what's wrong with my onDestroy? (old api camera) - android-camera

I've been writing a flashlight app as my very first app to learn the fundamentals, and although everything is working out fine, the flash doesn't work when I close the app (until I reboot or open some other camera app).
Is anything wrong with my onDestroy?
public void onDestroy(){
if(camera != null){
camera = null;}}
I'm using the old camera API as my only available device runs on API 21. Looking at the package documentation suggests I'm doing everything ok. The flash behaves normally, but as soon as I pause the activity or close the app the flash becomes unavailable, even though I thought I was releasing it.

Problem solved, missed the same code in onPause() and onStop().
Works flawlessly now.


Flutter audioplayers package: Android vs iOS

I'm quite new into flutter and coding in general. I'm trying to build a meditation app, that plays a bell every 30/60/120... seconds, depends on user input. My code works perfectly fine on Android device, but when running on iOS, it plays bell only once and doesn't play anymore. Any suggestions please? Thank you!
if (((widget.meditation.notification) != 0) &&
((_time % widget.meditation.notification) == 0)) {
print('notification $_time');
Finally I found solution, simply everytime .release() must be called.
By default, the player will be release once the playback is finished or the stop method is called.
This is because on Android, a MediaPlayer instance can be quite resource-heavy, and keep it unreleased would cause performance issues if you play lots of different audios.
On iOS and macOS this doesn't apply, so release does nothing.

Recording interrupted by multitasking and content resizing

A try to start a screen recording with RPScreenRecorder. I got the following error:
Recording interrupted by multitasking and content resizing
func startRecording() {
let recorder = RPScreenRecorder.shared()
recorder.startRecording(handler: { (error) in
if let unwrappedError = error {
} else {
Before iOS 12.0 everything worked fine. From the update I get the error above.
My app has been rejected from App store for the same reason. So far the only workaround is to reboot the device.
I had a similar problem and here is how I solved it.
go to project then targets then capability switch on Background mode then enable audio and VOIP. It should work
I've done a lot of research on the errors and posted the solution Here.
For now my screen recording feature is bug free. But who knows what comes with the new OS updates
We've been rejected same issue several times.
But we found a senario to re-produce as bellow,
We reported it on Resolution Center in App Store Connect, then passed.
connect iOS(12.4) device to host launched XCode 10.3
(regardless of opened related project)
cold boot iOS device.
launch app and start recording video ASAP(until 30sec after booted)
Now iOS13, we don't face this error at the above senario.

Unity3D - Unity Ads lower down my Android FPS

So I decided to finally put Unity Ads on my Android game. I tried to build it on Windows platform and found no problem (FPS is fine)
But when I rebuilt it for Android, my FPS scaled down to 30+, what just happened?
I didn't put anything but integrating the Unity Ads so this time I just comment out the Ads that initializes the ads.
void InitializeAds(){
IEnumerator ShowAdWhenReady(){
yield return null;
In hopes that the FPS will go back to normal. But heck when I recompiled the APK and installed it on my phone the FPS still around 30+ FPS :/
Any help regarding this? I'm certain my game has good frame rate before I put the ads so I know there must be some kind of bugs on the plugin.
By the way, I invoked the InitializedAds on the Start method.
I installed Unity Remote from Google Play to see if it's also going to have same low FPS but its NORMAL. So I recompiled the current Unity project, installed on my phone, FPS still SUCKS. This is so straaange T.T
Please try this for making FPS higher in your game,
Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
I guess, your problem will solved using this line.

Cannot Change to a specific scene in Unity after building it to mobile device

Currently I'm using Application.load() to change scenes and it works perfectly in Unity. When I built it to a mobile platform and tested it, only in that one scene I can't change to a specific scene.
For example, gameplayScene, levelSelectionScene, mainMenu. I'm able to change scene from mainMenu to levelSelectionScene and then to gameplayScene. For unknown reason, I'm unable to go back to levelSelectionScene from gameplayScene while I can change scene to mainMenu from gameplayScene.
Below is the sample code from button that goes to levelSelectionScene from gameplayScene
private void OnClick ()
Debug.Log ("clicked");
if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SanguineDifficultyAchieved") == 1)
Debug.Log("Entering Difficulty");
m_Owner.SetActive ();
State.Current = State.NotInGame;
m_Owner.close ();
I don't understand why it works on Unity debugger but then it doesn't work on mobile platforms.
Update 1
I tried to use numbers instead of strings it worked well. But I still don't understand the reason why.
Finally got an answer. It seems that the scenes collided with each other because I use scenes from Asset Bundle and the added scenes from build settings. That is why the when i use Application.Load(int number) works because i only access the scene from build settings.

