How do I keep NSMenuItem selected in a NSPopover with NSMenu? - swift

I have a NSPopUpButton with a built up NSMenu.
However, when an NSMenuItem is selected, it keeps going back to the first item.
In this example, I'd expect "Maged" to be selected.
Any ideas?
Related question/answer:
It's been suggested that this is a duplicate of the question
How do I change/modify the displayed title of an NSPopUpButton
"I would like an NSPopUpButton to display a different title than the title of the menu item that is selected."
However, my question was about getting the NSPopUpButton to show the selected item.

In the end, I changed how I did it.
I am using a NSButton to show the menu and NSTextField to display the results.
If anyone is interested in the details, here they are.
Build the menu up and use .representedObject to store whatever you need to access at the other end. I used a struct with the name and code the in it.
You need to assign the NSMenu to the
Then have a click, something like this.
#IBAction func changeVoiceClicked(_ sender: NSButton)
if let event = NSApplication.shared.currentEvent {
NSMenu.popUpContextMenu(!, with: event, for: sender)
Your NSMenuItem should have an action on it, which using a selector points to a function.
Something like this:
#objc func voiceChanged(sender: NSMenuItem)
// cope will nil
var voice : VoiceDetail = VoiceDetail();
if (sender.representedObject != nil) {
voice = sender.representedObject as! VoiceDetail;
// Do what you need to on menu select.
// update text field.


how to hide button title but can still call it using sender.currentTitle?

I added a button in the main storyboard in Xcode. This button has an image as the background and its title "blueDoor" is shown on top of the background (see photo below).
There will be three buttons like this and they are linked to one IBAction. I would like to use sender.currentTitle to let the program know which button is clicked, but I don't want the text to show on the image.
How can I hide the text but still keep the title attribute so sender.currentTitle can be used? Or is there another way to do so?
A button with an image as the background:
You can use tag to do this.
Open storyboard > select your button > select Show the Attributes Inspector section in the right bar of the Xcode > scroll down and find Tag under the View section. And give different tags to your buttons.
Then your IBAction should be like this ->
#IBAction func didTapMyButtons(_ sender: UIButton) {
switch sender.tag:
case 0: // it is your first button's tag
// Do something with button which has tag `0`
case 1: // it is your second button's tag
// Do something with button which has tag `1`
case 2: // it is your third button's tag
// Do something with button which has tag `2`
default: break
Shortly: you can not do that. The currentTitle property is essentially a getter for button.titleLable.text. So is title(for: UIControl.State) setter (setTitle(String?, for: UIControl.State))
What docs say:
var currentTitle: String? { get }
The value for this property is set automatically whenever
the button state changes. For states that do not have a custom title
string associated with them, this method returns the title that is
currently displayed, which is typically the one associated with the
normal state. The value may be nil.
This means whatever changes you bring to titleLabel.text, it is automatically reflected on a currentTitle property.
You can use tags as suggested or add a custom action handler for every button as you create them. E.g. for cancel and proceed buttons one will do it like so:
self.cancelButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.cancelActionMethod), for: .touchUpInside)
self.proceedButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.proceedActionMethod), for: .touchUpInside)
And then somewhere inside self:
#objc func cancelActionMethod() {
// some cancel specific actions
#objc func proceedActionMethod() {
// some cancel specific actions

How to programmatically set an NSPopUp title. Swift4 OSX

I have an IB NSPopUpButton with a list of items and a number of NSTextFields.
The items from the popup are used to populate the text fields (ingredients) until a recipe is complete.
I would like to reset the popup title after each item is used but cannot find the code and syntax to do this.
I'd also like to be able to click on any of the text fields after selecting an ingredient to drop it there. Drag and drop from the popup would be ideal but I cannot find a simple way to do either so am currently using another button adjacent to each text field to initiate the drop.
This is neither elegant nor ideal.
Hopefully someone can propose better solutions.
My code currently looks like this
var ItemLabel: String = ""
#IBAction func Ingredients(_ sender: NSPopUpButton){
ItemLabel = sender.titleOfSelectedItem ?? "Nil"
#IBOutlet weak var Ingredient1: NSTextField!
#IBAction func AddIngredient1(_ sender: NSButton){ // button next to text field
Ingredient1Label.stringValue = ItemLabel
// Here I need to reset the popup title

