Azure DevOps (VSTS) self-hosted Agent update URL - azure-devops

I am trying to whitelist URLs for access required by Azure DevOps (VSTS Agent).
However, when trying to do a self-update, I receive the following error (file is /vsts-agent/_diag/Agent_20181127-213126-utc.log):
[2018-11-27 21:37:49Z ERR Terminal] WRITE ERROR: An error occurred: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
[2018-11-27 21:37:49Z ERR AgentProcess] System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden).
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.FinishGetStreamAsync(Task`1 getTask)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.SelfUpdater.DownloadLatestAgent(CancellationToken token)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.SelfUpdater.SelfUpdate(AgentRefreshMessage updateMessage, IJobDispatcher jobDispatcher, Boolean restartInteractiveAgent, CancellationToken token)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Agent.RunAsync(AgentSettings settings)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Agent.RunAsync(AgentSettings settings)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Agent.RunAsync(AgentSettings settings)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Agent.ExecuteCommand(CommandSettings command)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Agent.Listener.Program.MainAsync(IHostContext context, String[] args)
However, there is no URL listed to whitelist!
The closest I found was:
Configuring Proxy with VSTS Agents
Whitelisted URLs for VSTS
Note the agent is configured successfully and can successfully run builds. It is just every time an update comes around, it fails and won't run builds until it is removed/reconfigured (not an option - this is an agent, not interactive).

The pipeline agent is open source. The code can be found here.
Glancing through the trace, I'd guess it is throwing the error here:
using (Stream result = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_targetPackage.DownloadUrl))
Looking through the assets.json specifying the DownloadUrl, I'd guess this is the URL you will want:<AGENT_VERSION>/vsts-agent-win-x64-<AGENT_VERSION>.zip


Error: HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration when using merge-schedule-action

I am attempting to use merge-schedule-action to update my webcomic. However the workflow job fails. The description goes like:
/schedule 2022-01-02(which is it)
But I get an error when it runs the job after creating the pull request.
Run gr[2](
merge_method: merge
time_zone: UTC
require_statuses_success: false
automerge_fail_label: automerge-fail
Handling pull request opened for[5](
Schedule date found: "2022-01-02"
Error: HttpError: Resource not accessible by integration
Is there something I am missing or is it just my repo? Do I need to give it permissions or something?
Link to pull request: AHumanIBelieve/
I have tried copy and pasting the workflow yaml file directly, but it doesn't work.

Not able to run azure logic apps locally using VScode and Azurite

I am using VSCode to create and test my logic apps locally. I have created a simple HTTP trigger and response for it. I have installed all the components and versions correctly. I am getting below error when I run my logic apps,
**Workflow Error: operationName='WorkflowDefinitionProvider.ProcessWorkflow', message='Workflow 'test-1' validate and create workflow failed, the error is 'One or more errors occurred. (Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'.) (Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'.)'', exception='System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'.) (Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'.)
[2022-05-03T02:52:23.134Z] ---> Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'.
[2022-05-03T02:52:23.136Z] ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.**
It is also giving me below error in the logs,
[2022-05-03T03:08:44.593Z] ', extensionVersion='', siteName='UNDEFINED_SITE_NAME', slotName='', activityId='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'.
[2022-05-03T03:08:44.595Z] The listener for function 'Functions.WorkflowDispatcher' was unable to start.
[2022-05-03T03:08:44.595Z] The listener for function 'Functions.WorkflowDispatcher' was unable to start. Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack: Unexpected HTTP status code 'NotFound'. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.**
The process to test that I am following,
Start azurite in VSCode
and then Execute function - func host start
Anyone has any clue or faced similar problems? I am using logic apps first time.
To be able to test HTTP triggers locally you need to
"To locally run webhook-based triggers and actions, such as the built-in HTTP Webhook trigger, in Visual Studio Code, you need to set up forwarding for the callback URL."

Azure DevOps Services - self hosted agents have gone Offline

When starting up the windows service for the agent following error is logged in the event log:
Failed to create session. VS30063: You are not authorized to access
(Level: Error; Source: VstsAgentService)
The agents are configured using a PAT.
The windows services are run as Network Service.
Configured according to:
The agents have been running successfully for weeks but s omething has broken our agents. Of course it will afterwards be connected to some type of change. Thanks in advance for any troubleshooting hints.
Extractions from Agent_20200421-125954-utc.log.
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z INFO RSAEncryptedFileKeyManager] Loading RSA key parameters from file D:\agent5\.credentials_rsaparams
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z INFO RSAEncryptedFileKeyManager] Loading RSA key parameters from file D:\agent5\.credentials_rsaparams
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z INFO VisualStudioServices] AAD Correlation ID for this token request: Unknown
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z WARN VisualStudioServices] Authentication failed with status code 401.
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z ERR VisualStudioServices] POST request to{organization}/_apis/distributedtask/pools/1/sessions is not authorized. Details: VS30063: You are not authorized to access
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z ERR MessageListener] Catch exception during create session.
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z ERR MessageListener] Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssUnauthorizedException: VS30063: You are not authorized to access
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z INFO MessageListener] Non-retriable exception: VS30063: You are not authorized to access
[2020-04-21 12:59:58Z ERR Terminal] WRITE ERROR: Failed to create session. VS30063: You are not authorized to access
Something has broken our agents.
Since completely know nothing to what are the changes and how's the broken of agent now, just give some possible suggestion and you can have a try.
Go D:\agent5, and open .credentials with text.
Make sure its content is like below:
"scheme": "OAuth",
"data": {
"clientId": "xxxxxx", # This are generated automatically by
"authorizationUrl": "{org name}/_apis/oauth2/token",
"oauthEndpointUrl": "{org name}/_apis/oauth2/token"
Then save it, and try to re-run agent again.
If this way still could not make your agent available, or the .credentials file has contained the contents I mentioned above, now I guess the broken should caused on .credentials_rsaparams file.
.credentials_rsaparams is a file which has a RSA private key for OAuth token exchange between agent and server. The server hold the public key, and the server will send a new token to agent encrypted by the public key every 50 mins.
It is the file which generated by server automatically, which means you can not modified it manually since you don't know what you should input.
At present, you'd better re-configure this agent by following this steps:
1) Run Command line/Powershell line by using Run as Administrator, then cd D:\agent5.
2) Run .\config remove. And do agent configuration steps after the remove succeed.

LOAD Runner Internal server 500 issue (REST API)

I am trying to run REST API from Load Runner but unable to do it. Every times its throws below exception
Action.c(4): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error) for "http://ipaddress/LoyaltyApi/api1/loyaltycard/linkcard", Snapshot Info [MSH 1 1] [MsgId: MERR-26612]
My code :
return 0;
I have tested the same URL with POST parameter in POSTMAN and it's working fine without any issue.
I am very new in this technology so unable to solved the issue. Please help.
I am very new in this technology....
Assuming your management has moved you to this role, have they provided you with training on the tool and a mentor for a period of time. If not they have set you up for failure.

How to tell gruntfile to just test phantomJS on a pull request

I have been having pull request failing on Travis/SauceLabs while the merge build works good. When I get a pull request Travis fails with this code:
ERROR [launcher.sauce]: Can not start chrome (linux)
Failed to start Sauce Connect:
Could not start Sauce Connect. Exit code 1 signal: null
How can I test incoming pull requests just on Travis and test a merge on SauceLabs?
It's not possible yet to run pull requests on Sauce Labs when the sauce key/pass are encrypted. This is for safety reasons to not expose the credentials in case the PR has malicious code.
So what is possible is to use the
process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST // (string)
to distinguish a pull request from a push/merge triggered test.
So, since this enviroment variable gives you a string with the pull request number or with "false", its possible to use it as a flag. So I used this on my Gruntfile:
var pullRequest = process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST;
tasks = pullRequest != 'false' ? 'karma:continuous' : 'karma:sauceTask';
grunt.registerTask('default:travis', tasks);
and in my :continuous task I have only PhantomJS
continuous: {
browsers: ['PhantomJS']