What kind of redirection Type is dyndns using? - redirect

So i'm curious what kind of redirection dyndns.org ist using.
We used to have an Account there but we cancelled it, we build a Inhouse IP collection solution.
Some host urls XY.dyndns.org where used for VPN (unifi l2tp) connections and i can't figure out how i have to setupt the php or .htaccess for redirecting like dyndns.org urls. dyndns was host with ip setting
what i have:
danymic IP
some Domain vpn.domain.com which gets my external IP from Modem at home (domainserver is in some Datacenter)
solution must be done with JS, PHP or .htaccess
what i want is:
vpn.domain.com is used as VPN Target Server Domain
This Domain should redirect to my external IP from Home which is the real VPN Access Point. When i use the IP directly the VPN tunnel is created properly.
i already tried with php header location and .htaccess
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
so i'm out of knowledge, please bring me in right direction.
what i

As far as I could research, I would need some root server with the ability to change the IP Routing Tables. My 0815 Webserver isn't the right the choice for this.


Is there a way to make Virtualmin listen on a domain instead of ip+port

I have created a virtualmin account to manage multiple servers instead of cPanel and after reading all of the documentation I have yet to see why my subdomain does not load under port 10000.
I'd like to have some form of control if I do plan on giving other users accounts, without having to have them use an IP which does not allow port 443.
After finishing installation they gave me my IP with port 10000
and my domain with port 10000 and the only one that loads is the IP address.
Problem solved. To anyone on Debian facing this issue, run a virtualhost and use a reverse proxy to load the url containing port, and disable SSL only.
You should have panel.example.com running your virtualmin control panel.

Access virtual host without domain pointing to it

I have a domain which pointed to an IP address (A). This IP address hosts several other websites with their domains. I now forwarded this domain to another host but I also need to access the old site which now does not have a domain pointing to it. Of course I can't just access the old site by typing the IP address into the browser. How can I do it instead?
If you're on unix, you should modify the /etc/hosts file; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts if you're on Windows. (This will likely require admin privileges.)
This overrides the public DNS which would otherwise map an IP to a domain name. The change tells your machine that the old IP address is the location of example.com, where your hosts file has a line that reads:
xxx.xx.xx.xx example.com www.example.com
And xxx.xx.xx.xx is your old server's IP.
Remember to comment out or remove the line when you're done! You may confuse your future self, otherwise!
"Host" Header in HTTP is used to identify which of the many websites to visit on a virtual hosting web server. Virtual hosting is when a single IP address hosts websites(http content) for many different domains.
For eg. "Host: www.example.com"
You will find such a header in all virtual hosting websites.
Use an extension like Tamper chrome to add Host to the header. Specify your domain name in this header.
Illustration -
The university in which I studied uses virtual hosting, hence using Host header is imperative.
See the following image.
Now, if I type the IP address (obtained from ping utility) directly. You see a default page.
Now If I use tamper chrome extension to add Host header.
We can see that it lands on a page on bvcoend.ac.in domain.
I have to polish it further so that the landing page is the home page, but this process captures the essence of Host header used in virtual hosting.
Update : Using Fiddler to modify Host header seems to work fine for me, somehow tamper chrome isn't doing it's job perfectly (miss the good old Firefox Tamper data days).

Redirect/rewrite to different internal IIS sites using query string

EDIT: Ugh I forgot to put this on Server Fault...
I have an Azure VM that is hosting a web application.
The application will be accessible via the VM's IP address:
I want to be able to use query strings to redirect to completely different sites that are within the local IIS. For example:
would redirect to
The way I have structured IIS can be seen below:
Each site has an entry in the systems host file. wwww.site1.com wwww.site2.com wwww.site3.com
There is likely a better way to achieve what I am going for here so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Here is how I would do it. Not sure why you want to use query strings for this as IIS is made to do that if you configure it properly.
In your DNS server register all your websites to point to that IP. This is for when you go live. For development the hosts file is a good solution.
When you create the websites add a Host header like below
Now try loading any website by their full name
Here is more info about IIS host headers.
Again, when you go live make sure you have the DNS set up for all the websites to point to the IP address of your server.
Hope this helps.
Edit based on comment:
Right, here is how I solved this in the past.
You can do all this with the hosts file but it's less painful if you have a proper DNS server to resolve the names.
The basic idea is to use slightly different URLs for development on the local machine.
All devs would have site1.com point to the IP of the shared server and site1.com.local point to So a hosts file on a developer machine would look something like: www.site1.com www.site1.com.local
On all development machines you need to make sure you have the .local host header for all sites.
On the shared server you just need to add the right host headers and no hosts file changes. It's actually a bad idea to change the server hosts file.

can the different hosts (not ip) forwarding to the same port externally?

