trying to write a function that returns every third element in a list in racket language - racket

Trying to write a function that returns every third element in a list
including the first element in racket. All I get now is my code blowing up with a first: contract violation
expected: (and/c list? (not/c empty?))
given: 4
(define l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(define (skipper lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (first lst)
(skipper (car (cdr (cdr (cdr lst))))))))
(skipper l)

The problem was just the car around cdddr.
(define l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(define (skipper lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (first lst)
(skipper (if (< (length lst) 3)
(cdddr lst))))))
(skipper l) ;; '(1 4 7)
Generalized Solution
(define (my-cdr lst) ;; `cdr` behaving like in common-lisp: (cdr '()) -> '()
(cond ((null? lst) '())
(else (cdr lst))))
(define (multi-cdr lst k) ;; apply `my-cdr` k-times on `lst`
(cond ((zero? k) lst)
(else (multi-cdr (my-cdr lst) (- k 1)))))
(define (skipper lst k)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (first lst)
(skipper (multi-cdr lst k) k))))
Test it:
(skipper l 3) ;; '(1 4 7)
(skipper l 4) ;; '(1 5 9)
(skipper l 2) ;; '(1 3 5 7 9)
(skipper l 1) ;; '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

The issue is that you cannot call (cdr (cdr (cdr lst))) when lst has less than 3 elements.
You tagged this with racket, so I'm going to show you a solution using match
(define (skipper l)
(match l
;; some element and at least 3 more
((list a rest ..3)
(cons a (skipper (cddr rest))))
;; at least one element
((cons a _)
(list a))
;; otherwise
(skipper '())
;; '()
(skipper '(0))
;; '(0)
(skipper '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
;; '(0 3 6)
(skipper '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
;; '(0 3 6 9)
This solution doesn't use length which unnecessarily computes the length of the list


Filter out any value other than a number

I am trying to come up with a procedure that filters out any value other than a number. For example:
'(1 2 (a) 3) => '(1 2 () 3) or '(1 2 (a 10 11 (b 2 (c))) 3) => '(1 2 (10 11 (2 ())) 3)
This is what I have so far but it doesn't really work because it replaces the non numbers with an empty list instead of nothing:
(define (filter-numbers lst)
(if (null? lst)
(if (list? lst)
(filter-numbers (car lst))
(filter-numbers (cdr lst)))
(if (number? lst)
The procedure outputs the following:
> (filter-numbers '(1 2 (a) 3))
'(1 2 (()) 3)
instead of: '(1 2 () 3)
You need to check if an element in a sublist is a number before deciding to cons it to the output or not. I think it's easier if we restructure the code a bit; also some tips: don't use list?, prefer pair? as it's faster (unlike list? it doesn't have to traverse the whole list). And prefer cond instead of nesting ifs, your code will be easier to read. This is what I mean:
(define (filter-numbers lst)
(cond ((null? lst) lst)
((not (pair? (car lst)))
; check the element while still in a list, if we wait
; until we reach an atom it's too late to filter it out
(if (number? (car lst))
; either add the element to the output or skip it
(cons (car lst) (filter-numbers (cdr lst)))
(filter-numbers (cdr lst))))
(else (cons
(filter-numbers (car lst))
(filter-numbers (cdr lst))))))
It works as expected:
(filter-numbers '(1 2 (a) 3))
=> (1 2 () 3)
(filter-numbers '(1 2 (a 10 11 (b 2 (c))) 3))
=> '(1 2 (10 11 (2 ())) 3)

