how to set the inital rotation of an echarts-gl chart? - echarts

Currently, a set of data points I have look like this:
I wish to have it looking like this, which is the z-axis rotated 180 degrees:
Which variable do I have to set in echarts?

Try this:
grid3D: {
viewControl: { alpha: 15,
beta: -25


What is the affect of the value given to an axis in rotation3DEffect (besides just rotating around said axis)

So I know I can do for example:
var body: some View {
.rotation3DEffect(Angle(degrees: 45), axis: (1, 0, 0))
And this will rotate someView 45 degrees on the x axis.
My Question
What does the actual value (in this case 1.0) represent? What would happen if it was 0.5? How does this affect other axis.
Note: Something does happen if more than one axis are set, a la (10, -2, 0)
I can't find anything that doesn't just show an example of code and none have clarified what affect the actual value has.
Here, 1.0 (I see most tutorials say 1.0). If I change the values around with more than 1 axis, I see that something is happening.

Smoothly rotate icons via interpolate on MapboxGL

I'm trying to animate the rotation of my map markers when their values change using MapboxGL's data driven styling and the interpolate expression. Here is the relevant part of the layer config:
layout: {
'icon-rotate': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['number', ['get', 'winddir'], 0], -180,-180, -90,-90, 0,0, 90, 90, 180, 180]
The winddir property will be a value between -180 & 180.
The markers appear on the map rotated correctly. However, when they change, they "snap" to the next position. I'm thinking I'm not using the "stops" correctly. Here are the interpolate docs.
As the documentation says:
Layout property. Optional number. Units in degrees. Defaults to 0. Requires icon-image. Supports interpolate expressions.
It does not include the magic term "transitionable". So, animation transitions are not applied to icon-rotate.

How do I create a blinking effect with SKEmitterNode?

I have used the particle emitter to create a background with stars. It looks ok, but I would like them to blink, or flicker. The closest I get is when I change the birthrate and lifetime variables so that particles disappear and appear at different places. I would like the particles to remain in the same place and fade in and out, randomly, though. Any ideas on how to do this? This is what I've got so far:
I don't think you can do much directly in the editor. If you're comfortable working with code for adjusting the emitter, you have a couple of possibilities: setting a particle action to animate color or alpha or scale or texture, or a custom shader to do whatever sort of animation. (I'm assuming based on your picture with a basically infinite lifetime that you don't want things to move or disappear. That may rule out keyframing, but perhaps having the keyframe sequence set to repeat mode with the frames spaced by really tiny values would work.)
Another possibility since positions are static would be to just make some fixed sprites scattered around at random and have them run actions to animate them. We've used this approach before with ~100 animated sprites against a backdrop that has a bunch of dimmer stars, and it looked pretty good. Something along these lines:
let twinklePeriod = 8.0
let twinkleDuration = 0.5
let bright = CGFloat(0.3)
let dim = CGFloat(0.1)
let brighten = SKAction.fadeAlpha(to: bright, duration: 0.5 * twinkleDuration)
brighten.timingMode = .easeIn
let fade = SKAction.fadeAlpha(to: dim, duration: 0.5 * twinkleDuration)
fade.timingMode = .easeOut
let twinkle = SKAction.repeatForever(.sequence([brighten, fade, .wait(forDuration: twinklePeriod - twinkleDuration)]))
for _ in 0 ..< 100 {
let star = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "star")
star.position = CGPoint(x: .random(in: minX ... maxX), y: .random(in: minY ... maxY))
star.alpha = dim
star.speed = .random(in: 0.5 ... 1.5)[.wait(forDuration: .random(in: 0 ... twinklePeriod)), twinkle]))
That's cut-and-pasted from various bits and simplified some, so there may be typos, but it should give the idea. If you keep the emitter, you can try something like the twinkle above as the particle action. I don't see how you can change the relative periods of particles though like you could with separate sprites, and the only offsets would come from differences in the birth time of the particles.

ARKit node disappear after 100m

I'm currently working on ARKit (SceneKit) app. I've noticed that if I put a node at 100m, the node will show just fine but if I set it to 101m or farther, it won't show.
Is this the distance limit?
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
translation.columns.3.x = 1
translation.columns.3.y = 1
translation.columns.3.z = -100
let transform = simd_mul(, translation)
let anchor = ARAnchor(name: "test", transform: transform)
sceneView.session.add(anchor: anchor)
Is there any way to increase this range?
For increasing a Camera's range use Far attribute in Z Clipping area of Attributes Inspector.
The default value is 100 meters.
var zFar: Double { get set }
Excerpt from Developer Documentation: The far value determines the maximal distance between the camera and a visible surface. If a surface is farther from the camera than this distance, the surface is clipped and does not appear. The default far value is 100.0.
let camera = SCNCamera()
camera.zFar = 1000
This post provides an important info.
Looks like there is no way to update the Z maximum range for SpriteKit. Only SceneKit allows you to modify this by updating the zfar property from the camera. Thanks to Gigantic for your help!

How to setup up iOS charts y-axis with min, max value and a fixed step between the grid lines?

I'm just in the learning phase of using ios-charts. I like to change the x-axis grid to fixed values.
My plotted y-values are just int numbers like 1, 2, 3,..., 10. Nevertheless, the left y-axis shows values like 6.3, 9.1, etc., depending on my zoom level.
The second question is, how to set up the x-axis in order to show the labels 1,5,10,15,....40?
Is there any way to influence the step size like e.g. in Excel?
// zoom y-axis to min/max value
lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMin = max(0.0,!.yMin - 1.0)
lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMax = min(10.0,!.yMax + 1.0)
lineChart.leftAxis.startAtZeroEnabled = false
Chart (min = 6.0 and max = 10.0): The grid start at 6.3 instead of 6.0.
Chart (min = 7.0 and max = 10.0): The grid starts as expected with 7.0.
What's going wrong here?
I solved the issue just by setting the correct labelCount.
// zoom y-axis to min/max value
lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMin = max(0.0,!.yMin - 1.0)
lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMax = min(10.0,!.yMax + 1.0)
lineChart.leftAxis.labelCount = Int(lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMax lineChart.leftAxis.customAxisMin)
lineChart.leftAxis.startAtZeroEnabled = false
Swift 4.2 and above:
startAtZeroEnabled - This property is deprecated - Use axisMinimum instead.
open var axisMinValue: Double
get { return axisMinimum }
set { axisMinimum = newValue }
lineChartView.leftAxis.axisMinimum = 0
lineChartView.leftAxis.axisMaximum = 10.0