Subscribing to fetch a nested array - swift

I have an object and its properties as following:
class Section {
var cards: [MemberCard]
init(card: [MemberCard]) {
class MemberCard {
var name: String
var address: String?
init(name: String) { = name
I'm subscribing to a RxStream of type Observable<[Section]>. Before I subscribe I would to want flat map this function.
where the flat map would perform the following actions:
let sectionsStream : Observable<[Section]> = Observable.just([sections])
.flatMap { [weak self] (sections) -> Observable<[Section]> in
for section in sections {
for card in {
}.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (sections) in
self?.updateUI(memberSections: sections)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
func getAddressFromCache(card: MemberCard) -> Observable<MemberCard> {
return Cache(id: ({ (card) -> Observable<MemberCard> in
return Observable.just(card)
How would the flatmap look like when it comes to converting Observable<[Section]> to array of [Observable<MemberCard>] and back to Observable<[Section]>?

Technically, like that -
let o1: Observable<MemberCard> = ...
let o2: Observable<Section> = omc.toList().map { Section($0) }
let o2: Observable<[Section]> = Observable.concat(o2 /* and all others */).toList()
But I do not think it is an optimal solution, at least because there is no error handling for the case when one or more cards cannot be retrieved. I would rather build something around aggregation with .scan() operator as in

Here you go:
extension ObservableType where E == [Section] {
func addressedCards() -> Observable<[Section]> {
return flatMap {
Observable.combineLatest($ { getAddresses($ })
.map {
$ { Section(cards: $0) }
func getAddresses(_ cards: [MemberCard]) -> Observable<[MemberCard]> {
return Observable.combineLatest(cards
.map {
getAddressFromCache(card: $0)
If one of the caches emits an error, the above will return the MemberCard unchanged.
I have a couple of other tips as well.
In keeping with the functional nature of Rx, your Section and MemberCard types should either be structs or (classes with lets instead of vars).
Don't use String? unless you have a compelling reason why an empty string ("") is different than a missing string (nil). There's no reason why you should have to check existence and isEmpty every time you want to see if the address has been filled in. (The same goes for arrays and Dictionaries.)
For this code, proper use of combineLatest is the key. It can turn an [Observable<T>] into an Observable<[T]>. Learn other interesting ways of combining Observables here:


Combine - bind a stream into another and handle side effects while doing it

I am trying to learn Combine. I know the terms and the basic concept theoretically. But when trying to work with it, I am lost.
I am trying to do is map an Input stream of events to Output stream of state. Is there a way to bind the result of the map to outputSubject? I am trying to make it work with sink but is there a better way?
Also is there an operator equivalent of RxSwift's withLatestFrom?
import Combine
class LearnCombine {
typealias Input = PassthroughSubject<Event, Never>
typealias Ouput = AnyPublisher<State, Never>
let input: Input
var output: Ouput
private var outputSubject: CurrentValueSubject<State, Never>
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init() {
self.input = PassthroughSubject()
self.outputSubject = CurrentValueSubject(.initial)
self.output = outputSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
private func transformPipeline() {
.map { event in
mapEventToState(event, with: outputSubject.value)
.handleOutput { state in
handleSideEffects(for: state) // Also, how do I access the event here if I needed?
.sink {
.store(in: &cancellables)
func mapEventToState(_ event: Event, with state: State) -> State {
// Some code that converts `Event` to `State`
extension Publisher {
func handleOutput(_ receiveOutput: #escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> Publishers.HandleEvents<Self> {
handleEvents(receiveOutput: receiveOutput)
Instead of using sink to assign a value to a CurrentValueSubject, I would use assign.
If you want to do something with the values in the middle of a pipeline you can use the handleEvents operator, though if you look in the documentation you'll see that the operator is listed as a debugging operator because generally your pipeline should not have side effects (building it from pure functions is one of the primary benefits.
Just reading the description of withLatestFrom in the RX documentation, I think the equivalent in combine is combineLatest
Here's your code, put into a Playground, and modified a bit to illustrates the first two points:
import Combine
struct Event {
var placeholder: String
enum State {
case initial
class LearnCombine {
typealias Input = PassthroughSubject<Event, Never>
typealias Ouput = AnyPublisher<State, Never>
let input: Input
var output: Ouput
private var outputSubject: CurrentValueSubject<State, Never>
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init() {
self.input = PassthroughSubject()
self.outputSubject = CurrentValueSubject(.initial)
self.output = outputSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
private func transformPipeline() {
.map { event in
self.mapEventToState(event, with: self.outputSubject.value)
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: { value in
debugPrint("Do something with \(value)")
.assign(to: \.outputSubject.value, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellables)
func mapEventToState(_ event: Event, with state: State) -> State {
return .initial
// Some code that converts `Event` to `State`
extension Publisher {
func handleOutput(_ receiveOutput: #escaping ((Self.Output) -> Void)) -> Publishers.HandleEvents<Self> {
handleEvents(receiveOutput: receiveOutput)

Polymorphism with a final class that implements an associatedtype protocol in swift

I'm using Apollo v0.49.0. It's a library for calling graphQL endpoints, and the way it does this is by generating code before you compile your code.
Before I talk about the generated code, I'd like to talk about what the generated code implements. For this question, it's the GraphQLMutation that's relevant. Here's what it looks like:
public enum GraphQLOperationType {
case query
case mutation
case subscription
public protocol GraphQLOperation: AnyObject {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { get }
var operationDefinition: String { get }
var operationIdentifier: String? { get }
var operationName: String { get }
var queryDocument: String { get }
var variables: GraphQLMap? { get }
associatedtype Data: GraphQLSelectionSet
public extension GraphQLOperation {
var queryDocument: String {
return operationDefinition
var operationIdentifier: String? {
return nil
var variables: GraphQLMap? {
return nil
public protocol GraphQLQuery: GraphQLOperation {}
public extension GraphQLQuery {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { return .query }
public protocol GraphQLMutation: GraphQLOperation {}
public extension GraphQLMutation {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { return .mutation }
This is 80% of the file; the last 20% is irrelevant IMHO. Note how GraphQLMutation implements GraphQLOperation and the latter has an associatedtype.
The library generates classes based on your graphql server endpoints. Here's what they look like:
public final class ConcreteMutation: GraphQLMutation {
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
As far as I know (I'm new to Swift), I have no control over any of the code I've mentioned so far (other than forking the repo and modifying it). I could change them locally, but they would just be overridden every time they were regenerated.
To use any of these generated classes, I have to pass them into this ApolloClient function (also a library class):
public func perform<Mutation: GraphQLMutation>(mutation: Mutation,
publishResultToStore: Bool = true,
queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
resultHandler: GraphQLResultHandler<Mutation.Data>? = nil) -> Cancellable {
return self.networkTransport.send(
operation: mutation,
cachePolicy: publishResultToStore ? .default : .fetchIgnoringCacheCompletely,
contextIdentifier: nil,
callbackQueue: queue,
completionHandler: { result in
I can't figure out how to deal with ConcreteMutation in a generic way. I want to be able to write a factory function like so:
extension SomeEnum {
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T {
switch self {
case .a:
return ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value) as T
case .b:
return ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value) as T
case .c:
return ConcreteMutation3(bio: value) as T
The fact that this func is in an enum is irrelevant to me: that same code could be in a struct/class/whatever. What matters is the function signature. I want a factory method that returns a GraphQLMutation that can be passed into ApolloClient.perform()
Because I can't figure out a way to do either of those things, I end up writing a bunch of functions like this instead:
func useConcreteMutation1(value) -> Void {
let mutation = ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value)
apolloClient.perform(mutation: mutation)
func useConcreteMutation2(value) -> Void {
let mutation = ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value)
apolloClient.perform(mutation: mutation)
That's a lot of duplicated code.
Depending on how I fiddle with my getMutation signature -- e.g., <T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T? etc. -- I can get the func to compile, but I get a different compile error when I try to pass it into ApolloClient.perform(). Something saying "protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements."