Filter function for nested lists in dr racket

I am looking for a function that does what "filter" is used for, but without using filter. On top, it should also filter nested lists.
E. g. list ( 1 2 (list 3 'a 'b) 3 4) should return list (1 2 (list 3) 3 4).
I already have the function to filter. My thought is, that I have to distinguish in the beginning of the function, if first lst is a list itself.
What I got so far is:
(define (my-filter pred lst)
(cond ((null? lst) null) ;;(after this I would try to test if it is a list itself, but I am not sure how)
((pred (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (my-filter pred (rest lst))))
(else (my-filter pred (rest lst)))))
As it has been said in the comments, a possible solution is:
(define (my-filter pred lst)
(cond [(null? lst) null]
[(list? (first lst)) (cons (my-filter pred (first lst))
(my-filter pred (rest lst)))]
[else (if (pred (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (my-filter pred (rest lst)))
(my-filter pred (rest lst)))]))
> (my-filter number? '(1 a 2 (3 (b 4) c) 5 6 d 7))
'(1 2 (3 (4)) 5 6 7)
> (my-filter (lambda (x) (not (number? x))) '(1 a 2 (3 (b 4) c) 5 6 d 7))
'(a ((b) c) d)

How do you transform a list of numbers into a list of three-digit numbers in Racket?

For example, '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) would transform into '(123 456 789). I tried to find a recursive way of doing this but failed.
For example
(define (f lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (+ (* 100 (car lst))
(* 10 (cadr lst))
(caddr lst))
(f (cdddr lst)))))

Sort elements in list [duplicate]

I have this homework in LISP where I need to sort out atoms and then sublists from a list. I'm sure this is supposed to be easy task but as I'm not much of a programmer then this is really taking quite a while for me to understand.
I have this list of numbers:
(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)
And if I understand correctly my task then I should get something like this:
(5 -1 -6 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
So far all I found out is how to count atoms and/or sublists but I don't need that.
Also that function should work correctly even when there are only sublists, only atoms or just empty list.
Maybe someone can give me any examples?
Thanks in advance!
There are several possible approaches in Common Lisp:
use REMOVE-IF to remove the unwanted items. (Alternatively use REMOVE-IF-NOT to keep the wanted items.) You'll need two lists. Append them.
use DOLIST and iterate over the list, collect the items into two lists and append them
write a recursive procedure where you need to keep two result lists.
it should also be possible to use SORT with a special sort predicate.
> (sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(atom a)))
(1 10 -6 1 4 4 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
As stable version:
(stable-sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(and (atom a)
(not (atom b)))))
(1 4 4 1 -6 10 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
I am more used to Scheme but here's a solution that works in Lisp:
(defun f (lst)
((loop (lst atoms lists)
((null lst)
(append (reverse atoms) (reverse lists)))
((atom (car lst))
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) atoms) lists))
(loop (cdr lst) atoms (cons (car lst) lists))))))
(loop lst '() '())))
(f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
Basically you iterate over the list, and each element is either appended to the atoms list or the lists lists. In the end you join both to get your result.
The remove-if version is way shorter, of course:
(let ((l '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
(remove-if-not #'atom l)
(remove-if #'atom l)))
Just in case you will want to exercise more, and you will find that the examples provided here are not enough :P
(defun sort-atoms-first-recursive (x &optional y)
((null x) y)
((consp (car x))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))
(t (cons (car x) (sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) y)))))
(defun sort-atoms-first-loop (x)
(do ((a x (cdr a))
(b) (c) (d) (e))
(if (consp (car a))
(if b (setf (cdr b) a b (cdr b)) (setf b a d a))
(if c (setf (cdr c) a c (cdr c)) (setf c a e a)))
(when (null (cdr a))
((null d) (return e))
((null c) (return d))
(t (setf (cdr b) nil (cdr c) d) (return e))))))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
(sort-atoms-first-loop '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
The second one is destructive (but doesn't create any new conses).
Here's an iterative code, constructing its output in a top-down manner (the comment is in Haskell syntax):
;atomsFirst xs = separate xs id id where
; separate [] f g = f (g [])
; separate (x:xs) f g
; | atom x = separate xs (f.(x:)) g
; | True = separate xs f (g.(x:))
(defmacro app (l v)
`(progn (rplacd ,l (list ,v)) (setq ,l (cdr ,l))))
(defun atoms-first (xs)
(let* ((f (list nil)) (g (list nil)) (p f) (q g))
(dolist (x xs)
(if (atom x) (app p x) (app q x)))
(rplacd p (cdr g))
(cdr f)))
The two intermediate lists that are being constructed in a top-down manner are maintained as open-ended lists (i.e. with explicit ending pointer), essentially following the difference-lists paradigm.
You can do this recursive way:
(defun f (lst)
((null lst) nil)
((atom (car lst))
(append (list (car lst)) (f (cdr lst))))
(append (f (cdr lst)) (list (f (car lst))))
(step (f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
step 1 --> (F '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) ...))
step 1 ==> value: (5 -1 -6 (0 (9 4)) (8 7 -3) (2 6 1))

