Instagram Business Discovery API Videos thumbnail_url - facebook

Instagram API endpoint for getting other business account media data
It works great for getting Images and Videos URL.
But for getting Videos thumbnail_url (REF), I have to modify it to
And this query WILL FAIL as thumbnail_url is only available for media of type VIDEO
How can I get Videos thumbnail_url?
NOTE: If possible I want multiple Videos thumbnail_url with a single query. Eg. in Facebook API we can get it via (,ID2)

May be you use wrong token. thumbnail_url is not a public field,- it's available only for user that create this media.


How to get the thumbnail url for a video in an Instagram hashtag feed?

This is specifically about hashtags using the Facebook Instagram API.
Has anyone successfully retrieved the thumbnail url for a video in a hashtag feed? Even when using the graph API I cannot get anything to return?
To get the thumbnail_url you have to make an extra call to the Oembed endpoint using the post for the video and an access token. You must have an approved APP for this to work also.
Then you will see the thumbnail_url option available to you.

Facebook Graph API: How can I retrieve the number of views of a video I shared from another profile using the Facebook Graph API?

I have a business manager account for my Facebook profile and I re-shared a video from another profile. How can I retrieve the number of views that my re-share accounted for through the Facebook Graph API?
If the video were posted directly to my profile rather than re-shared, I'd be able to use the /v2.8/{video-id}/video_insights method to retrieve the video stats, but that does not appear to be available for re-shares. The only insights that I can find for re-shares appears to be /v2.8/{post-id}/insights, but that does not include video views.
For example, here is a Facebook post by The Dodo where they are re-sharing a video by Discovery News.
This information can be retrieved by making a call to /v2.8/{post-id}/insights/post_video_views

Issue in fetching SoundCloud Tracks using the HTTP API

Iam using this link as reference to fetch tracks uploaded on my account to play them in my app.
It is clearly written in the guide that "To access public resources you just have to pass a client_id parameter" in the following URL
I have created an app on my SoundCloud account and passed the Client ID generated there in the above URL. I am getting around 50 tracks, but unfortunately none is from my PlayList/tracks.
I also tried to create multiple apps and use their Client ID, but no success.
Kindly point out if I am missing something OR should I follow some other approach.
My purpose is to fetch the tracks that are uploaded on my SoundCloud account.
The url that you provided is used to fetch details about specific track by passing additional id parameter.
To fetch tracks uploaded by specific user, you should use:[USER ID]/tracks?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID

Youtube Google API V3: List Videos not returning video tags

I am currently trying to get the tags of a youtube video using the Google API V3. I am authenticating my business account and querying for videos we have uploaded through that account. I am not seeing tags for the videos I am querying for. (Yes, they do have tags applied to them)
When I authenticate with my personal account, and query videos that I have personally uploaded, I am able to see the tags for those videos.
Both accounts have the Youtube Data API enabled under the project.
Is there somthing more I need to do in order to get the tags I am looking for on my business account?
I am even seeing the same results when using the API Explorer on the Google Developers API Reference
Any information on why this could be happening is appreciated! TYIA!
You should add onBehalfofContentOwner parameter to your request to show yourself as the content owner, so the tags of your videos show up.

How to get videos uploaded by user using Facebook Graph API?

I'm developing an application to show videos and images from facebook by using the Graph API. I've followed the Graph API document and able to show all images. But in the case of videos I'm getting only the videos where the user is tagged-in.
I need to get the user uploaded videos too.
How can I get the videos?
The Graph explorer link :
After some changes in the Graph API calls I've found the solution.
This'll help us to get all the uploaded videos.Where USER_ID is the id of the user who's signed in.
/me/videos should return all videos, tagged and uploaded. You can restrict to one or the other by using the type parameter: /me/videos?type=uploaded