How do you change the colour of links in VS code? - visual-studio-code

I have a theme installed on VS Code that I really like but the color it uses for links is really hard to read.
Is there a way to customise the color of these links? I don't want to throw out the entire theme just because of this one issue.

"textLink.foreground": "#e06c75",
"textLink.activeForeground": "#41a6d9"


vs code, render the inline color decorators and color picker outline

I was use vs code for a while, I was happy to see my decorator colors and color picker outline the code, but someday I just update the vs code, I don't know when that is happen, so I saw the box color between my code, I did not like it at all, so I tried so hard to make as old, I did research and googled it but not lucky to find out how to make it as old again.
see my screenshot so you can understand what I want. Thank you.
I tried to change the settings but if I uncheck this open option that color box is disappear,

How can I change syntax color tags used in HTML on My Theme?

My current theme is One Dark Pro. Overall, I like this theme but there are some syntax colors that I really don't like, such as HTML syntax colors. I really like the ones which are in Ayu theme Mirage. So, I want to edit these colors and it's been 2 days and I am stuck with this problem. I tried everything like read the VS-code docs, watch videos and read a lot of articles but can't change them. Although, I was able to change comments colors because of this article(How do I change color of comments in visual studio code?).Also, I thought about just switching to ayu theme mirage but it does not have diverse colors while coding in JavaScript.
I will attach some screen-shots please help me out guys.

Is Stackoverflow code theme available in the VScode marketplace?

random screenshot of a Stackoverflow code
I have issues with coding in day light. Specially the color. I feel lost in dark theme, doesn't matter how beautiful or intriguing it is. Tried lots and lots of day theme including VScode default. Could be hundred plus theme I have tried. Most probably, I'm color blind. Didn't test though. Anyway, nowhere I feel comfortable except the code snippet of Stackoverflow (Not funny, it's true). We all know how it looks like.
Is there any VScode theme available exactly similar ?
You can use Atom's one light theme, It works well and looked good in almost all color blindness simulations (I checked using
Check this in Marketplace
I couldn't find out a Stack Overflow code theme for you, but I found three light themes for you, maybe one serves. Of these ones, I prefer the "Quiet Light for VSC". The themes are:
1 - Quiet Light for VSC
2 - Iceberg for Visual Studio Code
3 - vue-color
But if no one of these serves for you, maybe you have to change the color of your theme manually to put it how you want.
Stack Manibu Overflow
Exactly the same color schemes.

Customize colors in VS Code?

Is it possible to customize the colors used by VSC background and text? I've tried all the color themes and none gives me what I need to see text clearly and comfortably. I can't find information on this in the Help, in the menus, or by searching on the Web.
I found the full list of color settings. I would imagine this would be useful to almost every user. It is at .

How to fix Dart hints background color

I just installed Dart, and the hints(of the autocomplete feature) had black text over dark grey background, nearly unredeable.
How can I fix this?
I already tried to change the theme of the IDE but that didn't work.
Check the image to see what I'm talking about:
I can't understand why changing the theme shouldn't help.
Beside from that you can take a look at Themes for Dart Editor (links to a tools to customize the colors)