How to create toggle button that only toggles once

I want to create a button that, when pressed, toggles to a different format and stays that way, not allowing the user to toggle it back. For example, I am trying to create a button that says "Special 1" then when it is clicked by the user, it toggles to say "USED". When the word "USED" pops up on the UIButton, it stays that way and the user cannot change it back. Please help me out I can't figure this out. I am also open to other ideas to execute this other then a UIButton, for example maybe a UITableView??
What you can do is create a boolean (true or false) variable in your ViewController, and whenever the button is tapped you set this variable so that the tap function associated with the button can be manipulated.
1.) Make an action connection from your ViewController to your code this can be done by clicking the dual view button (the two circles in the top right corner) then holding control and drag your button into your code. :
For more information on connecting views to your code:
Skip to 6 min for the actual connection.
2.) Now we can just make our boolean variable, and make a basic if statement:
var didClick:Bool = false
#IBAction func touchButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
if !didClick { // If didClick is false
didClick = true // Set it to true
sender.setTitle("USED", for: .normal)
Note: The sender should be set to UIButton NOT Any
Should look like this:
_ sender: UIButton
If you are using a storyboard you can write this inside the IBAction function:
#IBAction func buttonName(_ sender: UIButton) {
sender.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
// Do whatever you need to do after...
sender's type could be UIButton or Any depending on how you made the connection from the storyboard.

make NSTableView row stay selected Swift

how would I go about making a previously selectedRow of an NSTableView stay selected after the user presses a button calling a method to work with that selectedRow?
It worked in a previous programm looking like this:
selecting it gives it the OSX selection color, clicking the save button makes the textField becomeFirstResponder() which makes the row go grey automatically and doesnt change the selectedRow property. This is not done by my code, so im happy it just works.
Now in a similar program I want to achieve exactly this, but after clicking a button (calling a method making the textField becomeFirstResponder()) the visual selection is gone and also the tableView property selectedRow goes back to -1 (no row selected).
I tried a lot of ideas, most answers online are objective-C. Here is my most recent code (beeing called by the same button and pretty much faking what worked automatically before):
the NSTableViewAction method and the selectedRowCache variable:
var selectedRowCache = -1
#IBAction func alarmDataTableView(_ sender: NSTableView) {
selectedRowCache = alarmDataTableView.selectedRow
the buttonAction:
#IBAction func editAlarmButton(_ sender: NSButton) {
let row = alarmDataTableView.rowView(atRow: self.selectedRowCache, makeIfNecessary: false)
row?.backgroundColor = .blue
the selectedRowCache is just a variable that saves the selectedRow whenever the user selects a row (i dont want this).
no with this code the background color of the row doesnt do a thing (besides losing its selection after the button method is called).
the NSTableView is view based.
Thank you for any help!

Get reference to current object

My goal is to safe a reference from the button, label or textfield inside a variable.
The problem is that I don't know on which control the user tapped.
I am having a simple application which looks like this:
The user can touch any control.
It is easy enough with just those three controls because I can drag in a action. But if I am having many of them I can't handle them all over the action methods. Is there a general way in which I can safe a reference to the control in a variable so that I can know which of the controls is the active one?
As suggested I am using a function and assigning the variable to the sender of the function. This is how it looks in code:
var currentObject: NSTextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
myTextfield.action = #selector(myAction)
func myAction(sender: NSTextField)
print("aktuell: \(sender)")
currentObject = sender
As you can see this only works for a NSTextfield. Is there a way in which the function works for every control?
Set the tag attribute for each item, and then you can check sender.tag to identify which object is calling it.
To set the tag, select the Attributes inspector in Storyboard (upper right side - middle button of Utilities) and look for this section: