concatenate string in crystal report - crystal-reports

I have a variable dItemDesc defined in the Group Footer:
stringvar DispItemDesc;
DispItemDesc := DispItemDesc + "> " + {Command.ItemDesc}
The display for the first record is correct, but following records just continue to concatenate the string. Where / how would I reset the variable to blank?

Create another formula as a reset. Place it at the stage you'd like it to clear out. (Presumably one section below the current Group Footer, or in the Group Header.)
stringvar DispItemDesc;
DispItemDesc := ""


Crystal Reports Suppress Group If Field Does Not Change

I want to suppress a group if a field does not change within that group. Here is a screenshot of my example data (the two red-boxed fields showing the groups that have the unchanging field):
As you can see the two groups, reservation_number 10002 and 10014, should be suppressed as their amount field does not change.
Ideally the above screenshot should become this:
Please note that there can be more than two amount rows in a group.
Follow below process
Create a formula #Initialize and write below code and place in group header
Shared numbervar counter;
Create one more formula count and write below code and place in detail where you have data rows
Shared numbervar counter;
if PreviousIsNull(amount)
then counter:=counter+0
else if previous(amount) = amount
then counter:=counter+0
else if next(amount) = amount
then counter:=counter+0
else counter:=counter+1
Create one more formula result and place in groupfooter
Shared numbervar counter;
Shared Numbervar counter1:=0;
Go to section expert and supress and write below condition:
EvaluateAfter({result}) ;
Shared numbervar counter;
if counter = 0
else false
Use below formula for supress of header:
Shared Numbervar counter1;
if counter1 = 0
else false
Let me know if this works else will suggest other way

Simple Crystal Report Formula

I am new to crystal reports.
Here is my data table "PAY_DETAILS".I need to display a "Basic Salary" field in my report.
So I need to check whether the Earn_Type is "CBS" and if it is true then display the CBS amount in the report.How to write this formula.
Amount Earn_Type
6,789.00 ER006
2,300.00 ER007
7,890.00 ER009
88.00 ER003
88.00 ER004
48,850.00 CBS
8.00 ARS
I tried creating a formula field and drag it to report.But it displays nothing.Below is my formula.
numberVar salAmount ;
use := instead of equal when assigning a value
numberVar salAmount ;
salAmount := {PAY_DETAILS.AMOUNT};

crystal reports formula field select row with minimum value

i have following data :
Name Amount
Amit 18000
Ajay 19500
Bharat 16100
how do i print the name with lowest amount in the report footer.
i tried the following formula
if {table.amount} = minimum({table.amount}) then
'Lowest Vendor - ' + {}
above formula returns a blank value.
I need this in Crystal Reports not in RDBMS.
Take a local variable and store the value in that and use the variable in report footer.
Shared Stringvar a;
Shared Stringvar b;
if {table.amount} = minimum({table.amount}) then
'Lowest Vendor - ' + {}
else '0';
if a<>'0'
then b:=a;
place this formula beside the amount column.
Create another formula and write below formula and place it in footer
Shared Stringvar b;

Crystal Reports: multi-value parameter to filter on substring value

I have a Crystal Reports 2008 file with a string parameter that accepts multiple values. I need to use this in the record selection. I know generally you can do something like
{MyTable.MyField} In Join( {?MyParam}, "," )
but I need users to enter values that may appear in a much longer field value, i.e., by substring. I tried
NumberVar index;
For index := 1 To UBound( {?MyParam} ) Do (
{?MyParam}[index] In {MyTable.MyField}
and while it doesn't throw an error, it doesn't seem to have any effect on record selection (that is, the report displays the same number of records regardless).
To be more specific, say MyTable has three records, and MyField contains the text Red Blue Green, Green Yellow Purple and Red Yellow Orange respectively. With the parameter, the user should be able to type the values red and blue in order to filter down to the first and third records.
Create a custom formula to compare two arrays for over-lapping values:
Function (Stringvar Array a0, Stringvar Array a1)
Local Numbervar i;
Local Numbervar j;
Local Booleanvar found:=false;
For i := 1 To Ubound(a0) Do (
For j := 1 To Ubound(a1) Do (
If a0[i]=a1[j] Then (
Exit For;
Reference it in your record-selection formula (RSF):
// space delimited
AND Array_Overlap( Split({MyTable.MyField}, " "), {?MyParam} ) = TRUE

For each crosstab column, highlight maximum value

I'm trying to highlight the maximum value in a Crystal Reports crosstab column, per column, i.e. show the best performing salesman in each month.
It seems like a fairly basic requirement, but I can't figure it out! The Highlighting Expert would seem to be the obvious answer, but it only works if you have defined criteria (e.g. Gross Sales > 120,000), and I'm not interested in highlighting the Totals at the end of the columns/rows....I just want the highest value row per column.
This is much more difficult than it needs to be...
Add this text to the summary field's "Tool Tip Text" conditional-formatting formula:
// this assumes that there is a Total column and that it is the left-most column.
Numbervar max:=0;
local Numbervar col;
// exclude (left-most) total column
for col := 1 to GetNumColumns-1 do (
local numbervar value := GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, col, CurrentSummaryIndex);
if value > max then max := value;
Then add this text to the same field's "Style" conditional-formatting formula:
Numbervar max;
If GridValueAt (CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex, 0) = max Then