I've researched this a lot, and my research found this article, but I don't think it's an option if the concrete classes implementing the associated type are final?
It's really difficult to figure out if it's possible to use polymorphism in this situation. I can find plenty of articles of what you can do, but no articles on what you can't do. My question is:
How do I write getMutation so it returns a value that can be passed into ApolloClient.perform()?
The fundamental problem you are running into is that this function signature:
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T
is ambiguous. The reason it's ambiguous is because GraphQLMutation has an associated type (Data) and that information doesn't appear anywhere in your function declaration.
When you do this:
extension SomeEnum {
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T {
switch self {
case .a:
return ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value) as T
case .b:
return ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value) as T
case .c:
return ConcreteMutation3(bio: value) as T
Each of those branches could have a different type. ConcreteMutation1 could have a Data that is Dormouse while ConcreteMutation3 might have a data value that's an IceCreamTruck. You may be able to tell the compiler to ignore that but then you run into problems later because Dormouse and IceCreamTruck are two structs with VERY different sizes and the compiler might need to use different strategies to pass them as parameters.
Apollo.perform is also a template. The compiler is going to write a different function based on that template for each type of mutation you call it with. In order to do that must know the full type signature of the mutation including what its Data associated type is. Should the responseHandler callback be able to handle something the size of a Dormouse, or does it need to be able to handle something the size of an IceCreamTruck?
If the compiler doesn't know, it can't set up the proper calling sequence for the responseHandler. Bad things would happen if you tried to squeeze something the size of an IceCreamTruck through a callback calling sequence that was designed for a parameter the size of a Dormouse!
If the compiler doesn't know what type of Data the mutation has to offer, it can't write a correct version of perform from the template.
If you've only handed it the result of func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T where you've eliminated evidence of what the Data type is, it doesn't know what version of perform it should write.
You are trying to hide the type of Data, but you also want the compiler to create a perform function where the type of Data is known. You can't do both.
Maybe you need to implement AnyGraphQLMutation type erased over the associatedtype.
There are a bunch of resources online for that matter (type erasure), I've found this one pretty exhaustive.
I hope this helps in someway:
class GraphQLQueryHelper
static let shared = GraphQLQueryHelper()
class func performGraphQLQuery<T:GraphQLQuery>(query: T, completion:#escaping(GraphQLSelectionSet) -> ())
Network.shared.apollo().fetch(query: query, cachePolicy: .default) { (result) in
switch result
case .success(let res):
if let data =
else if let error = res.errors?.first
if let dict = error["extensions"] as? NSDictionary
switch dict.value(forKey: "code") as? String ?? "" {
case "invalid-jwt": /*Handle Refresh Token Expired*/
default: /*Handle error*/
/*Handle error*/
/*Handle Network error*/
case .failure(let error):
/*Handle Network error*/
class func peroformGraphQLMutation<T:GraphQLMutation>(mutation: T, completion:#escaping(GraphQLSelectionSet) -> ())
Network.shared.apollo().perform(mutation: mutation) { (result) in
switch result
case .success(let res):
if let data =
else if let error = res.errors?.first
if let dict = error["extensions"] as? NSDictionary
switch dict.value(forKey: "code") as? String ?? "" {
case "invalid-jwt": /*Handle Refresh Token Expired*/
default: /*Handle error*/
/*Handle error*/
/*Handle Network error*/
case .failure(let error):
/*Handle error*/

