
Parsed JWT:
I figured out the best way to deal with this is through the custom user provider (federated user store). Even though we can't add multiple emails per user through the Keycloak admin console, we can write the user provider in such a way that it can get all the emails linked to a user from our database and assign them to the email attribute of each user. Once this is done, all the emails will appear on the admin console as well.
For the social login to recognize those emails, we have to get all the emails linked to a user in the provider to an array and iterate through it until the authentication is complete. This would help to create the social login link to the user through First Login Broker authentication flow.
This is a crude way to approach this, but nevertheless it works!

Identity Server 3 - Silent sign-in / sign in without login page. Including single sign on

I have come across a number of articles that discuss a similar matter but I cannot find a definitive answer.
My company would like to begin using Identity Server 3, however one of the requirements is to be able to authenticate an external user without them having to manually enter their credentials.
This must be capable of providing single sign on capabilities also as we have 3 different systems and our users should only have to sign in once.
Essentially, the external user has their own CRM.
The CRM holds their username and password for our software.
They then click a button in their CRM to launch our application
This redirects them to our website with a payload containing their credentials
We call a web service to authenticate the user
It is fundamental that we do not change this process for our partners.
Can I implement a custom service provider to provide the authentication or is there some other way of achieving this? If so, could you point me in the right direction for how this can be done?
Many thanks
I would assume that you'd create a mechanism for their CRM to get a token at the time the client logs into their site and then have them send that token via url to your callback page. This would use the machine-to-machine type grant, or the client-credentials flow. Then that page could validate the token and log the user in. There would have to be some sort of unique identifier between the two systems like email or something. Just an idea.