In TICKscript (Kapacitor), how will you split the string? - kapacitor

For example,
var str1 = ""
I need something as follows,
var splitted = split(str1,":")
var only_hostname = splitted[0] //will give*
How can we actually achieve the same in TICKscript?

You could define the variable as a regex...Something like var str1 =~ / so you will aggregate by host independant of ports...
I never need exactly your use case, but maybe in the go specs you could find what you need!


Does the String argument to PageStorageKey really matter?

When Supplying a PageStorageKey, does it really matter what the argument value is?
Asking another way, are two instances of PageStorageKey with the same string argument unique or equivalent?
In other languages, things like this use their storage reference to disambiguate, so the actual text linked to the object doesn't matter.
I'm trying to determine if I need to ensure that all PageStorageKeys in my application have to have unique strings as a seed, or can I just boilerplate them all to the same value?
var psKey1 = PageStorageKey<String>('Am I the same or different than my sibling?');
var psKey2 = PageStorageKey<String>('Am I the same or different than my sibling?');
It appears two PageStorageKeys with the same String initializer are considered the same.
I wrote a short example and ran it under debugging
Test 1
var psKey1 = PageStorageKey('am I a clone');
var psKey2 = PageStorageKey('am I a clone');
var equivalent = psKey1 == psKey2;
equivalent = true;
Test 2
var psKey1 = PageStorageKey('am I a clone');
var psKey2 = PageStorageKey('am I not a clone');
var equivalent = psKey1 == psKey2;
equivalent = false;
I will be proceeeding under the presumption that all PageStorageKeys need to be unique within a given scope.

Swift4 right way to test substrings against strings?

I'm parsing the first two characters on a line of text and doing lots of comparisons against possible patterns:
In my Card class:
static let ourTypes = ["PL", "SY", "XT"]
In lots of other places:
if Card.ourTypes.contains(line[0..<2]) { continue }
Swift4 (3?) changed the []'s to return a Substring. I know I can cast it back with String(line[0..<2]), but I suspect that's the wrong solution... is there a better way?
One way would be to make your ourTypes array to be [Substring], then you wouldn't have to convert your Substring to make contains work:
static let ourTypes: [Substring] = ["PL", "SY", "XT"]
if Card.ourTypes.contains(line.prefix(2)) { continue }
#matt's observation that searching with contains is better with a Set (because it's more efficient) can be accomplished with:
static let ourTypes: Set<Substring> = ["PL", "SY", "XT"]
The String cast, while a bit jarring, is not expensive. Deriving a true independent substring from a string simply is a two-step process: access the slice, then unlink the indices and storage from the original. That is all that String() means here. So I think your original approach is actually correct and nonproblematic.
If you really want to stay in the String world, though, you can, by calling removeSubrange instead of taking a slice. You give up the convenience of slice notation and slice-related methods, but everything depends on your priorities. And by the way, if contains is your main test here, use a Set, not an Array:
let ourTypes = Set(["PL", "SY", "XT"])
var line = "PLARF"
line.removeSubrange(line.index(line.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)...)
ourTypes.contains(line) // true

How do I add initial value to empty string?

I want to see if a string is empty, and if so, insert the number "1".
how do i do this in swift 3?
perhaps something like this:
var example = String()
if example.isEmpty {
example = "1"
For some further reading about the basic empty string syntax in swift i'd recommend:

How do I take a substring to the first index of a character?

I'm very new to Swift; I've spent the morning reading StackOverflow and trying many strategies, in vain, to accomplish the following:
I have a string, say "12345 is your number!"
I want to extract "12345" to a variable.
In Java, I'd do something like:
String myStr = "12345 is your number!";
return myStr.substring(0, myStr.indexOf(" "));
How do I do something similar in Swift? I don't want to hard-code any assumptions about what the ending index will be. It might be 5 characters in, it might not. I just want to take the substring of everything up to the first occurrence of " ", wherever that might be.
The closest I've gotten so far is:
var myMessage = "12345 is your number!"
myMessage.endIndex.advancedBy(myMessage.characters.count - myMessage.characters.indexOf(" "))
but it doesn't compile for reasons I don't fully yet grok("Binary operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type Distance (aka 'Int') and 'String.CharacterView.Index?'")
Any help on this is appreciated. Thank you.
Something like this should work:
myMessage.substringToIndex(myMessage.characters.indexOf(" ")!)
Note that in this code I force unwrapped the optional. If you're not guaranteed to have that space in the string, it might make more sense to have the index in a optional binding.
With optional binding, it would look something like this:
if let index = myMessage.characters.indexOf(" ") {
let result = myMessage.substringToIndex(index)
You can use a regex, try this code:
var myMessage = "12345 is your number!"
if let match = myMessage.rangeOfString("-?\\d+", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) {
print(myMessage.substringWithRange(match)) // 12345
let myNumber = Int(myMessage.substringWithRange(match)) // Then you can initialize a new variable
The advantage is that this method extracts only the numbers wherever they are in the String
Hope this help ;)
With Swift 5 you can use:
myStr.prefix(upTo: myStr.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? myStr.startIndex)
You may need to cast it back to String (String(myStr.prefix(upTo: myStr.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? myStr.startIndex))) since it returns a Substring

Swift: Remove text from string [duplicate]

I'm very new to Swift; I've spent the morning reading StackOverflow and trying many strategies, in vain, to accomplish the following:
I have a string, say "12345 is your number!"
I want to extract "12345" to a variable.
In Java, I'd do something like:
String myStr = "12345 is your number!";
return myStr.substring(0, myStr.indexOf(" "));
How do I do something similar in Swift? I don't want to hard-code any assumptions about what the ending index will be. It might be 5 characters in, it might not. I just want to take the substring of everything up to the first occurrence of " ", wherever that might be.
The closest I've gotten so far is:
var myMessage = "12345 is your number!"
myMessage.endIndex.advancedBy(myMessage.characters.count - myMessage.characters.indexOf(" "))
but it doesn't compile for reasons I don't fully yet grok("Binary operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type Distance (aka 'Int') and 'String.CharacterView.Index?'")
Any help on this is appreciated. Thank you.
Something like this should work:
myMessage.substringToIndex(myMessage.characters.indexOf(" ")!)
Note that in this code I force unwrapped the optional. If you're not guaranteed to have that space in the string, it might make more sense to have the index in a optional binding.
With optional binding, it would look something like this:
if let index = myMessage.characters.indexOf(" ") {
let result = myMessage.substringToIndex(index)
You can use a regex, try this code:
var myMessage = "12345 is your number!"
if let match = myMessage.rangeOfString("-?\\d+", options: .RegularExpressionSearch) {
print(myMessage.substringWithRange(match)) // 12345
let myNumber = Int(myMessage.substringWithRange(match)) // Then you can initialize a new variable
The advantage is that this method extracts only the numbers wherever they are in the String
Hope this help ;)
With Swift 5 you can use:
myStr.prefix(upTo: myStr.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? myStr.startIndex)
You may need to cast it back to String (String(myStr.prefix(upTo: myStr.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? myStr.startIndex))) since it returns a Substring