Kubernetes + Spring admin UI + Eureka not working - kubernetes

Using Spring Admin + Eureka to monitor all micro-service and deploy it in Kubernetes;
Spring Admin UI and discover all micro-service instances, but can't check detail of each instance, check detail network, we can see the
service health check has show 502 error:
http://[admin server real ip]/instances/3f5afb61f59b/actuator/health >> 502 bad getway
Check Eureka register, I found all eureka client was resisted with Kubernetes virtual ip;

I already resolve it, but change the dependency from spring-boot-admin to spring-cloud-admin


IBM Cloud: Kubernetes add-on ALB Oauth2 Proxy for App ID integration fails to start

I deployed a containerized app to my IBM Cloud Kubernetes service in a VPC. The app uses App ID for authentication. The deployment pipeline ran successfully. The app seems ready, but when accessing its URL it gives an internal server error (500 status code).
From the Kubernetes dashboard I found that the ALB Oauth Proxy add-on is failing. It is deployed, but does not start.
The deployment seems to fail in the health checks (ping not successful). From the POD logs I found the following as last (and only) entry:
[provider.go:55] Performing OIDC Discovery...
Else, there is not much. Any advise?
Guessing from the missing logs and the failing pings, it seemed related to some network setup. Checking the VPC itself, I found that there was no Public Gateway attached to the subnet. Enabling it allowed outbound traffic. The oauth proxy could contact the App ID instance. The app is working as expected now.
Make sure that the VPC subnets allow outbound traffic and have a Public Gateway enabled.

Get Eureka instance metadata in browser

I have a Spring Boot (2.4) app (a generic service) and a Eureka discovery server running. The server doesn't register itself as an instance. I am able to navigate to the Eureka dashboard at the default location of localhost:8761 to get an overview of all the registered instances. I successfully see the service is registered in Eureka. However, this dashboard doesn't give any details about the instance except the name and the port number. I want to be able to see the instance meta data. Is this possible using the dashboard? O maybe there is some exposed URL by the Eureka server that I can call in a browser or postman? Or is there an URL available in the Eureka client (the service) that gives details about its Eureka metadata?
I read thet feign clients access something to be able to query the registry. Can I mimic this as human in a browser?
Go to localhost:8761/eureka/apps

Spring boot admin behind firewall

I have a spring-boot client app deployed in a customer network and I want to use SBA as a GUI for its actuator endpoints. I cannot use register-client-applications to register the app, mainly because the client app has no connectivity to SBA (its behind a firewall).
Is there a way how to add a client to SBA manually?
You can add use a static configuration for spring cloud's discovery client. So there is no need that the client reach the sba server. See http://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/current/#spring-cloud-discovery-static-config

Register multiple microservice instance with same name on development enviroment

we have a eureka server deployed on server and developers for development purpose register their microservices with it. but when some developers that work on same microservice, register own microservice's instance on eureka [sure with their local ip address] get wrong instance. developer can't change instance name because other services call their service with service name. what's best pattern for our problem?
Another approach to make the developers register their microservices as OUT_OF_SERVICE so then the services will not be called by the rest of services registered in Eureka but they can interact with the rest of services registered.
You can set it as out fo service by adding this to the application.yml:
initialStatus: OUT_OF_SERVICE

Spring Boot Admin Eureka Authentication

I am using Eureka discovery, Spring Boot Admin (1.5.4) and several services. Each service has enabled basic auth to actuator endpoints:
SBA fetches info about services from eureka and because of secured endpoints I have configured eureka's metadata map like this:
but still getting 401 Unauthorized:
o.s.b.a.e.m.MvcEndpointSecurityInterceptor - Full authentication is required to access actuator endpoints. Consider adding Spring Security or set 'management.security.enabled' to false.
What am I missing? If I turn management.security.enabled off it works.