I tried to implement :
curl -u "apikey:{apikey}" "{url}/{method}"
My question what I need to do? I already have the api key, for example 1234,
and my url is https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api
First what is the: {method} in the above cURL request and what do I need to do with that?
Question 2 this is correct?:
curl -u "apikey:1234" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api/{method}
In the cURL request below:
curl -X GET -u "apikey:{apikey}" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api/v3/tone?version=2017-09-21&text=Team,%20I%20know%20that%20times%20are%20tough!%20Product%20sales%20have%20been%20disappointing%20for%20the%20past%20three%20quarters.%20We%20have%20a%20competitive%20product,%20but%20we%20need%20to%20do%20a%20better%20job%20of%20selling%20it!"
The {URL} is https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer/api and {method} is /v3/tone. To under the endpoint, check this link
You are making a GET method call and for this, you need to create a service at https://console.bluemix.net/catalog/services/tone-analyzer
For more information on how to get an API key, refer to this link
I am trying to just select the bucket from Couchbase, I am unable to do so As I am following the link below which does not contain adequate and basic information. And there after I want to insert the document into the bucket as well using simple curl command. I tried using material avaiable on google but it wont help me on that. Please help me out to make simple select and Insert query for same..Thank you in advance
curl -v http://localhost:8091/query/service -d 'statement=SELECT Emp Id FROM Employee WHERE META().id ="01"'
Bucket contains data as -
Checkout query service REST API (docs link: https://docs.couchbase.com/server/current/n1ql/n1ql-rest-api/index.html)
Also CURL must send request to query service port (8093), OR use couchbase SDKs
curl -v -u user:pass http://localhost:8093/query/service -d 'statement=SELECT `Emp Id` FROM Employee USE KEYS "Emp Id:01"'
curl -v -u user:pass http://localhost:8093/query/service -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"statement":"SELECT `Emp Id` FROM Employee USE KEYS \"Emp Id:01\""}'
I trying to debug a REST extension in MarkLogic by using xdmp:log() inside the XQuery. Seems I am having some issues invoking a POST call in general actually...? Bit confused now.
I use the exact example code as from the MarkLogic documentation here
I installed it via Roxy > deploy > ext
It is there when I look into http://host:port/v1/config/resources
The PUT command provided in the doc works and returns the "Done".
But I cannot get the POST statement to dump the xdmp:log messages in the errorlog.txt on the server?
I tried several curl commands:
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X POST http://host:8040/LATEST/resources/example
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Question: What is the correct curl command to trigger the examples POST functon so something shows up in the log?
This is a curl issue. You need to specify a request body for curl to send.
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X POST -d '{"key":"value"}' http://host:8040/LATEST/resources/example
Or if you want to send an empty body just do this:
curl --anyauth --user admin:admin -X POST -d '' http://host:8040/LATEST/resources/example
I am developing an application that uses the JIRA 6.1 REST API. Can I know a sample JSON Object that I should use, to add a user to a given group in JIRA?
This is the relevant API call: https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/latest/#d2e1694
curl -D- -u admin:password -X POST --data "{\"name\": \"charlie\",\"password\": \"abracadabra\",\"emailAddress\": \"charlie#atlassian.com\",\"displayName\": \"Charlie of Atlassian\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://jira.server.com/rest/api/2/user/
For more info see. Expand part under application/json, there you can find data example.
How to send queries, refer to Atlassian's documentation.
Came across this thread while looking to do the exact same thing. The answer from #ThePavolC was very good, but it is creating a new user, not adding a user to a group. I combined his answer with info from https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/255778 and came up with this one-liner:
curl --insecure -D- -u admin:password -X POST --data "{\"name\": \"username\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://myjiraserver.com/rest/api/2/group/user?groupname=mygroupname
Replace password" with the actual admin password.
Replace username" with the name of the user you're adding to the
Replace myjiraserver.com with your JIRA server's FQDN.
Replace mygroupname with the name of the group to which you are
adding this user.
I added the --insecure option because of the private SSL certs used on my server. You may not need that, or you may not be using HTTPS at all (in which case edit the URL to use HTTP).
OK, not sure what this problem is. I am trying to post an API request to PayPal via cURL and I get the following result. Is there something that I am missing in my call that would cause this?
According to PayPal, the call is correct and it works fine when I use the PHP cURL wrapper functions...Weird.
Thanks for helping!
curl https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/2.0/ -H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID: api1.sitetest.com" -H "X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD: 111222222UH24" -H "X-PAYPAL-DEVICE-IPADDRESS:" -H "X-PAYPAL-MESSAGE-PROTOCOL: SOAP11" -H "X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID: APP-80W284485P519543T" -E "/Users/Me/Library/PayPal_Keys/cert_key_pem.txt" -d "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema\" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"><SOAP-ENV:Header /><SOAP-ENV:Body><CreateAndSendInvoiceRequest><requestEnvelope><errorLanguage>en_US</errorLanguage></requestEnvelope><invoice><merchantEmail>sweet#sweetsounds.com</merchantEmail><payerEmail>me#testsite.com</payerEmail><businessName>Test Business, Inc.</businessName><logoURL></logoURL><itemList><item><name>Test Item</name><quantity>2</quantity><unitPrice>5.79</unitPrice><taxName>sales</taxName><taxRate>6.0</taxRate></item></itemList></invoice></CreateAndSendInvoiceRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"
<SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode><faultstring>Method not implemented</faultstring></SOAP-ENV:Fault>
Solved this. PayPal changed the sandbox api url for this particular call and did not update that in their docs.
new url for sandbox is "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/2.0/". You can test your commands here
I want to test an API using curl for Mac.
According to the REST API documentation/forums, the URL should look like this:
http://localhost:8080/sdpapi/request/?OPERATION_NAME=ADD_REQUEST&<your API key>&<Operation> <Details><requester>Me</requester><subject>Test</subject><description>Testing Curl Input</description></Details></Operation>
Here is what I have come up with for the curl command line input:
curl -X POST -d "OPERATION_NAME=ADD_REQUEST&TECHNICIAN_KEY=0...87&INPUT_DATA=<Operation><Details><requester>Me</requester><subject>Test</subject><description>Testing curl input</description></Details></Operation>" http://myserver.mydomain.org/sdpapi/request/
I haven't tried it yet because I am BRAND NEW to this and I'm sure there are problems. Does this look OK and should I give it a whirl?
Figured it out: curl -d "OPERATION_NAME=ADD_REQUEST&TECHNICIAN_KEY=xxxxxxxxxx&INPUT_DATA=TestData.xml" http://xxx.xxx.xx.xx/sdpapi/request/