Is kafka_2.11- compatible with Zookeeper 3.4.12? - apache-kafka

Currently we are using Apache kafka_2.11- and Apache Solr 5.5 with Zookeeper 3.4.6.
But we are upgrading Apache Solr, hence need to upgrade Zookeeper to 3.4.12.
Kafka is working with this zookeeper version as per our basic testing done. But we just want to confirm whether or not Zookeeper 3.4.12 is officially supported with kafka_2.11-

Yes, it will work (just tested), but without backing up the Kafka data in Zookeeper and restoring it to the new one, then you will lose all the Kafka data, meaning your topics and committed offsets will be lost.
FWIW, it might be worth upgrading Kafka as well.


Switching Kafka from Kraft to Zookeeper

I have a recent Kafka cluster which uses Kraft. I am facing some problems with it and it is possibly due to use of Kraft. I wish to switch to Zookeeper without losing data. Downtime is okay. How do I go about it?
I'm afraid there isn't a documented process to downgrade a cluster from KRaft to ZooKeeper.
If you've found an issue with KRaft, you should report it to the Kafka project via a Jira ticket so it can get fixed.
Assuming your KRaft cluster is somewhat functional, a way to preserve your data is to create a new cluster (running ZooKeeper) and use a tool like MirrorMaker to migrate your data.

Using confluent cp-schema-registry, does it have to talk to the same Kafka you are using for producers/consumers?

We already have Kafka running in production. And unfortunately it's an older version, 0.10.2. I want to start using cp-schema-registry, from the community edition of Confluent Platform. That would mean installing the older 3.2.2 image of schema registry for compatibility with our old kafka.
From what I've read in the documentation, it seems that Confluent Schema Registry uses Kafka as it's backend for storing it's state. But the clients that are producing to/reading from Kafka topics talk to Schema Registry independently of Kafka.
So I am wondering if it would be easier to manage in production, running Schema Registry/Kafka/Zookeeper in one container all together, independent of our main Kafka cluster. Then I can use the latest version of everything. The other benefit is that standing up this new service component up could not cause any unexpected negative consequence to the existing Kafka cluster.
I find the documentation doesn't really explain well what the pros/cons of each deployment strategy are. Can someone offer guidance on how they have deployed schema registry in an environment with an existing Kafka? What is the main advantage of connecting schema registry to your main Kafka cluster?
Newer Kafka clients are backwards compatible with Kafka 0.10, so there's no reason you couldn't use a newer Schema Registry than 3.2
In the docs
Schema Registry that is included in Confluent Platform 3.2 and later is compatible with any Kafka broker that is included in Confluent Platform 3.0 and later
I would certainly avoid putting everything in one container... That's not how they're meant to be used and there's no reason you would need another Zookeeper server
Having a secondary Kafka cluster only to hold one topic of schemas seems unnecessary when you could store the same information on your existing cluster
the clients that are producing to/reading from Kafka topics talk to Schema Registry independently of Kafka
Clients talk to both. Only Avro schemas are sent over HTTP before your regular client code reaches the topic. No, schemas and client data do not have to be part of the same Kafka cluster
Anytime anyone deploys Schema Registry, it's being added to "an existing Kafka", just the difference is yours might have more data in it

Migrating topics,ACL and messages from apache kafka to confluent platform

We are migrating our application from Apache Kafka to Confluent Platform .
Apache Kafka version:1.1.0
Confluent :4.1.0
Tried these options:
Manually copying the zookeeper logs and Kafka Logs- Not an optimal way
because of volume and data correctness.
Mirror Maker - This will replicate newly created topics and ACL. It will not
migrate old details in Apache Kafka
Please suggest better approaches on this.
You can keep your existing Kafka and Zookeeper installation.
Confluent does not change any way these run or manage data.
You can configure the REST Proxy, Schema Registry, Control Center, KSQL, etc. to use your existing bootstrap servers or Zookeeper connection; nothing should need migrated, you're only adding extra consumer/producer services which just happen to be provided by Confluent.
If you later plan on upgrading your brokers, then you can start up new ones from the Confluent package, migrate the partitions, then shut down the old ones. Similarly for Zookeeper, but make sure that you have at least 2 up during this process, and always have an odd number of them available after your transition

is it ok to use the zookeeper within kafka in production?

kafka has a zookeeper.
Is it ok to use it on production?
I want to use SASL with kafka. However I cann't find a way to chieve it with the offical zookeeper. I did make it work with the kafka zookeeper. Therefore I want to know if it's ok to use the zookeeper which is in kafka on production environment.
Yes the zookeeper that comes bundled with Apache Kafka is great for production use. No need to install any different version of zookeeper from anywhere else.

Consume from Kafka 0.10.x topic using Storm 0.10.x (KafkaSpout)

I am not sure if this a right question to ask in this forum. We were consuming from a Kafka topic by Storm using the Storm KafkaSpout connector. It was working fine till now. Now we are supposed to connect to a new Kafka cluster having upgraded version 0.10.x from the same Storm env which is running on version 0.10.x.
From storm documentation ( I can see that storm 1.1.0 is compatible with Kafka 0.10.x onwards supporting the new Kafka consumer API. But in that case I won't be able to run the topology in my end (please correct me if I am wrong).
Is there any work around for this?
I have seen that even if the New Kafka Consumer API has removed ZooKeeper dependency but we can still consume message from it using the old by passing the --zookeeper flag instead of new –bootstrap-server flag (recommended). I run this command from using Kafka 0.9 and able to consume from a topic hosted on Kafka 0.10.x
When we are trying to connect getting the below exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException: KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLoss for /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
at storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader.getBrokerInfo( ~[stormjar.jar:?]
at storm.kafka.trident.ZkBrokerReader.<init>( ~[stormjar.jar:?]
But we are able to connect to the remote ZK server and validated that the path exists:
./ -server remoteZKServer:2181
[zk: remoteZKServer:2181(CONNECTED) 5] ls /brokers/topics/mytopic/partitions
[3, 2, 1, 0]
As we can see above that it's giving us expected output as the topic has 4 partitions in it.
At this point have the below questions:
1) Is it at all possible to connect to Kafka 0.10.x using Storm version 0.10.x ? Has one tried this ?
2) Even if we are able to consume, do we need to make any code change in order to retrieve the message offset in case of topology shutdown/restart. I am asking this as we will passing the Zk cluster details instead of the brokers info as supported in old KafkaSpout version.
Running out of options here, any pointers would be highly appreciated
We are able to connect and consume from the remote Kafka topic while running it locally using eclipse. To make sure storm does not uses the in-memory zk we have used the overloaded constructor LocalCluster("zkServer",port), it's working fine and we can see the data coming. This lead us to conclude that version compatibility might not be the issue here.
However still no luck when deployed the topology in cluster.
We have verified the connectivity from storm box to zkservers
The znode seems fine also ..
At this point really need some pointers here, what could possibly be wrong with this and how do we debug that? Never worked with Kafka 0.10x before so not sure what exactly are we missing.
Really appreciate some help and suggestions
Storm 0.10x is compatible with Kafka 0.10x . We can still uses the old KafkaSpout that depends on zookeeper based offset storage mechanism.
The connection loss exception was coming as we were trying to reach a remote Kafka cluster that does not allow/accept connection from our end. We need to open specific firewall port so that the connection can be established. It seems that while running topology is cluster mode all the supervisor nodes should be able to talk to the zookeeper, so the firewall should be open for each one of them.