The meaning of _root_ in sbt - scala

I have two separate Scala projects. In both projects, the build.sbt has the line:
lazy val V = _root_.scalafix.sbt.BuildInfo
The two projects contain several projects so both build.sbt files are multi-project builds. In my research, I came across the idea of a root project and I think _root_ in the above value denotes the root project.
My problem is that in one of the projects, sbt cannot resolve the symbol scalafix in lazy val V = _root_.scalafix.sbt.BuildInfo. When I search scalafix.sbt.BuildInfo in this project, I can find the related jar but sbt somehow misses it. The two projects in so far as I can tell are almost identical but one resolves scalafix while the other does not.
For both projects, the jar seems to be located at the below directory in my Mac:
What is _root_ and how can I help sbt resolve scalafix?

I think root in the above value denotes the root project.
No, this is not true.
All sbt files are scala code and _root_ has the same meaning as _root_ in scala. Thus the answer is the same as in What is the root package in Scala.
The two projects in so far as I can tell are almost identical but one resolves scalafix while the other does not.
The problem is most probably the missing sclafix plugin.
Check that the plugin is enabled in project/plugins.sbt with line
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.9.1")


Scala "not found: object com" - should i really add entry in build.sbt if there are no other dependencies?

I have created basic Scala Play application with play-scala-seed. This project compiles and runs with sbt run. But I have another Scala project that compiles and runs and which I have submitted to my local Ivy repository with command sbt publishLocal. This other project was saved at C:\Users\tomr\.ivy2\local\com.agiintelligence\scala-isabelle_2.13\master-SNAPSHOT as a result of this command.
Then I imported (exactly so - imported, no just opened) my Play project in IntelliJ and I used Project - Open Module Settings - Project Settings - Libraries to add com.agiintelligence jar from my ivy2 location. After such operations IntelliJ editor recognizes com.agiintelligence classes. That is fine.
But when I am trying to run my Play application with sbt run, I experience the error message not found: object com that is exactly when compiling import com.agiintelligence line in my Scala controller file of Play application.
Of course - such error has been reported and resolved with, e.g. object play not found in scala application
But that solution suggests to append build.sbt file. My build.sbt file is pretty bare:
name := """agiintelligence"""
organization := "com.agiintelligence"
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
scalaVersion := "2.13.5"
libraryDependencies += guice
libraryDependencies += "" %% "scalatestplus-play" % "5.0.0" % Test
// Adds additional packages into Twirl
//TwirlKeys.templateImports += "com.skaraintelligence.controllers._"
// Adds additional packages into conf/routes
// play.sbt.routes.RoutesKeys.routesImport += "com.skaraintelligence.binders._"
My Play application contains (as can bee seen from the IntelliJ project pane) some tens of 'external libraries' (it shows my com.agiintelligence jar as well), but why should I add my own ivy2 library in build.sbt file if no other libraries are listed here? What is different with my library? It is on my computer, in the repository as expected already?
Of course, I can try to add it build.sbt and issue sbt update and see what happens, but I can not understand this logic? Can someone explain it and provide some clue to intelligible solution of my error message?
My Play application contains (as can bee seen from the IntelliJ project pane) some tens of 'external libraries'
Those are probably just transitive dependencies of your Play dependency, that is why sbt downloaded all of them and put them in your classpath so you could use them without you needing to tell it about them; because the pom of Play already did.
It is not that the build tool or the IDE magically added all those dependencies for you because they read your mind and magically understood you wanted them. And that for some reason the magic stopped working for your own library.
Why it is not sufficient to list it Project-Setting--External Libraries in IntelliJ only?
That is sufficient for the IDE to work, but not for the build tool. The build tool is independent of the IDE; it doesn't know about it. sbt just knows about the dependencies you configured in your definition file.
Even more, you should always configure your dependencies on your build tool and then import that in the IDE; rather than the opposite. IDEs are graphical tools, so their state can not be committed, can not be shared, can not keep track of changes, can not be used in CI / CD environments; additionally, different teammates may want to use different IDEs.
I resolved the error message by adding line in build.sbt file
libraryDependencies += "de.unruh" %% "scala-isabelle" % "master-SNAPSHOT"
and by subsequent run of sbt update.
Error is solved, but the main question still stand - why I had to do this? Why there are tens of dependencies that are not listed in build.sbt and why should I list my dependency in build.sbt and why it is not sufficient to list it Project-Setting--External Libraries in IntelliJ only?
OK, comment by #Luis_Miguel_Mejía_Suárez gave the explanation, that comment is the actual and expected answer to my question.

How to use SBT's externalPom() command

I have a Maven POM file that the deployment engineers need to deploy the system in the enterprise. I have developers using SBT for a Scala project. They use SBT targets that just aren't supported in Maven. We'd like to use the Maven POM file to define the dependencies, slurp in those dependencies in SBT, and define SBT development targets there.
According to the SBT documentation, the externalPom() command is the way to do that. But even with the simplest POM file (two developers have tried this with two different simple POM files that defined different dependencies), the externalPom() command seems to half work. The SBT targets clearly recognize the dependency defined in the POM, but can't resolve it. This error arises:
Cannot add dependency 'commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.2'
to configuration 'default' of module
default#maven-sbt$sources_javadoc;0.1-SNAPSHOT because this
configuration doesn't exist!
When the externalPom() command is commented out and the equivalent dependency added directly in the build.sbt file everything goes swimmingly. The dependency comes directly from Maven Central in both cases; one from copying the dependency from the Maven tab and one from copying the dependency from the SBT tab. Once again, two developers are seeing exactly the same thing, from two different dependencies. The thing that's common is that both developers have reduced the build.sbt file down to a single statement. In the "slurp from POM" case, that statement is externalPom(). In the "plain old SBT" case, that statement is the dependency copied from Maven Central. The POM file is a dependency list with a single dependency (as simple as we can make it and still test externalPom()).
We suspect that we need something else in the build.sbt to make the externalPom() command work but we don't know what it is. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated.
I did some experimentation with this, and was able to replicate your error in my experiments.
I'm still a bit of a Scala / SBT newbie, but I created a build.sbt file that looks like so:
val Default = config("default")
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
This did compile for me!
One non-obvious catch: I had to make sure to include the scala-library in my POM file as a dependency

