Libfuzzer target for on-disk parsing - fuzzing

I'm currently integrating libFuzzer in a project which parses files on the hard drive. I have some prior experience with AFL, where a command line like this one was used:
afl-fuzz -m500 -i input/ -o output/ -t100 -- program_to_fuzz ##
...where ## was a path to the generated input.
Looking at libFuzzer however, I see that the fuzz targets look like this:
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) {
DoSomethingInterestingWithMyAPI(Data, Size);
return 0; // Non-zero return values are reserved for future use.
I understand that the input isn't provided in the form of a file, but as a buffer in-memory instead. The problem is that the program I'm trying to fuzz works with files and obtains its data through fread() calls. At no point in time is the whole input supposed to be loaded in memory (where, in the general case, it might not even fit); so there's not much I can do with a const uint8_t*.
Writing the buffer back to the hard drive to get back a file seems extremely inefficient. Is there a way around this?

You can do as in this example from google security team.
The buf_to_file defined here takes your buffer and returns a char* pathname you can then pass to you target:
(from )
// Write the data provided in buf to a new temporary file. This function is
// meant to be called by LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput() for fuzz targets that only
// take file names (and not data) as input.
// Return the path of the newly created file or NULL on error. The caller should
// eventually free the returned buffer (see delete_file).
extern "C" char *buf_to_file(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size);
Be sure to free the ressource with the delete_file function.

You could use LD_PRELOAD and override fread.


`do_sys_open` vs `__x86_sys_open` when attaching kprobe

I have tried running but using
(which I have seen in other scripts) instead of
fnname_open = b.get_syscall_prefix().decode() + 'open'
# = '__x86_sys_open' on Ubuntu 18.04
but the script then stops printing file names. What is causing the difference?
When using attach_kprobe(event=fn) is fn a system call or an event?
Do you get list of possible syscall from /proc/kallsyms as described here?
A BPF program attached to __x86_sys_open won't have the same result if you attach it to do_sys_open instead because those two functions don't have the same prototype:
long do_sys_open(int dfd, const char __user *filename, int flags, umode_t mode);
long sys_open(const char __user *filename, int flags, umode_t mode);
So the filename argument, for example, won't be stored in the same register depending on which function you trace. You will need to edit the BPF program as well to fix this.

reading data from sysfs

I am trying to provide DMA via PCI. For that purpose I have an example of sysfs driver. I succesfully stored data to RAM but unfortunately I cant read them. I have a functions store_dmaread and show_dmaread. I acces them via c code like this. The write function works fine but the show function which I open via read() works (reads the DMA data, prints them) but the user space buffer is not visible in that function.
char buf[2] = {3,3};
fw = open("/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/dmaread", O_RDWR);
read (fw,buf, 2);
write (fw, buf, 2);
the function in the driver looks like this:
static ssize_t show_dmaread(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
printk("User space buffer value %d \n", buf[0]) // PRINTS 0
static ssize_t store_dmaread(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
Thanks a lot for help
From your question, it appears you are expecting that the char * buf passed to your show_dmaread function points directly to the userspace buffer passed to read (or at the very least has been populated with the data in the user-side buffer):
However, looking in Documentation/filesystem/sysfs.txt it says:
sysfs allocates a buffer of size (PAGE_SIZE) and passes it to the
method. Sysfs will call the method exactly once for each read or
write. This forces the following behavior on the method
On read(2), the show() method should fill the entire buffer. Recall that an attribute should only be exporting one value, or an
array of similar values, so this shouldn't be that expensive.
This allows userspace to do partial reads and forward seeks
arbitrarily over the entire file at will. If userspace seeks back to
zero or does a pread(2) with an offset of '0' the show() method will
be called again, rearmed, to fill the buffer.
Which leads me to believe you are getting a newly allocated buffer and that some other kernel code manages copying your buffer back over to userspace.

Is it possible to create a copy-on-write copy of a file on an iOS device?

