Edit Text During Google Slides Presentation - presentation

I am trying to build a form in google slides. The form will have specific user inputs like first/last name, email, and zipcode. These inputs will be added to a google spreadsheet after the user submits. It isn't necessary that this happens at that time as most of the time, I will be using this form offline.
I do not wish to use google forms to avoid scrolling or single entry pages. The form would be one slide. How do I create a text box that is editable during a presentation?

You cannot edit when presenting, slides are just pictures/videos. You must go with Google Forms or make your own GUI.


How can I create a funnel in GA4 when the URL is the same?

I'm trying to create a funnel on a form in GA4, but the next steps are all located within a single URL page. On the same page you fill out a form click next then fill out the next part of the form etc. I'm trying to figure out how to create a funnel for each text box in all the forms, but dont seem to have that option in the explore tab.

Using spfx webparts, would there be a way to either programmatically send an email which has a link to open a modal or using flow?

I want an spfx made webpart that I've made be able to send an email (I'm using IEmailProperties at the moment) which provides a link to a modal form?
For example:
User clicks button in webpart, form loads.
User fills out form and submits it to SP list.
Form sends email on submission. Email has a link to the actual item created, so when the user clicks the provided email link, it opens up the modal form.
I would presume that the user would HAVE to be sent to the SP page where the webpart is unconditionally, but would it be possible to open up the modal corresponding to the SP list item?
Is this feature available in SharePoint framework, because if it isn't, compared to something like InfoPath 2013 or PowerApps it's quite a limitation.
I've researched this with several shallow Google searches and on gitHub for any premade stuff, but alas there is nothing that I've spotted.
I've been told IT IS possible:
"Yeah, they’d have to visit the page. Email clients don’t do JavaScript so you can’t really do interactive stuff there. If you want to take them directly to a page that then displays a modal, that’s plenty possible though. (e.g. display the modal based on if the URL contains a certain string)"
But wouldn't know how to do the above, can anyone start me on the right path?
In the email, pass a query string containing the item ID/list ID etc of the item, then have the webpart read the See: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? If your values exist. If they do exist, then open the modal using some kind of framework like bootstrap or fluent UI. You can write your own form using PnPjs or use an iframe potentially to display the OOTB edit form.
Additionally, you can link to any page in SharePoint provided you use an extension instead of a webpart to host the modal. You can install extensions tenant wide, and have it listen for the query string.

PowerApps- how to create a form where users can edit or delete rows that have been submitted

What I have:
As of now, I have created a Form (editable) where the user can enter their Name, Number, and Birthday, then hit the submit button, and that data is then entered into a Data Table. This information is also stored into Google Sheets for which I have created a flow. (when the user hits "submit", trigger the data to be updated into the google sheet).
What I need:
I would like users to be able to mess with the submitted data in the app itself (add a row, delete a row when you click on it, edit the row's info, etc), so essentially my powerapp is a nice front end for the Google Sheet. Is it possible to mess with the data once it is entered into the data table?
Any help how to do this would be appreciated.
I believe you started building Canvas app from scratch, so the screen has list below and "Add screen" on top. This way you have to introduce the Edit screen/operation & save changes using PATCH command.
There is another way: Create an app automatically from your data in PowerApps. This will give you the Browse Screen, Detail Screen & Edit Screen (aka New record screen) by default with all the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations right away using the Connection - Google sheet in your case.
Video tutorial for assistance

How to enable hyperlinks in grid

I have a document that contains a grid (Among others).
One column in the grid has full hyperlinks leading to a ticketing system, i.e.
I want to enable users to click on the URL and open the ticket in a new browserwindow.
How do I do that?
I assume the url is an attribute form, if you right click on the column header you should be able to create the link (below the example in web, but it works similarly also in Developer).
The attribut needs to be formatted with HTML tags to be a clickable link, using to encapsule the URL-string.
This is done in the data model.

How to store text from field with Google Tag Manager on a form submission

I'm trying to catch email address as a variable with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on signup form submit on http://cloud.feedgee.com/ru/signup and fire a tag with it. On submit, the page is being reloaded.
By now tried to catch it with Form submission by form id set as shown on screenshot) and a Button click as a Custom event with it's click id
I initiated a DOM element variable with Id of the Form text field (Element Id=ContentPlace_loginEmail)
With these settings in Preview mode on Form Submit, I can not see my Tag in "Tags Fired On This Page" row before page reload.
What can be the reasons for this if Id's of the elements are correct?
May it depend on the container script location on the page?
Now It's located right after the HTML tag.
Can I store form text field in a DOM variable to use it in the tag?
If you want to store the email value in your own API, Google Tag Manager is not the right tool for you. You should only use it to track events that fit under Google's terms of use.
Having said that, when you're working with forms in GTM, hold the <shift> key with you click the submit button. If you do that, a new tab will open up, but the current page wont get redirected or refresh. You'll then be able to see what data is being pushed to the dataLayer.