how to create mbed project with os2? - operating-system

Although creation of a project with mbed os 5 works fine using
mbed new nameOfProgramOs5
creation of a project with mbed os 2 via
mbed new nameOfProgramOs2 --mbedlib
causes a problem:
First of all, the command does not terminate.
ctrl-c unveils
[mbed] Working path "C:\Users\ere\Desktop\Software\MBed" (directory)
[mbed] Program path "C:\Users\ere\Desktop\Software\MBed"
[mbed] Creating new program "newWithMbedLib2" (git)
[mbed] Adding library "mbed" from "" at branch/tag "tip"
[mbed] Unpacking library build "3a7713b1edbc" in "C:\Users\ere\Desktop\Software\MBed\newWithMbedLib2\mbed"
[mbed] ERROR: An error occurred while unpacking library archive ".bld\" in "C:\Users\ere\Desktop\Software\MBed\newWithMbedLib2\mbed"
If i go into the directory i can see that a lot of sub directories are created
one for each target.
So may look not so bad.
Could you help or at least contribute your own experience?
Is there a point to use still mbed os 2?

mbed new mbed-classic-program --mbedlib works for me. It downloads the mbed 2.0 SDK. My mbed-cli version is 1.8.2.
Some boards only support OS 2. I still use OS 2 sometimes.


Debugging MBED with Eclipse

I am currently using mac OS to set up a debugger to debug Mbed OS application , I followed the instruction from .
I successfully set up the local debug toolchain and I am stuck at this error for quite awhile already. I install "make" as written in the documentary using homebrew and also set the path as suggested but still getting this error
00:13:27 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project mbed-os-example-blinky ****
make all
Cannot run program “make”: Unknown reason
Error: Program “make” not found in PATH
00:13:27 Build Failed. 1 errors, 0 warnings. (took 4ms)
Any idea how to resolve this issue? or if there is any other better way we can set up debugger to debug MBED os application
Your help will be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance!
In the mean time Mbed has updated their website. The link you posted is no longer valid. My suggestion now would be to use Mbed Studio.
Unfortunately Mbed is moving away from supporting Eclipse and only supports IDE's for which you have to be logged in with your account, Mbed Studio or the online compiler.
You could build from the command line option. Next use something like a Segger j-link and Segger Ozone to debug. I found Ozone easier to setup with random code compared to embedded debugging on Eclipse. This is what you pay for.

NetBeans 7.4 Random Hangs At "Starting Modules"

I am a mentor for a FIRST ( Robotics Team Rotoraptors ( and we are using NetBeans (7.4) to create the program for this year’s robot (we chose Java over LabVIEW [i.e. G] and C++). We keep running into the same issue w/ NetBeans:
We install NetBeans and all requiste plug ins from FIRST
We start programming and all is well
Randomly we go to start NetBeans and it hangs on the "Starting Modules" stage.
We are not adding any other modules, updates, or other software. (The laptop we are using is dedicated to programming our robot, so it does not need anything else beyond what we are able to run before the hang up.
We always end up uninstalling then reinstalling NetBeans, after which it runs for awhile until hanging up at the same "Starting Modules" step again
After reinstalling NetBeans we are able to open the same Java project that we were working on before we saved it and turned of the laptop.
I cannot put any related events or triggers to the issue. It just happens at random.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated by me and the kids on the team.
James Lightfoot
Next time please create a threaddump, a sampling snapshot of NetBeans (using JVisualVM from your JDK) aand attach it to a new issue at
Do not forget to attach the IDE log too
Perhaps one of the plugins causes a deadlock.
Most recently I have added to NetBeans j2me plugin , then after installation of related J2ME sdk it started stick on that forever "starting modules.."
I simply uninstalled that j2me sdk outside and netbeans now starts ok again.
I use from netbeans 8.02 on windows 7 and my net beans hang constantly and recently i fixed hanging problem just with renaming "component" folder name of netbeans in following path ...AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.0.2\config\Windows2Local
when hanging occurred again