To sort out atoms first and then sublists from a list in LISP

I have this homework in LISP where I need to sort out atoms and then sublists from a list. I'm sure this is supposed to be easy task but as I'm not much of a programmer then this is really taking quite a while for me to understand.
I have this list of numbers:
(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)
And if I understand correctly my task then I should get something like this:
(5 -1 -6 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
So far all I found out is how to count atoms and/or sublists but I don't need that.
Also that function should work correctly even when there are only sublists, only atoms or just empty list.
Maybe someone can give me any examples?
Thanks in advance!
There are several possible approaches in Common Lisp:
use REMOVE-IF to remove the unwanted items. (Alternatively use REMOVE-IF-NOT to keep the wanted items.) You'll need two lists. Append them.
use DOLIST and iterate over the list, collect the items into two lists and append them
write a recursive procedure where you need to keep two result lists.
it should also be possible to use SORT with a special sort predicate.
> (sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(atom a)))
(1 10 -6 1 4 4 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
As stable version:
(stable-sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(and (atom a)
(not (atom b)))))
(1 4 4 1 -6 10 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
I am more used to Scheme but here's a solution that works in Lisp:
(defun f (lst)
((loop (lst atoms lists)
((null lst)
(append (reverse atoms) (reverse lists)))
((atom (car lst))
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) atoms) lists))
(loop (cdr lst) atoms (cons (car lst) lists))))))
(loop lst '() '())))
(f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
Basically you iterate over the list, and each element is either appended to the atoms list or the lists lists. In the end you join both to get your result.
The remove-if version is way shorter, of course:
(let ((l '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
(remove-if-not #'atom l)
(remove-if #'atom l)))
Just in case you will want to exercise more, and you will find that the examples provided here are not enough :P
(defun sort-atoms-first-recursive (x &optional y)
((null x) y)
((consp (car x))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))
(t (cons (car x) (sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) y)))))
(defun sort-atoms-first-loop (x)
(do ((a x (cdr a))
(b) (c) (d) (e))
(if (consp (car a))
(if b (setf (cdr b) a b (cdr b)) (setf b a d a))
(if c (setf (cdr c) a c (cdr c)) (setf c a e a)))
(when (null (cdr a))
((null d) (return e))
((null c) (return d))
(t (setf (cdr b) nil (cdr c) d) (return e))))))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
(sort-atoms-first-loop '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
The second one is destructive (but doesn't create any new conses).
Here's an iterative code, constructing its output in a top-down manner (the comment is in Haskell syntax):
;atomsFirst xs = separate xs id id where
; separate [] f g = f (g [])
; separate (x:xs) f g
; | atom x = separate xs (f.(x:)) g
; | True = separate xs f (g.(x:))
(defmacro app (l v)
`(progn (rplacd ,l (list ,v)) (setq ,l (cdr ,l))))
(defun atoms-first (xs)
(let* ((f (list nil)) (g (list nil)) (p f) (q g))
(dolist (x xs)
(if (atom x) (app p x) (app q x)))
(rplacd p (cdr g))
(cdr f)))
The two intermediate lists that are being constructed in a top-down manner are maintained as open-ended lists (i.e. with explicit ending pointer), essentially following the difference-lists paradigm.
You can do this recursive way:
(defun f (lst)
((null lst) nil)
((atom (car lst))
(append (list (car lst)) (f (cdr lst))))
(append (f (cdr lst)) (list (f (car lst))))
(step (f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
step 1 --> (F '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) ...))
step 1 ==> value: (5 -1 -6 (0 (9 4)) (8 7 -3) (2 6 1))