Storing relational data in Apache Flink as State and querying by a property - scala

I have a database with Tables T1(id, name, age) and T2(id, subject).
Flink receives all updates from the database as event stream using something like debezium. The tables are related to each other and required data can be extracted by joining T1 with T2 on id. Currently the whole state of the database is stored in Flink MapState with id as the key. Now the problem is that I need to select the row based on name from T1 without using id. It seems like I need an index on T1(name) for making it faster. Is there any way I can automatically index it, without having to manually create an index for each table. What is the recommended way for doing this?. I know about SQL streaming on tables, but I require support for updates to the tables. By the way, I use Flink with Scala. Any pointers/suggestions would be appreciated.

My understanding is that you are connecting T1 and T2, and storing some representation (in MapState) of the data from these two streams in keyed state, keyed by id. It sounds like T1 and T2 are evolving over time, and you want to be able to interactively query the join at any time by specifying a name.
One idea would be to broadcast in the name(s) you want to select, and use a KeyedBroadcastProcessFunction to process them. In its processBroadcastElement method you could use ctx.applyToKeyedState to compute the results by extracting data from the MapState records (which would have to be held in this operator). I suspect you will want to use the names as the keys in these MapState records, so that you don't have to iterate over all of the entries in each map to find the items of interest.
You will find a somewhat similar example of this pattern in


Is it right use-case of KSql

I am using KStreams where I need to de-duplicate the data. Source ingests duplicated data due to many reasons i.e data itself duplicate, re-partitioning.
Currently using Redis for this use-case where data is stored something as below
id#object list-of-applications-processed-this-id-and-this-object
As KSQL is implemented on top of RocksDB which is also a Key-Value database, can I use KSql for this use case?
At the time of successful processing, I would add an entry to KSQL. At the time of reception, I will have to check the existence of the id in KSQL.
Is it correct use case as per KSql design in the event processing world?
If you want to use to use ksqlDB as a cache, you can create a TABLE using the topic as data source. Note that a CREATE TABLE statement by itself, does only declare a schema (it does not pull in any data into ksqlDB yet).
CREATE TABLE inputTable <schemaDefinition> WITH(kafka_topic='...');
Check out the docs for more details:
To pull in the data, you can create a second table via:
This will run a query in the background, that read the input data and puts the result into the ksqlDB server. Because the query is a simple SELECT * it effectively pulls in all data from the topic. You can now issue "pull queries" (i.e, lookups) against the result to use TABLE cache as desired:
Future work:
We are currently working on adding "source tables" (cf that will make this setup simpler. If you declare a source table, you can do the same with a single statement instead of two:
CREATE SOURCE TABLE cache <schemaDefinition> WITH(kafka_topic='...');

ksqlDB: Best way to create Tables from a Debezium source topics?

I would like to create Tables in ksqlDB from Debezium source topics, with the ultimate aim of performing a left join on these tables and efficiently outputting materialized views to a downstream database using the JDBC sink connector.
The Debezium source topics have not had any transforms applied (such as ExtractNewRecordState), so contain a 'before' and 'after' property, as described in the Debezium documentation here.
The reason for not applying the ExtractNewRecordState transform (which would presumably simplify matters) is that the source CDC topics may be used for various purposes and it does not appear possible to create multiple topics off the same source database table (since topic names are automatically determined by Debezium and depend on the database server, schema and table name as described here).
The best approach I have found so far is to:
create a stream in ksqlDB from the raw Debezium input, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='mssql.dbo.user', VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO');
create a second stream selecting the required fields from the 'after' property of the first stream, e.g.:
CREATE STREAM user_stream2 AS SELECT AFTER->user_id, AFTER->username, AFTER->email FROM user_stream EMIT CHANGES;
finally, convert the second stream to a table as described here, namely:
SELECT user_id,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(username) AS username,
LATEST_BY_OFFSET(email) AS email
FROM user_stream2
GROUP BY user_id
These steps must be repeated to generate each Table, at which point a join can be performed on the Tables to produce an output.
This seems quite long-winded, with a lot of intermediate steps. Performance also seems sluggish. Is there a better and/or more direct way to generated materialized views using ksqlDB and Debezium? Can any of the steps be cut out and/or should I be using a different approach in step 3 (such as a windowing function)?
I'm particularly keen to ensure that the approach taken is the most efficient from a performance and resource usage perspective.

Kafka Connect and Custom Queries

I'm interested in using the Kafka Source JDBC connector to perform to a publish to Kafka, for when an Invoice gets created. On the source end, it's broken up into 2 tables Invoice, and InvoiceLine.
Is this possible, using custom queries. What would the query look like?
Also since its polling, what gets published could contain one or more invoices in a topic?
Yes, you can use custom queries. From the docs:
Custom Query: The source connector supports using custom queries instead of copying whole tables. With a custom query, one of the other update automatic update modes can be used as long as the necessary WHERE clause can be correctly appended to the query. Alternatively, the specified query may handle filtering to new updates itself; however, note that no offset tracking will be performed (unlike the automatic modes where incrementing and/or timestamp column values are recorded for each record), so the query must track offsets itself.

Build table of tables from other databases in Postgres - (Multiple-Server Parallel Query Execution?)

I am trying to find the best solution to build a database relation. I need something to create a table that will contain data split across other tables from different databases. All the tables got exactly the same structure (same column number, names and types).
In the single database, I would create a parent table with partitions. However, the volume of the data is too big to do it in a single database that's why I am trying to do a split. From the Postgres documentation what I think I am trying to do is "Multiple-Server Parallel Query Execution".
At the moment the only solution I think to implement is to build API of databases address and use it to get data across the network into the main parent database when needed. I also found Postgres external extension called Citus that might do the job but I don't know how to implement the unique key across multiple databases (or Shards like Citus call it).
Is there any better way to do it?
Citus would most likely solve your problem. It lets you use unique keys across shards if it is the distribution column, or if it is a composite key and contains the distribution column.
You can also use distributed-partitioned table in citus. That is a partitioned table on some column (timestamp ?) and hash distributed table on some other column (like what you use in your existing approach). Query parallelization and data collection would be handled by Citus for you.

Does the entity framework preserve ordering when it does inserts into the database?

We plan on using identity columns in our sql server database. Currently we are using guids to generate unique ids, but it turns out that the ordering is relevant so we consider switching to identity columsn.
Since ordering is relevant we want to make sure that the order in which we add objects to the entity context is also the order in which they are inserted into the database. This is relevant since sql server will be generating values for the identity column.
Is this guaranteed by the entity framework? If not, what is an efficient solution to generating your own unique integer ids for a database that is being updated from different processes.
I am just guessing here (although it should be pretty easy to test), but I don't think EF can guarantee the order. I am pretty sure that the internal structure is based on an IEnumerable type, probably a List, which are just enumerated during insert, and enumeration is as far as I know not guaranteed to be in the same order every time.
I would instead add a dedicated "sort order" column to your database table and take it form there.
I wouldn't rely on the insert order as the order of your records returned. Sure, it'll work most of the time, but what if you ever need to insert a row somewhere? I'd say your best bet is to add an ordinal column and actively generate ordinals for each row as you'd like them to be returned.