sbt : Is there a better way of structuring large build.sbt files

Problem description: large sbt file
Our current build.sbt spanns 250+ lines.
We have two problems:
current approach grouping of data and comments:
// Plugins ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// basic configuration : projects ///////////////////////////
name := """projectName"""
lazy val projectName =
(project in file(".")).....
logic reuse
We have some configuration logic we would like to share between different projects.
Is there a way to include other *.sbt files?
Or do you have a suggestion how to solve this problem without resorting to write a sbt plugin?
Is there a way to include other *.sbt files?
Yes, you can simply put parts of your build.sbt file into other *.sbt files within your project root. SBT picks up all *.sbt files and merges them together, as there was only a single large file.
One thing you can do is to factor out parts of your build info into scala files in the project directory.
E.g. in our build we have a file Dependencies.scala in the project directory, which contains all dependencies of the various projects in one place:
object Dependencies {
val akka_actor = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.13"
// ...
This can then be imported from the build.sbt:
import Dependencies._
lazy val foo = Project(...) dependsOn (akka_actor, ...)
You can also put tasks and commands into objects in the project directory.
Update: One thing I often do when looking for inspiration about how to organize a build is to look at the build of complex, high-profile scala projects such as akka. As you can see, they have moved a lot of logic into scala files in the project directory. The build itself is defined in AkkaBuild.scala.

What is the issue with this sbt file?

When I import a SBT project into intelliJ, the build.sbt file is showing lot of errors as shown in the following screenshot. Wondering what might be the issue
IDEA Version 13.1.4
I also see the following
The following source roots are outside of the corresponding base directories:
These source roots cannot be included in the IDEA project model. Please consider using shared SBT projects instead of shared source roots.
I think the question perhaps does not provide all the required information to answer conclusively, but I'll give it a spin anyways -
Since sbt runs correctly when invoked from the shell, we know the sbt file is fine. I use Idea for my Scala and sbt projects and I am sure the Idea sbt support works very well, but! Idea is far more restrictive than sbt when it comes to project structure. It is really easy to create a valid sbt project structure that Idea can't support very well.
Given that the source roots error indicates that the recfun/src folder is not in the project folder, it seems clear that this error is not emitted during the processing of recfun/build.sbt. The screenshot shows you have at least three different sbt files, progfun-recfun, submission and scala-recfun. Since Idea will also create projects like submission-build, and you have an assignment-build project there, something is probably broken in the project structure, not from the sbt viewpoint - there you're fine, you can build - but from the Idea viewpoint, which is more restrictive.
My suggestion to resolve this would be to change your project structure as follows. First, have a top level project with a build.sbt. Then create a sub-project for each src folder you want. Do not put a src folder in your top level project. Each sub-project needs a build.sbt as well.
Second, make sure the sub-projects build correctly with sbt when run from the shell. Arrange the sub-project build.sbt files with the proper dependencies, using this syntax:
lazy val a = ProjectRef(file("../a"), "a")
lazy val b = ProjectRef(file("../b"), "b")
lazy val root = Project(id = "c", base = file(".")) dependsOn (a, b)
(This example has three sister projects a, b and c, where c depends on a and b. The three projects are placed in directories with the same name, within the root directory. The code snippet is from the build file for c.)
Third, arrange your top level build.sbt to aggregate the sub-projects, using this syntax in the top level build.sbt:
lazy val a = ProjectRef(file("a"), "a")
lazy val b = ProjectRef(file("b"), "b")
lazy val c = ProjectRef(file("c"), "c")
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
aggregate(a, b, c)
Building this top level project will build each of the sub-projects a, b and c, and the dependencies established in the sub-project build files will ensure they are built in the right order.
Fourth, import the top level project into Idea, and all should be well.
You can get fancy with the file structure if you want, because the project references use relative paths, but it's usually nice to at least start simple.
I had a lot of frustration with sbt and Idea at the start, I hope this helps :)

IntelliJ Idea sbt managed source file

I am using sbt-buildinfo plugin that generates Scala source from my build definitions, allowing me to reference project name, version, etc. from my Scala code.
It does this by generating a file BuiltInfo.scala with the following contents:
package hello
case object BuildInfo {
val name = "helloworld"
val version = "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
val scalaVersion = "2.10.3"
val sbtVersion = "0.13.2"
Everything compiles and I can reference those vals.
However, IntelliJ Idea doesn't recognize BuildInfo.scala as a managed source file, so that it would stop showing me errors. Any idea how to do that?
Grega, are you working in a Play Framework project? Or do you have any SBT sub-projects? I don't have a complete answer, but may have a lead.
This same problem shows up in my IDEA projects when using sbt-buildinfo and sbt-scalaxb. Frustratingly, it has worked intermittently—usually after lots of tinkering around, but inexplicably stops.
I wound up digging a bit deeper (and eventually issued bug report SCL-7182 to JetBrains), and noticed the root cause was having a sub-project. When present, IDEA doesn't correctly identify src_managed for the root project, but does for the sub-project.
A work-around, for now, is to manually add the correct src_managed directory to your project's sources using the Project Structure dialog.
For reference, I'm running version 0.38.437 of the Scala plugin on IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3.