Prevent iOS mobile safari from going idle / auto-locking / sleeping?

In an iOS app you can set application.idleTimerDisabled = YES to prevent the phone from auto locking.
I need to do this in mobile safari for a game like Doodle Jump where the user may not touch the screen for an extended period of time. Is there any documented method or hack to do this?
They seem to be doing it somehow in this site http://www.uncoveryourworld.com. Visit from your iphone and when you get to the buildings/street scene with music playing in the background just leave your phone alone. It never goes to sleep.
(Update 2)
I've spent some time taking a closer look at how they might be keeping the phone from going to sleep. I've done a barebones test and it seems that the way they are looping the audio in the street scene is what keeps it from going to sleep. If you'd like to test this just put a simple audio player that loops on your page and click play:
<audio src="loop.mp3" onended="this.play();" controls="controls" autobuffer></audio>
Everywhere I searched it is being said that this isn't possible, so it is nice to see there is at least some way to do it even if a bit of a hack. Otherwise a browser based game with doodle-jump style play would not be possible. So you could have a loop in your game/app if appropriate or just play a silent loop.
NoSleep.js seems to work in iOS 11 and it reportedly works on Android as well.
Old answer
This is a simple HTML-only method to do that: looping inline autoplaying videos (it might also work in Android Chrome 53+)
<video playsinline muted autoplay loop src="https://rawgit.com/bower-media-samples/big-buck-bunny-480p-30s/master/video.mp4" height=60></video>
See the same demo on CodePen (includes a stopwatch)
Avoid loading a big video just for this. Perhaps make a short, tiny, black-only video or use
To make it fully work, the videos needs to be always in the viewport or you need to start its playback via JS: video.play()
Edit: This work around no longer works. It is not currently possible to prevent the phone from sleeping in safari.
Yes, you can prevent the phone to sleep using an audio loop. The trick won't start automatically, you will have to play it when the visitor touches the screen.
<audio loop src="http://www.sousound.com/music/healing/healing_01.mp3"></audio>
Test page: tap play and the display will stay on but it will dim on some devices, like an iPhone with iOS 7.
Note: be careful using this trick because it will stop any music that the visitors might be using—and it will annoy them.
No, you can't do this, unfortunately. The only way to achieve this is by making a UIWebView-application and setting the variable you provided there.
[edit] random bug behavior, sometimes lockscreen media controls showing, sometimes not
Years later, updated my code
Easy steps :
unlock audio context
create silent sound
loop it and play forever
keep tab active
Working on Safari iOs 15.3.1, tab & browser in background, screen off
// unlock audio context
let ctx = null;
// create silent sound
let bufferSize = 2 * ctx.sampleRate,
emptyBuffer = ctx.createBuffer(1, bufferSize, ctx.sampleRate),
output = emptyBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// fill buffer
for(let i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
output[i] = 0;
// create source node
let source = ctx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = emptyBuffer;
source.loop = true;
// create destination node
let node = ctx.createMediaStreamDestination();
// dummy audio element
let audio = document.createElement("audio");
audio.style.display = "none";
// set source and play
audio.srcObject = node.stream;
// background exec enabled
Even if this approach might not be suitable in every case, you can prevent your phone from locking by reloading the page using Javascript.
// This will trigger a reload after 30 seconds
self.location = self.location
}, 30000);
Please note that I tested this with iOS7 beta 3
You can stop sleeping and screen dimming in iOS Safari by faking a refresh every 20–30 seconds
var stayAwake = setInterval(function () {
location.href = location.href; //try refreshing
window.setTimeout(window.stop, 0); //stop it soon after
}, 30000);
Please use this code responsibly, don't use it "just because". If it's only needed for a bit, disable it.
clearInterval(stayAwake); //allow device sleep again when not needed
Tested in Safari iOS 7, 7.1.2, and 8.1, but it may not work in UIWebView browsers like Chrome for iOS or the Facebook app.
Demo: http://jsbin.com/kozuzuwaya/1
bfred.it's answer works if you replace the audio-tag with a enter code here -tag - but only if the page is open in iOS10+ Safari AND the user has started the video. You can hide the video with CSS.
Also, I suspect that this feature will also be removed at some point.
This is based on nicopowa's answer, which saves a PWA from being suspended by iOS. (Playing an infinite loop of nothing keeps the app running - even with the screen turned off.)
In order to also make sure that it's triggered by user interaction,
the only thing to change is instead of
let ctx = null
let ctx = new AudioContext()