Updating Stripe metadata example - metadata

Is it possible to update subscription' metadata after it was created ?
For example change some Ids or other related information

You can certainly update metadata on a Subscription object. Simply retrieve the Subscription and add or edit any metadata properties. Things such as the subscription's id, however, are immutable and not something a user can define.
sub = stripe.Subscription.retrieve("sub_xxxxxyyyyzzzz")
sub.metadata['order_id'] = "A1234"


Check for existing value inside of Firebase Realtime Database

Hello, I have a problem I created a Registration form and im trying to check if there is any user which have a certain username inside the Firebase Db. I tried to get the reference of all the users.
var users = Database.database().reference("users")
But I don't know how I could check if there is any user with a specified username.
You'll want to use a query for that. Something like:
let query = users.queryOrdered(byChild: "username").equalTo("two")
Then execute the query and check whether the result snapshot exists.
Note though that you won't be able to guarantee uniqueness in this way. If multiple users perform the check at the same time, they may both end up claiming the same user name.
To guarantee a unique user name, you will need to store the user names as the key - as keys are by definition unique within their parent node. For more on this, see some of these top search results and possibly also from here.

Using Azure DevOps API to get Work Item Types Field values for a field that has dynamic data based on the value of another field

I'm using the API query
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitemtypes/{type}/fields/{field}?api-version=5.1
with great success to get all of the allowed values for my fields. The issue is that the options to one of my dropdown menus is populated based on the selected value of another dropdown menu. Is it possible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu?
I'm afraid that this is currently impossible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu.
Work Item Types Field-Get rest api should only get the allowedValues of a specified field, cannot implement the logic of returning the allowedValues of this field based on the value of another field.
In addition, according to URI Parameters, you also cannot add the value of another field as optional parameters to the url for conditional filtering .
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions.After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

trigger on opportunity whenever the data of the field get changed in the Custommetadata, then update that field data on the related Account field

2 Fields on Custom metaData:
Opportunity Field Name
Account Field Name
trigger on opportunity whenever the data of the field get changed (the field that are mentioned in the Custom metadata), then update that field data on the corresponding Account field.
I tried to get Field Values from Custom metaData like Map<Id,Object_Field_Mapping__mdt> metaData = new Map<Id,Object_Field_Mapping__mdt>([SELECT Account_Field_Name__c,Opportunity_Field_Name__c FROM Object_Field_Mapping__mdt]);
And now the problem is I am not able to compare these value with the whole Account object so that i can update on Opportunity.....This sounds little bit confusing but this is what i have to do
Is there any way to compare CustomMetaData Field Value with Account Object..
Someone told me it can be used by Schema/sObjects but I am not sure how
You can use Schema like this
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> accFields = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(objName).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
and you can access its field value like this accFields.values()
for(Schema.SObjectField field : accFields.values())
//Some Code here
for more information about Schema Class and it's Method please check Schema Class
Hope it Helps

Is there a way to assign the primary category for a product in demandware using the Open Commerce API (OCAPI)?

The primary category of a product is present in the product document (primary_category_id) in the DATA API but cannot be written. After sending a PATCH update of the product with a different primary_category_id, it doesn't change.
Is there a way of doing this through the OCAPI?
Can be some limitation for PATCH Method.Fields that can be updated:
Try with PUT Method. PUT https://hostname:port/dw/data/v19_1/products/{id}. Also,
please check Request Document.
At this time it does not appear that this is possible to manage via OCAPI.
I suspect that in the future you'd be able to achieve it using the following resources:
DELETE /catalogs/{catalog_id}/categories/{category_id}/products/{product_id}
followed by:
PUT /catalogs/{catalog_id}/categories/{category_id}/products/{product_id}
With a ProductCategoryAssignment document in the PUT call.
However, this would require that Salesforce adds those attributes to the ProductCategoryAssignment document.
The reason I suggest this is where it would be added is that within a catalog import document (XML) the flags are associated with a similar resource representation. eg:
<category-assignment category-id="gear-bags-backpacks" product-id="NSF4003100">

How to set more than one value to a child in Firebase using Swift?

I am trying to make a money related app which shows the user their spendings as a project to get used to Firebase. So I stumbled upon this issue; I can't seem to figure out how to add more than one expense assigned to a user. Whenever I add a new expense, the existing value in Firebase gets reset to the new value but I want it to store both the new and the old value. How can I do this?
There's something called "autoID" if that helps. I'll link that in a few moments.
Edit: It's used here.
childByAutoId() is what you want for swift. See Updating Or Deleting specific data section in the Read and Write Data on iOS
let thisUserRef = ref.child("users").child(users uid)
let expenseRef = thisUserRef.child("expenses").childByAutoId()
let dict = ["expense_type": "travel", "expense_amt": "1.99"]
will results in
-Y88jn90skda //<- the node key created with childByAutoId
expense_type: "travel"
expense_amt: "1.99"
the childByAutoId is super powerful and allows 'random' node keys to be generated that contain your child data.
See the answer to this question and this other question for some tips on data modeling and queries.