How can you run junit5 tests across multiple projects in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am looking at migrating the unit tests for a set of projects from JUnit4 to JUnit5. This is proving to be generally pretty straightforward. However there is one problem outstanding: how to run unit tests across all projects from within Eclipse.
With JUnit4 there is a simple solution using ClassPathSuite: create a new project which has all the other projects on it's classpath and add a single class with no methods:
public class RunAllTests {
This still works fine with tests written for JUnit4 and run with JUnit5 using the vintage engine. However once tests are converted to native JUnit5 ClassPathSuite no longer finds them.
Eclipse Oxygen (v4.9.0) Test configuration only allows tests to be configured within the confines of a single project, package or source folder so does not appear to offer a solution to this problem.
Any suggestions?

JUnit 5.8 introduced #Suite and suite engine.
This functionality seems to be similar to what ClasspathSuite JUnit 4 extension offers.
Eclipse seems to be working pretty well with JUnit 5 suites:
All the tests on the screenshot come from different projects.


SBT/Scala and Integration testing

While researching on the subject of automating my integration tests, I found out a nice plugin in the maven world called FailSafe. it gives me phases like pre-integration-test, post-integration-test and integration-test.
By tying into these phases, I can have other plugins which can start/stop and run docker images.
The plugin also has a nice way in which I can differentiate between UnitTests and IntegrationTests (even though both are written in JUNIT).
Well now the question is how can I do the same thing with Scala / SBT combination?
my requirement is
Write Integration tests in SpecFlow.
Integration tests are treated differently than unit tests.
First Unit Tests are run.
Then docker containers are created and run
then integration tests are run.
docker contains are shut-down.
test results are captured in files. (just like surefire/failsafe plugins).
Is this possible in Scala/sbt combo?
A simple solution is to run $ sbt "~ it:test" (make sure integration test are in a package named 'it') for integration test which will automatically run every time source code is updated. Furthermore, $sbt "~ test" for automated unit testing. If you are using a IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA, you can make it easier to run this in a custom configuration from the IDE. Hope this helps a little bit. I run these all the time when working.
I found the answer to the question. SBT provides means to do integration test and also setup and cleanup methods to do things like creation / destruction of docker containers

Disable import of JUnit 3 classes

I want to develop JUnit 4 tests only. When writing Unit Tests, Eclipse often imports classes from junit.framework, which is JUnit 3.
This has lead to various problems, e.g. when expecting an Exception, it simply doesn't catch it if it's in the wrong package like this:
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import junit.framework.ComparisonFailure;
assertEquals(0, 1);
catch(ComparisonFailure cfe)
Strange enough, if I Ctrl+Click on ComparisonFailure, it says
Source not found
The JAR of this class belongs to container 'JUnit 4' [...]
Perhaps helpful environment information:
I don't have JUnit 3 in my build path.
Eclipse Luna 4.4.1
How can I stop Eclipse from importing JUnit 3 classes?
I have read Why is Eclipse using JUnit 3 when I have junit-4.3.1.jar in my build path?, but it's rather old and probably does not apply to Luna any more. Also, my problem is not in running the test, it's in implementing the test.
Another workaround for Eclipse's users is the following solution:
Windows -> Preferrences -> Java -> Appearance -> Type filters
and add junit.framework.* to the exclusion list.
Actually, JUnit 4 depends on some of the classes that were developed originally within JUnit 3 or reside in packages junit.*. One of such class is ComparisonFailure. If you look at latest JUnit 4.12 you will see that these packages are still there.
However, sources jar do contain java files for these classes. Perhaps your library that contains JUnit (do you use Eclipse JUnit library?) lacks source files for these? Where does your dependency (junit.jar) come from?
Which dependencies has your plugin ? Junit 3.X or 4.X ?
You could search your workspace for any references in junit 3 and change/remove them.

TestNG + Eclipse - How to see the test list from a project before running the tests?

I have multiple classes in a java project and each class is a test built with TestNG framework. How can I see the list of tests before running them?
IMethodInterceptor shows the calculated tests, however it only has the ones which are not dependent. More # site and javadoc

How do I create a self contained package of Selenium JUnit Tests?

I have a bunch of Selenium Tests which I currently run on JUnit from Eclipse. (Using the Firefox webDriver)
I need to create an easy to install/use package of these tests to give to various members of the QA team so they can run them on different computers.
Is there something that already does this, is there a way to zip up eclipse + tests so they can be run from any computer?
Yes there are a couple of ways
I use maven for managing the project dependencies and run the tests via sure-fire plugin... but it looks like an overkill for your case
You can see a simple explanintion here:
how to export (JUnit) test suite as executable jar

Beginner: How to do JUnit tests on GWT application?

I want to preform a JUnit tests on my application. I've never done JUnit testing before so I have a couple of (maybe trivial) questions:
Where should I put a test class? I came across with this thread:
Where should I put my JUnit tests?,
and the guy that answers the question is referring to maven projects, but I don't use maven. He explains (in the thread I linked above) that he puts the test class in a different location but in the same package. How can it be done in a GWT project?
How should I execute these tests once they are ready (where in the code to put the execution)?
You should begin by reviewing this: Unit Testing GWT Applications with JUnit.
The other thread is good and reflects the typical JUnit practice, and isn't specific to maven: use a mirror of your package tree under a directory called test. So for instance if your GWT EntryPoint module is located in this directory structure:
Then your test code will be here:
If you've created your GWT project using webAppCreator then you should already have a test directory containing the package structure as described.
If you use webAppCreator to create your project, the project can be created with unit testing built-in like so:
webAppCreator -junit -out MyProject com.myproject.mypackage.MyEntryPoint
This will create a test target. If you're using Eclipse, then you should have a Run selection for: Run As -> GWT Unit Test for running your tests.
If you're using ant instead of Eclipse then this should run your unit tests:
ant test
If you didn't use -junit to create the project, the test targets are typically still there, just commented out. Search junit in build.xml to find the targets, and un-comment them.
You need to take a look at this article, MVP1 and MVP2, these are a pattern designs used to Unit Test your application in pure java environment, because using GWT Test Case runs very slow the patterns also has many advantages like separate the logic from the view so you can change the view for Android, for example.