Exposing dictionary in Swift property wrappers

I have an internal dictionary that I don't want to expose to the user. Instead, I expose only certain values using properties, like this:
public var artist: String? {
get {
return items["artist"]
set {
items["artist"] = newValue
// on for another 20 or so items
As you can imagine, this ends up getting repeated quite a lot. I was thinking that property wrappers would be a nice way to clean this up - however, it's not possible to pass items directly to the wrapper, since property wrappers are created before init (so self would not be accessible).
Is there a way around this, or is this just one of the limitations of propertyWrappers?
You could build a generic solution. I did one, but you can probably improve it:
class PropertyWrapper {
private var items: [String: Any] = ["artist": "some dude"]
enum Key: String {
case artist
func getItem<T: Any>(key: Key) -> T {
guard let item = items[key.rawValue] as? T else {
preconditionFailure("wrong type asked for")
return item
func setItem(value: Any, key: Key) {
items[key.rawValue] = value
class GetValueClass {
func getValue() {
let wrapper = PropertyWrapper()
let value: String = wrapper.getItem(key: .artist)
class SetValueClass {
func setValue() {
let wrapper = PropertyWrapper()
wrapper.setItem(value: "some", key: .artist)

Rxswift Map and Zip not Called

I am trying to get the element of 2 observables produced asynchronously and pass them as parameters to a function once both are received.
However my map operator in my ViewModel below is not executed and the breakpoint just skips over it.
init(api: ApiService) {
self.api = api
func getData1() -> Observable<Data1> {
return api.getData1()
func getData2() -> Observable<NewViewModel> {
return Observable.create { observer in
let disposable = Disposables.create()
.map {
$0.arrayOfStuff.forEach { (stuff) in
let background = stuff.background
let newViewModel = NewViewModel( background: self.spotlightBackground)
return disposable
In my ViewController i am creating the Zip of the observables because newViewModel[getData2] may return later and i want to call the function when both observables emit a value
in my viewDidLoad() i setup zip by subscribing and adding observables
let zippy =, viewModel.getData2()).subscribe(onNext: { (data1, newViewModel) in
self.layoutSetUp(data1: data1, newViewModel: newViewModel)
zippy.disposed(by: disposeBag)
private func layoutSetUp(data1: Data1, newViewModel: NewViewModel) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.view = SwiftUIHostingView(rootView: SwiftUIContentView(data1: data1, newViewModel: newViewModel))
This is not executing and no values are passed to function either and im not sure why
Your getData2 method never emits a value so neither will the zip. The code in the method is a bit too muddled for me to understand what you are trying to do so I can't tell you exactly what you need, but I can say that when you have an observable that nothing is subscribed to, then it will not emit a value.
This bit:
.map {
$0.arrayOfStuff.forEach { (stuff) in
let background = stuff.background
let newViewModel = NewViewModel(background: self.spotlightBackground)
return disposable
Is an observable with no subscribers.

Can I group two functions with Generics into one function in Swift?

I have two bellow functions with Generics.
func objectFunc<T:SomeProtocol>(obj:T)
func arrayFunc<T:SomeProtocol>(obj:[T])
Can I group these functions into one function?
I found the link Checking if an object is a given type in Swift, but this is a little different.
For example, I want to do like bellow.
func objectAndArrayFunc<T>(arg:T, someEnum:SomeEnum){
switch someEnum {
case A:
// something
case B:
// something
if let items = arg as? [T] {
for item in items {
// something
} else if let item = arg as? T {
// something
// I want to do something [T] and T common processing
enum SomeEnum {
case A
case B
Also, SomeEnum count might increase.
Generally speaking, depends on what // something is. There are many ways ...
Private common processor
protocol Property {
var name: String{ get }
enum SomeEnum {
case A, B
func process<T:Property>(object:T, someEnum:SomeEnum) {
process(object, nil, someEnum)
func process<T:Property>(objects:[T], someEnum:SomeEnum) {
process(nil, objects, someEnum)
private func process<T:Property>(object: T?, objects:[T]?, someEnum:SomeEnum) {
switch someEnum {
case .A:
// something
case .B:
// something
// holds all items for common processing
var itemsToProcess: [T] = []
if let items = objects {
// process items
itemsToProcess = items
for item in items {
} else if let item = object {
// process single item
itemsToProcess = [item]
// iterate over single/all items and process them
for item in itemsToProcess {
Wrap it to Enum
protocol Property {
var name: String{ get }
enum SomeEnum {
case A, B
enum Objects<T> {
case Single(T)
case Multiple([T])
private func process<T:Property>(objects: Objects<T>, someEnum:SomeEnum) {
switch someEnum {
case .A:
// something
case .B:
// something
// holds all items for common processing
var itemsToProcess: [T] = []
switch objects {
case .Multiple(let items):
// process items
itemsToProcess = items
for item in items {
case .Single(let item):
// process single item
itemsToProcess = [item]
// iterate over single/all items and process them
for item in itemsToProcess {
struct Prop: Property {
var name: String {
return "hi"
let prop = Prop()
process(.Single(prop), .A)
process(.Multiple([prop]), .B)
Unfortunately, the 2nd example segfaults Swift 1.2 compiler.
Anyway, it really depends on what your goal is. Why you do not want pass even single item as [T], ...
To answer your question - no, you can't pass T or [T] in one argument, different types. Unless you wrap it to Enum or whatever, unless you do want to use AnyObject and make as dances, ...