SwiftPM package discovery tool - swift

What is a good way to discover available Swift Packages that work with Swift Package Manager and that I can import in my own Swift package?
https://swiftmodules.com/ seems to be down and IBM deprecated Swift Package Catalog (https://developer.ibm.com/swift/2017/12/07/package-catalog-sandbox-deprecation/)
Is there something like https://www.npmjs.com/ for SwiftPM?

There isn't at the moment.. IBM had one up for a while but that died down.. It appears that for now, SPM won't have the same sort of relationship as "NPM" (node package manager) does with modules.

It looks like SwiftPM has been registered at https://libraries.io. https://libraries.io/swiftpm

I received a reply on swift.org forum; sharing it here to spread the knowledge in case others are looking for more info on SwiftPM tools.
The link to the original source:
The link to the github project:


Microsoft.MixedReality.QR is nonexistent despite NuGet installation

I am working on a project in MixedReality using mainly MRTK and its features. I found out that MRTK can use QR codes to read data, and I wanted to use it and try multiples ideas.
The problem is that, currently, is seems any QR feature is nonexistent in my project.
I Installed the NuGet package Microsoft.MixedReality.QR and its corresponding Microsoft.VCRTForwarders.14 package, as indicated in
But anything I try in code, from my project, will tell me in the console window that the namespace could not be found, and all cascading items (properties, classes, functions) could not be found either, none of them.
It is weird since everything should be installed and up to date ( I verified this directly in Visual Studio and everything is there).
Any kind of help would be much appreciated, thanks !
For Unity projects, you need to import NuGet for Unity to install Mixed Reality QR NuGet package. Meanwhile the tutorial you are referring is not an official document. Some types/classes are defined by the author and are not included in Microsoft.MixedReality.QR namespace.
Please refer to the new QR sample on https://github.com/yl-msft/QRTracking and all the C# API references are listed on QR Code tracking API reference
I've been developing an app that uses QRcode on the hololens as well. I ran into that issue before, and the console seemed to throw that error for me because I was using the wrong version of the MRTK services in the Microsoft Mixed Reality Feature Tool. I would recommend using version 2.6.1 for all your services. Do you by any chance have a problem where "QR tracking is not supported" for the Unity Project you are building?

What is the official way to host dart / flutter package in enterprise (private) environment?

Since the package pub_server is discontinued. But get recommended for that use case in the README.md from pub-dev
So I'm a bit confused about what is now the recommended way.
I know about the package unpub but it doesn't feel right to use it in an environment.
Is there something official from the dart team which is not discontinued?
You can use internal private pub server.
Flutter team use the same for Internal private packages and plugins.
To use this server you have to install mongodb.

What's the idea of Microsoft's "....Abstractions" Nuget packages?

Can someone explain the general idea behind providing ... Abstraction packages?
As an example, when I search for the word "hosting" in VS NuGet package manager, in the list of findings there are:
Are these all related? Some seem to be platform dependent (AspNetCore) while others are not? Is there a general rule that tells me when to choose which?
Suppose I want to implement BackgroundService in a .NET5 class library, which of these NuGets shall I install? (It seems that Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions works fine for me, but I had to try that out.)
The idea is that a library or package that you provide would only reference the Abstraction packages for easier compatibility.
E.g. if you ship a company-wide NuGet package with some business logic in it or a custom client, you may want to use ILogger / ILogger<T> for logging but not actually depend on any implementation for logging (both the built-in loggers or Serilog etc.), so you can reference the logging abstractions for these interfaces.

are #flurry supporting Swift Package manager

I'm not a big fan of cocoa pods, and are trying to modernise a project, getting rid of all the cocoa pods for a start, and #flurry is one of them. is there a Swift Package manager implementation of #flurry
I don't think so no. Swift package manager is comparatively new so it would take time for developers to port their cocoapods to SPM. But, there is already a request to add SPM support that has been closed, due to the unavailability of support to add binary in SPM. Check this link.

Is there any benefit of uploading package on nuget?

I am wondering there is no benefit of uploading package on nuget then why people spent too much time to create a package and upload it on nuget?
Yes, We can distributes packages without using nuget.
But think:
How will you manage versions?
How will you Define dependencies for the packages?
Where you will explain technical specifications and documentation of package?
How will you know if your package is useful or not?
How will you know that how many times users has downloaded your package?
How will ensure to your user that your package is valid and went through security checksum?
If you have all the answers then there is no need of uploading packages on nuget.