FB4Linux―debugger disconnects after a while

I am running ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, I have set up FB4Linux (FlashBuilder for Linux) and installed the »flash-installer« installer plugin via »apt-get«. I downloaded the latest version of the plugin-debugger from adobe and followed the install instructions from the included README.txt file. Running eclipse (Version: 3.7.2, Build id: I20110613-1736), creating a new as3 project works, build works, everything fine, I can start the debugger and step through the code BUT after a while the debugger just disconnects and stops. No error, no crashes, debug session just over.
Any Ideas?
Flash - Version: 11.2 r202
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
I think , this is happenning more fequently due the enhanced breakpoint listener support in eclipse.When a breakpoint is removed, it is trying to notify its "breakpoint specific" listeners, which were stored in the breakpoint. Of course, this will not work since the underlying marker has been deleted. but things will happen after removing break point. so one way to resolve this problem is to try to un-select
Window > Preferences > Java > Debug : Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions
may this will help you!!
The solution to this issue occurred as side effect after I applied the changes from the answer of this question. When I tried to set the compiler options to target version 11.2, which is actually installed on my system errors occurred because their were files missing in the sdk folder (which are the described changes) and I could only develop for version 11.1. Kind of wired but the update of the sdk made the debugger run stable.

Reference errors building OpenCV Android CVCamera_MSER sample app

I'm relatively new to Android development, as well as OpenCV. I've tried out some OpenCV samples found with the sdk (using OpenCV2.4.2), as well as some here offered by Stanford University. The first two samples by Stanford worked fine (histogram equalization and color histogram). However I've spent almost a week now trying to get the remaining three to run.
I've already installed Android ndk and tried a hello world android app using ndk once and the three sample projects in question seem to all need native code (thus ndk).
On selecting the project in eclipse the console reads:
<terminated> Native Builder CVCamera_MSER [Program] C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
/usr/bin/bash: 1ine 0: cd: /home/Davidchen/opencv/android/apps/cvCamera_MSER: No such file or directory
I tried building the native project using the commands in the command line (as I understood from here):
cd {project path}
{ndk path}/ndk-build
However scores of errors appeared, all reference-related, since there are inumerable references to home/DavidChen. There is no folder on my computer named DavidChen. My guess is that there is a reference somewhere to the project path within the cygwin home folder of the project's author. I still cannot find where this faulty reference is specified however so that I could alter it to an existing one instead; I've looked into the paths and symbols under the C/C++ General Project Properties in eclipse as well as the source files, both native code and java code.
When I've tried it on cgywin's console, it still didn't work.
The errors are upon trying to run the project CVCamera_MSER, under the project video titled Local Feature Points found in the link provided above (also [here][14] for convenience). I've also tried running the projects Edges, Lines, and Circles and Feature Tracking with no success.
I'm using Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 running on Windows7 x64bit.
Thank you for your time.

How to set up Eclipse for FPGA design in VHDL and Verilog)?

I am new with Eclipse, I have used it for SW development and in Altra environment for Nios processor. But now, I have a pretty large project that I have to manage and I would like to use Eclipse to have all the files in the system to make it easier to manage and update.
The project has multiple directories for various IPs and has multiple targets for ASCI, Xilinx and Altera FPGAs. In a near future the project will support both NIOS, Microblaze and ARM processors and I would really like to keep the whole project in one Eclipse project file if possible. I have tried several different options, but nothing seems to work properly.
I am looking for some freeware and not commercial programs like Sigasi.
Thanks in advance,
This is an update to let others know about my progress.
Well, I finally managed to get it to work.
I installed the latest version of Eclipse on my PC
Installed version 6 of Java (the only one I could get to work)
Installed the latest version of the VEditor into Eclipse.
Mounted the Linux project directory as my P disk on PC
created a new project in Eclipse and linked it to the one on the P drive.
It took some time to figure this out, but it now works perfectly.
These are the ones I know of:
Veditor (beta) -
sigasi free -
signs (no longer in development) -
zamiaCAD (replacement of signs) -