How does concat works using ipython? - ipython

Can somebody explain me the code below?
Asume n_a and n_x are known.
Questions I have for the below code are:
for the second concat, why is there no , between : and n_a
and idem for the third contact (no , between n_a and :)?
What is the difference between : n_a and n_a : ?
What is the difference in : before and after the , (in both concats ?)
concat = np.zeros((n_a + n_x, m))
concat[: n_a, :] = a_prev
concat[n_a :, :] = xt


this python program guess a random number, how to calculate the average numberguesses?

import random
i went to add another function to calculate the number guesses
def guess(x):
randomNumb = random.randint(1, x)
guess = 0
while guess != randomNumb :
guess = int(input(f'entre number between 1 and {x} : '))
if guess < randomNumb :
print('guess is low')
elif guess > randomNumb :
print('guess is high')
print(f'guess is right {randomNumb}')

How does wavg work in depth using a vectorised approach?

The objective of the snippet below is to evaluate weighted mid for n levels of an order book. The code snippet is from the book Machine Learning and Big Data with kdb+/q (2020 Wiley).
quote: ([] sym: n?`A`B; time: asc n?0t; bid1: n?10f; bidSize1: n?100 );
update bid2: 0 | bid1 - .1 * n ? 10, bidSize2: n?100, ask1: bid1 + .2 * n ? 10, askSize1: n?100 from quote;
update ask2: ask1 + .1 * n ? 10, askSize2: n?100 from `quote;
select sym,time, wmid: ( bidSize1; bidSize2; askSize1; askSize2 ) wavg (bid1; bid2; ask1; ask2) from quote
I would like to understand a generic rule for how the wavg method works in-depth for lists of vectors. Could you please help me? Appreciate your help.
There are docs here on wavg
From these docs we can see that calling wavg is the equivalent to the function {(sum x*y)%sum x}
Using your example:
q)res1:select sym,time, wmid: ( bidSize1; bidSize2; askSize1; askSize2 ) wavg (bid1; bid2; ask1; ask2) from quote;
q)res2:select sym,time, wmid:{(sum x*y)%sum x} [( bidSize1; bidSize2; askSize1; askSize2 );(bid1; bid2; ask1; ask2)] from quote;
q)res1 ~ res2
So in the case of your example we multiply bidSize1bid, bidSize2bid2, etc. , sum this result, then divide by the sums of our sizes e.g. (bidSize1[0]+ bidSize2[0] + askSize1[0] + askSize2[0];(bidSize1[1]+ bidSize2[1] + askSize1[1] + askSize2[1]; etc...)
I'm not sure if there is a more a general way of describing this but the above may help understand the nuts and bolts of what's going on

Improve PySpark implementation for finding connected components in a graph

I am currently working on the implementation of this paper describing Map Reduce Algorithm to fing connected component :
As a beginner in Big Data world , I started the implementation of CCF-Iterate (w. secondary sorting) algorithm with a small graph : 6 edges and 8 nodes. I'm running this code with the free version of Databricks.
It takes 1 minute to give a result. That seems too long for a such small example . How can I reduce this time ? What kind of optimization is possible? Any advice would be really apreciated.
The idea is to test this algo for large graphs
PySpark code:
graph = sc.parallelize([ (2,3),(1,2), (2,4), (3,5), (6,7),(7,8)])
counter_new_pair = sc.accumulator(1)
while (counter_new_pair.value > 0):
counter_new_pair = sc.accumulator(0)
#CCF Iterate Sorting
mapping_1 = x : (x[0], x[1]))
mapping_2 = x : (x[1], x[0]))
fusion = mapping_1.union(mapping_2)
fusion = fusion.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1])))
fusion = x : (x[0], sorted(x[1])))
values = fusion.filter(lambda x : x[1][0] < x[0])
key_min_value = x : (x[0], x[1][0]))
values = x : (x[1][0], x[1][1:]))
values = values.filter(lambda x : len(x[1]) != 0)
values = values.flatMap(lambda x : [(val, x[0]) for val in x[1]])
values.foreach(lambda x: counter_new_pair.add(1))
joined = values.union(key_min_value)
# CCF Dedup
mapping = x : ((x[0], x[1]), None))
graph = mapping.groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0][0], x[0][1]))

SSP Algorithm minimal subset of length k

Suppose S is a set with t elements modulo n. There are indeed, 2^t subsets of any length. Illustrate a PARI/GP program which finds the smallest subset U (in terms of length) of distinct elements such that the sum of all elements in U is 0 modulo n. It is easy to write a program which searches via brute force, but brute force is infeasible as t and n get larger, so would appreciate help writing a program which doesn't use brute force to solve this instance of the subset sum problem.
Dynamic Approach:
def isSubsetSum(st, n, sm) :
# The value of subset[i][j] will be
# true if there is a subset of
# set[0..j-1] with sum equal to i
subset=[[True] * (sm+1)] * (n+1)
# If sum is 0, then answer is true
for i in range(0, n+1) :
subset[i][0] = True
# If sum is not 0 and set is empty,
# then answer is false
for i in range(1, sm + 1) :
subset[0][i] = False
# Fill the subset table in botton
# up manner
for i in range(1, n+1) :
for j in range(1, sm+1) :
if(j < st[i-1]) :
subset[i][j] = subset[i-1][j]
if (j >= st[i-1]) :
subset[i][j] = subset[i-1][j] or subset[i - 1][j-st[i-1]]
"""uncomment this code to print table
for i in range(0,n+1) :
for j in range(0,sm+1) :
print(" ")"""
return subset[n][sm];
I got this code from here I don't know weather it seems to work.
function getSummingItems(a,t){
return a.reduce((h,n) => Object.keys(h)
.reduceRight((m,k) => +k+n <= t ? (m[+k+n] = m[+k+n] ? m[+k+n].concat(m[k].map(sa => sa.concat(n)))
: m[k].map(sa => sa.concat(n)),m)
: m, h), {0:[[]]})[t];
var arr = Array(20).fill().map((_,i) => i+1), // [1,2,..,20]
tgt = 42,
res = [];
res = getSummingItems(arr,tgt);
console.log("found",res.length,"subsequences summing to",tgt);

Does anybody know how to find the dual of the following (Boolean Algebra)? p*(q+r')

Does anybody know how to find the dual of the following (Boolean Algebra)?
Where * stands for AND, + stands for OR, and ' stands for NOT.
I have the following, but it is incorrect:
p + (qr')
not a and not b => not (a or b)
Here a = p', b = (q+r')' = (q'r). Hence p*(q+r') = (p'+q'r)'