Im just wondering, can 2 or more different external hostname/DNS redirect to multiple local servers but same port?
Let's see, I have 2 DNS internet domain for an example, myserver1.com and myserver2.com, and both I have same A record to my forwarded server IP (e.g: Under my server which only has IP address has 2 application servers but instead of trying to make they work, I use different port for each server applications for an example, serverApp1 listening to, serverApp2 listening to
My point is, is there any way or how to forward my myserver1.com:2000 to serverApp1 (port 2010), and myserver2.com:2000 to serverApp2 (port 2020) but both myserver1.com and myserver2.com has a same A record?
Im quite sure either it is in iptables or /etc/hosts or BIND issues, but guide me if I missed something. And by the way, the servers and DNS records are accessible from the internet which is the firewalls are configured properly. Thanks.
I don't have much experience in that, but I think you will need a third server/firewall/proxy listening for the incoming host and route it accordingly.
Again, I don't have much experience in that, so I'm not sure if the firewall is able to do that.
I think you can use redirection servers like apache.
In my application we want to access lot of intranet servers from internet. So what we did, we configured a apache with all the mappings in httpd.
So when ever a request to apache comes, it will be redirected appropriately.
For example - I have two servers or hostname in intranet : 1) abc.com:7300/context1
2) xyz.com:8900/context2
We configured a apache with host name abcxyz.com:9000. When a request like
abcxyz.com:9000/context1 comes it will be redirected to abc.com:7300/context1 and when a request like abcxyz.com:9000/context2 comes it will be redirected to xyz.com:8900/context2.
In your case since the requests are going through the single server (, you can use redirection.
Hope it helps.

how to view "localhost" on my iPod touch

I have a website I am building on localhost:
I need to test it on my iPhone, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Do I just change my httpd-vhosts.conf file, and, if so, what are the settings?
Assuming that your development machine is called my-macbook-pro, you should just be able to navigate to http://my-macbook-pro.local/mywebsite on your iPhone.
To expand slightly on Richard J. Ross III's answer, "localhost" is a name used to refer only to the local computer. In order for your iPhone to be able to access content on that machine it must:
Have an IP address on the same network as the server machine.
This can be achieved by connecting the iPhone to a wireless access point that is on the same network as the PC, or by creating an ad-hoc wireless network between the two devices.
Respond to HTTP requests from network clients.
Assuming the server and the iPhone are on the same network, it should be possible for traffic to flow between them. However in order for your web content to be visible to the iPhone, the web server must also be configured to respond to requests made to the server machine's IP address.
This is not normally a problem as web servers are commonly configured to respond to HTTP requests sent to any of the machines IP addresses. It is possible that a server could be configured to only respond to local requests, however this is not a typical default setting
How you check or modify this setting is dependent upon the HTTP server software you are using. As this information is not specified I will include instructions for Apache2 as this is a very common choice of HTTP server.
Apache's Listen Directive
Apache's main configuration file is httpd.conf and it is located in the conf subdirectory of your Apache directory. The location of your Apache root directory will vary depending upon what operating system you are using and whether or not a custom location was chosen at installation.
The httpd.conf file contains a directive named Listen which controls the interface (IP address and port) on which Apache listens for incomming HTTP requests.
The default form of this directive is commonly
Listen 80
This specifies that the machine will respond on any of it's IP addresses to requests made on port 80, which is the default port for HTTP traffic.
You can modify the Listen directive to use any address associated with the machine including the loopback address ( which the name localhost resolves to.
If Apache is set up to only listen on the loopback address then your server machine will only respond to requests made on the local machine. In this configuration, your Listen directive will look something like:
If this is the case, you will need to change to either listening on all addresses, as in the example above, or listening only on the address used by the iPhone to communicate with the server machine.
100% working solutions
(for linux + apache + vhosts)
If you are using vhost (several sites on the same server apache) the next several tips can help you view your local websites on mobile:
1) VHOST edit -You should go to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ on your server. There can be several files .conf, each file contain a virtual host configuration for apache. Default file will look like 000-default.conf. Open it (or another one) with admin permissions sudo. In that file you should see something like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName auction.dev
ServerAdmin test#test.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/public_html/html
ErrorLog /var/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/logs/access.log combined
2) XIP.IO - this special service (its totally free) can help you. You should add to .conf file next line - ServerAlias auction.dev.*.xip.io, after this operation your file will look like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName auction.dev
ServerAlias auction.dev.*.xip.io
ServerAdmin test#test.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/public_html/html
ErrorLog /var/www/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/logs/access.log combined
After editing you should save this file and restart apache with command sudo apachectl restart.
3) View from mobile - You need to know ip of your server, in my situation ip = Now in your mobile browser just type auction.dev. and you should see your local website.
I'm working with xampp. localhost works on port 8080.
I just find my ip with ipconfig and surf to
That easy!
If you just want a better feel of the native behavior instead of just browser dev tools you can use the iOS simulator and type localhost:xxxx in safari app.
For OSX, go to System Preferences / Sharing. There, you can find and change the name of your computer. In the same section, you also have to enable "Internet Sharing" service with "iPhone USB" port.
Then you can view your website at http://{ computer_name }.local/my-website.
When you connect your ipod with the cable to your macbook the device appears in safari on your mac in the menu under developers. When you click this option you can see exact the same as you can on your ipod.
Following these steps worked for me:
It is based on Internet Sharing via USB and setting & using the device_name which is then used as mentioned as <device_name>.local:<port>