I need to copy a file that will be modified later on an iOS device. For performance reasons, it would be great if this would work copy-on-write, i.e. the file is not really duplicated, and only modified blocks of the copy are written later.
As pointed out in the comments, this probably has to be supported by the file system (HFS+?). A link is not sufficient, since both the old (A) and new (B) file name will point to the same file, and if I modify A, B will also change.
A "lazy" copy also would not help, since on first write the whole file would still need to be copied.
I was thinking more about a solution like the one described by #Hot Licks that would start with A and B using the same blocks on disk, and when I write to file B, only the modified blocks would be stored on disk, while identical parts in A and B go on using the same blocks on disk.
Is this possible on iOS?
There's no built-in mechanism for doing efficient partial copies of files, but if you're copying a file and making internal changes to the content, then the most efficient mechanism to use is mmap. You map the file into memory and modify it in-place. The changes are written back to the file automatically without needing to rewrite the file in pieces.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
struct stat astat;
int fd = open("filename", O_RDWR);
if ((fd != -1) && (fstat(fd, &astat) != -1)) {
char *data = mmap(0, astat.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (data != MAP_FAILED) {
self.data_ptr = data;
self.data_size = astat.st_size;
When you're done with the file, you use munmap to release the mapping back to the os:
munmap(self.data_ptr, self.data_size);
The usual caveats apply from modifying a shared resource.

System call implementation in Pintos

I want to implement the already defined system calls in PintOS ( halt(), create()...etc defined in pintos/src/lib/user/syscall.c ). The current system call handler in pintos/src/userprog/syscall.c does not do anything. How do I make a process that makes system calls. Further I need to myself add a few system calls. How do I proceed in that too. But first I need to implement the existing system calls.
The default implementation in pintos terminates the calling process.
goto this link.There is explanation on where to modify the code to implement the system calls.
The "src/examples" directory contains a few sample user programs.
The "Makefile" in this directory compiles the provided examples, and you can edit it compile your own programs as well.
This program/process when run will inturn make a system call.
Use gdb to follow the execution of one such program a simple printf statement will eventually call write system call to STDOUT file.
The link given also has pointers on how to run pintos on gdb, my guess is you are using either bochs or qemu.In any case just run the gdb once with a simple hello world program running on pintos.
This will give u an idea of how the system call is made.
static void
syscall_handler (struct intr_frame *f)// UNUSED)
int *p=f->esp;
const char *name=*(p+1); //extract the filename
off_t size=(int32_t)*(p+2);//extract file size
f->eax=filesys_create(name,size,_FILE); //call filesys_create
//eax will have the return value
This is pseudo code for sys_create .. all file system related system call are very trivial,
Filesys realted system calls like open read write close needs you to translate file to their corresponding fd (file descriptor). You need to add a file table for each process to keep track this, this can either be preprocess data or a global data.(UR choice),
case (*p==SYS_WRITE)
// printf("wite syscall\n");
char *buffer=*(p+2);
unsigned size=*(p+3);
int fd=*(p+1);
// getiing the fd of specified file
struct file *fil= thread_current()->fdtable[fd];/ my per thread fdtable
if(fd==1) goto here;
goto done;
if(fd==0){exit(-1);} // writing to STDIN
if(fd==1) //writing to STDOUT
int a=(int)size;
done: ;
}//printf("write");} /* Write to a file. */
Open - adds anew entry to fdtable and return the fd number u give to the file,
close - remove that entry from fd table
read - similar to write.
The process_create ,wait are not simple to implement...
Cheers :)

Linux DD passing data to serial port ttyS0

Hi i want to pass a data from my char device driver to serial port ttyS0..
I have created a simple char driver module which reads and write and it's my first tym doing it.. i am using debian guest os...
echo "hello" > /dev/mydev
now when /dev/mydev receives the data it will then alter the string into something like "hello too" which is passed to my serial port /dev/ttyS0..
how can i alter the string?.. is it possible to use if statement inside mydev?
alterstringTO: hello to;
pass "hello to" /dev/ttyS0;
like echoing in terminal..
echo "hello to" > /dev/ttyS0
Is that possible?... or is there any other way doing it?
Here some of the code..
ssize_t dev_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t clen, loff_t *f_pos){
short cnt =0;
while(clen && (msg[Pos]!=0))
return cnt;
ssize_t dev_write(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t clen, loff_t *f_pos){
short dec = clen-1;
short cnt=0;
msg[cnt++] = buf[dec--];
return cnt;
Thanks in advance..
Just a comment on writing to the serial port:
Remember the Linux foundations, everything is a file in Linux. To write to the device driver from a program you need to open the file for writing and then you can fprintf whatever data you want. You can do that from user space as well (the recommended way)
Refer to the following man pages:
man fopen
man fread/fwrite
man fprintf
man fclose
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve here, as the question and the intent seems unclear to me. I'll provide some guidance, but recommend that you edit your question and make it more readable.
Your snippet to compare strings is not correct. You can learn more about how to compare strings in C in here.
Altering a string in C is a basic operation that you learn when you start working with strings. This should help you getting started.
As final remark, please note that programming for the kernel requires extra care. A small mistake may lead to a crash and loss of data. If you really must, then the book Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition is freely available and can help you further.